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ارسال های توصیه شده

سلام عزیزم

مرچی جیگر:mbj6ivxkw3ccem7bie7

یخورده پروشم و بپرسم مطلبِ خاصیم در موردشون داری آیا من بدونم؟:hanghead:


سلام گلم..خوشحالم که خوشت اومده..mbj6ivxkw3ccem7bie7e.gif


هر کدومو سرچ کنی تو نت یه عالمه مطلب جالب واسه هر سطحی بخوای برات میاره:w16:

چیز خاصی ندارم..چون خودمم تو نت سرچ میکنم بعد ارائه میدم:hanghead:

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بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

سلام عزیزم

مرچی جیگر:mbj6ivxkw3ccem7bie7

یخورده پروشم و بپرسم مطلبِ خاصیم در موردشون داری آیا من بدونم؟:hanghead:


A new phenomenon is occurring within some church congregations in the western world. In a few cases, some new attenders are not exactly either men or women! They are trans***uals!

Trans***uals are either:


    1. Men who had always felt themselves to be truly women and not men and have undergone extensive treatment with female hormones and electrolysis (for the removal of bodily hair). Finally, their genital area has been transformed by the removal of the penis and the construction of a 'vagina'.
    2. Women who had always felt themselves to be truly men and have now undergone extensive treatment to appear as 'mannish' as possible. But Doctors tell us that while it is entirely possible to turn a man into a woman (although such a 'former man' can never have a womb), there is a limit on turning women into men since it is impossible to construct a penis by surgery.

As far as I am aware, I have never met any trans***uals (though I might have been fooled!), but I have recently watched a very informative TV programme about three former men who are now women. Also, an American friend has furnished me with further information on the subject due to her friendship with a former man (now living as a woman).

The television programme on the subject was something of an 'eye-opener' because one of the "ladies" featured was not only a very stunning lady but she had also become a sought-after fashion model. She was shapely, her voice was soft and there was really nothing about this person which might make one suspect that she had apparently once been a man. Indeed, one of the reasons that I decided to pursue this article was that I later went to this person's web site and discovered that she is now an evangelical Christian!

Two other examples of very stunning ladies (who were originally accepted as men) have been brought to my attention. One is a singer who lives in another country and once represented her country in a singing competition, and another took part in a television programme which I would never normally watch, but I glanced at it in order to check out this 'lady'. In both of these cases these were apparently two very attractive, and what many might call, two very "***y" women! So when some medical experts say that, with the advances in hormonal treatment and in surgery, a man can now virtually be turned into a woman......I am now more or less convinced!

Now many Christians would say that the issues here are very clear cut; under the Old Covenant were not men who had interfered with their ***uality barred from coming into the house of the Lord? Therefore it must surely follow that any person who has changed from the *** which God originally gave them cannot be accepted into Christian congregations. Indeed, perhaps a majority of evangelical Christians would say that if such people should approach a minister for baptismal counseling, they should - first of all - be told to return to their original ***ual status.

This initially seems a right, just, moral and clear-cut approach, however, there are considerable pastoral problems in adopting such an approach and it soon becomes clear that some New Testament principles and teachings could be seriously undermined by this initially apparently 'straightforward and clear-cut approach'.

Let me point out some problems, and they are considerable problems, which this 'Return to original ***ual status before Christian acceptance' brings with it:


    1. The argument assumes that ***ual status is always absolutely clear from the beginning. But this is not correct! Every single year hundreds of babies are born with unsure ***ual status. I cannot go into this in great detail here but it is a well-known fact although no new parent would ever admit that this applied to their own child. I used to think that every child was either 100% male or 100% female, but a long talk with a vastly experienced nursing tutor a few years ago caused me to re-think this. I am not making excuses, these are just plain medical facts and we have to accept them. Indeed modern men seem to have a particular problem here since it has been claimed that their average sperm count has fallen well below the level which their grandfathers would have experienced. The reason for this is something of a mystery. I happen to think that many people who choose to change their gender had been babies with unsure ***uality. These people would almost certainly have gone through a ***ual identity crisis during their lives.
    2. The argument neglects the fact that hundreds of eunuchs (whose ***uality had been surgically changed) were accepted into Christian congregations in the first few centuries of the New Testament Church! Why did some men become eunuchs? Many leaders and rulers kept harems of lovely women. These men wanted men in charge of these harems but wanted to be certain that these men would not touch their women, so they made them eunuchs. In case we are in any doubt that God accepted eunuchs, we have a vivid illustration of this in Acts 8:26-40. This eunuch was not rejected because his ***uality had been altered by surgery, he was willingly accepted as a child of God!
    3. The argument ignores the scientific fact that many such people now cannot revert to their original status. It is biologically impossible! The die has been cast! Sometimes such people are coming to Christ many many years after their *** change.
    4. The argument ignores the advice of the apostle Paul:

Actually, this is a woefully neglected area of Christian teaching in our day. Today we often observe people coming to Christ in their youth, then putting their beliefs 'on hold' and spending the next 5-10 years of their lives pursuing education and wealth! Of course, we all think that education is important for young people, but I am convinced that too many who come to Christ are then pushing their calling onto a 'back-burner' while they pursue other things which they tend to assume are more important! Of course, Paul is not saying that we should do nothing for the rest of our lives after our conversion - far from it. He says, for instance, that if slaves have the opportunity to attain freedom they should certainly go for it (verse 21), otherwise they should continue to accept their station in life; this is a principle which Paul obviously thought very important, in fact, Paul who is always so reluctant to lay down rules (meat sacrificed to idols, which days are 'holy' etc, etc), actually issued a judgment on this matter:


    'But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all the churches.' (1 Corinthians 7:17).

The foregoing means that we Christians must not encourage those who are coming to Christ to radically change their lifestyles, since the Lord is prepared to accept us as we are when we come to Him (obviously, this does not mean that those who are living a plainly sinful lifestyle should just continue).


The above four points make it absolutely plain to me that if trans***uals start to attend Christian congregations they should be willingly accepted.

However, there are obviously provisos:


    Such people would have no right to 'promote' trans***uality, or for that matter, homo***uality or 'cross-dressing' or any other ***ual deviancy among other believers.

I think that most ministers/pastors, walking in the Law of Christ, would hopefully accept such people without prejudice, but then be somewhat watchful that such people understand and accept the moral laws which Christians are bound to submit to.

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درود..دوستان دنبال یک فایل صوتی هستم که در آن اسامی تمام حیوانات باشد...چون فایلی رو دارید و یا بنظرتون از کجا میشه دانلود کرد؟

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حیوون ک زیاده :ws3: بعید می دونم ی فایل باشه ک همه رو داشته باشه.

این روزا، جوونا چ چیزایی عجیبی می خوان ها :ws3:

احتمال وجود فایل متنی خیلی خیلی بیشتره. تازه اونم محدودیت داره.

روز ب روز حیوون جدید کشف میشه.

این و ببین

البته چیزی نیست ک دقیقا می خوای. اما امید وارم مفید باشه. بازم اگر دیدم، لینک می دم.


برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


خوب گفتن جوینده یابنده اینا

خدمت شما

برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

البته کامل نیست. اما کلید واژه هایی می ده بهتون.


پاینده باشید./.

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آقایون کسی میتونه فرق بین کلمه های زیر رو بهم بگه یا مثلا کجاها استفاده میشن؟؟






یه سری دیگه هم بود که یادم رفته بعدا میپرسم../ممنون

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آقایون کسی میتونه فرق بین کلمه های زیر رو بهم بگه یا مثلا کجاها استفاده میشن؟؟






یه سری دیگه هم بود که یادم رفته بعدا میپرسم../ممنون

با سلام


درمورد see فعلی ست که برای امر دیدن و مشاهده موضوع یا چیزی به کار میرود


look معمولا با حروف اضافه for یا about می آید و بیشتر برای مواردی که مراقبت از چیزی یا جستجوی چیزی به کار میرود


watch برای تماشا کردن مواردی چون تلویزیون یا مسابفه یا یک صحنه جذاب به کار میرود


yet و still که خیلی ساده است yet برای جملات منفی و still برای جملات مثبت به کار میرود


just و only رو دقیق نمیدونم ....

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just زمانی که بخوایم بر چیزی تاکید کنیم به عنوان مثال This is just what I mean ا


بعضی وقتها به معنی "لحظه ای قبل" استفاده میشه که این لحظه خیلی به زمان حال نزدیکه.

اگر فعل گذشته رو بکار ببریم بازم به معنی گذشته ای نزدیکه!

فرم رسمی و برای احترام گذاشتن به افراد.

در باقی جملات هم به این دلیل استفاده میشه که اصلا نمیشه از only استفاده کرد.مثلا Francis just called.



only به معنای اخیرا. ولی در مقایسه Just زمان نزدیک تری رو بیان می کنه.مثلا: I finished my examinations only a month back.

یا زمانی که بیانگر شخص یا شی ای تنها و مجرد باشه.

زمانی که در انتهای جمله بیاید معنای اضافه به جمله می دهد:

Out of all questions, Paulo knew a few only.

جمله ی بالا یک تضاد کلی دارد. پائلو جواب ها رو نمیدونه اما سعی در جواب دادن برخی از سوالا رو داره!

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آقا کسی میتونه این یه تیکه رو واسم معنی کنه :From humble beginnings to game launches


دوست عزیز میشه بگین این جمله رو کجا باهاش برخورد کردین؟

تو فیلم یا متن؟

اگه متن هست..میشه کاملترش رو بذارین؟؟

تا اونجایی که من ممتوجه شدم انگار بخوای در مورد چیز مهمی صحبت کنی اما شروع بازی چون مهمتر هست

اون حرف یا کار رو که اهمیت داره اما به طور مثال بازی مهم تره تا شروع بازی اون حرف یا کار رو میگن یا انجام میدن

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آقا کسی میتونه این یه تیکه رو واسم معنی کنه :From humble beginnings to game launches


خوب حداقل یه جمله کاملشو قرار میدادید که متوجه بشیم. به چه صورته معنی درست تری رو از این چندکلمه کنیم..

معنی این چندکلمه کنار هم اینه


از آغاز فروتن به بازی راه اندازی شد

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خوب حداقل یه جمله کاملشو قرار میدادید که متوجه بشیم. به چه صورته معنی درست تری رو از این چندکلمه کنیم..

معنی این چندکلمه کنار هم اینه


از آغاز فروتن به بازی راه اندازی شد


اینم جمله ی کامل ::ws3:

From humble beginnings to game launches that attract global superstars and serve as entertainment events in their own right, the First-Person Shooter has grown to become one of the most popular genres our medium has to offer.

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اینم جمله ی کامل ::ws3:

From humble beginnings to game launches that attract global superstars and serve as entertainment events in their own right, the First-Person Shooter has grown to become one of the most popular genres our medium has to offer.


اولین بازی که در وهله اول درمورد جذب ستاره های بزرگ جهانی و به عنوان سرگرمی برای خدمت کردن به خودمونه با اولین تیرانداز شخیت این بازی تبدیل میشه توسط ژانرهای محبوب... که از اغازین . راه اندازی شد.

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اولین بازی که در وهله اول درمورد جذب ستاره های بزرگ جهانی و به عنوان سرگرمی برای خدمت کردن به خودمونه با اولین تیرانداز شخیت این بازی تبدیل میشه توسط ژانرهای محبوب... که از اغازین . راه اندازی شد.

اینکه معنی نمیده "اولین تیرانداز" که 100% غلطه چون میشه سبک اول شخص حالا بقیش هم کلا گنگه!!..

لینک به دیدگاه
من اگه میدونستم که نمیپرسیدم که ..!


خوب راست میگی دیگه بزار گندم بیاد فول زبانه بهت کمک میکنه منم برات سعی میکنم درست نعنی کنم مثلا فول زبانیم باز شرمنده خوب معنی نکردم .البته یه اعتراف کنم حابم نداشتم وقت بزارم ولی چشم .

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اینم جمله ی کامل ::ws3:

From humble beginnings to game launches that attract global superstars and serve as entertainment events in their own right, the First-Person Shooter has grown to become one of the most popular genres our medium has to offer.


روحت در عذاب خوب از همون اولش جمله کامل بزار :ws3:


از ابتدای کار تا پایان و زمانی که بازی در بازارهای جهانی رو نمایی میشود وافراد مشهور زیادی را به خود جذب میکند و به مانند رخداد تفریحی از نوع خود عمل میکند ،بازی های تیر اندازی شخصیت اول به یکی از محبوب ترین ژانرهای بازی تبدیل شده است که این صنعت ارائه کرده است ...


ببین این درسته یا نه !

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روحت در عذاب خوب از همون اولش جمله کامل بزار :ws3:


از ابتدای کار تا پایان و زمانی که بازی در بازارهای جهانی رو نمایی میشود وافراد مشهور زیادی را به خود جذب میکند و به مانند رخداد تفریحی از نوع خود عمل میکند ،بازی های تیر اندازی شخصیت اول به یکی از محبوب ترین ژانرهای بازی تبدیل شده است که این صنعت ارائه کرده است ...


ببین این درسته یا نه !


این خیلی بهتر شد ممنون ، فقط این کلمه "humble" رو چی معنی کردی ..؟؟

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این خیلی بهتر شد ممنون ، فقط این کلمه "humble" رو چی معنی کردی ..؟؟


با اجازه تون...به نظر من humbleاینجا معنیه این رو میده که چیزی مهمی به خاطر کار مهمتری بی اهمیت میشه(البته موقتا تا اون کار انجام بشه)

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