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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Edward Layer, Krzysztof Tomczyk, "Measurements, Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems"

Springer 2010 | ISBN-10: 3642045871 | 156 Pages | PDF | 4,6 MB


This book discusses an analog-to-digital system intended to dynamic measurement, particularly for non-electrical quantities. The construction and properties of measurement sensors are analyzed in detail, as these represent the primary components for all measurement systems. Procedures for signal noise reduction are presented based on the time window function and a digital Kalman filter. Also covered in this book are the methods of modeling, model development and identification procedures on the basis of measurement data.


The theory of maximum errors is applied in order to determine mapping errors of models in case of non-standard input signals. This is based on signals maximizing the chosen error functional. The existence and attainability of such signals is proved and the algorithms for their determination are presented.


Detailed calculation methods, based on dedicated numerical procedures are demonstrated, which allow the integral-square error as well as the absolute error to be determined.


The problems presented in the book are relevant to a wide range of applications where there is a requirement to determine the accuracy of indeterminate dynamic signals such as occurs in the fields of engineering, medicine, biology, physics etc.


This book will interest researchers, scientists, engineers and graduate students in many disciplines, who make use of measurements, modelling and computer simulation.


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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Fundamentals of Plastics Thermoforming

Morgan and Claypool Publishers | ISBN: 1598298844 | 2009-05-12 | PDF | 98 pages | 2 Mb



The process of heating and reshaping plastics sheet and film materials has been in use since the beginning of the plastics industry. This process is known as thermoforming. Today this process is used for industrial products including signage, housings, and hot tubs. It also produces much of the packaging in use today including blister packs, egg cartons, and food storage containers. This process has many advantages over other methods of producing these products, but it has some limitations. This book has a twofold purpose. It is designed to be used as a text book for a course on thermoforming. It is also intended to be an application guide for professionals in the field of thermoforming including manufacturing, process and quality engineers, and managers. This book is focused on process application rather than theory. It refers to real products and processes with the intent of understanding the real issues faced in this industry. In addition to materials and processes, part and tool design are covered. Quality control is critical to any operation and this is also covered in this text. Two areas of focus in today's industry include Lean operations and environmental issues. Both of these topics are also included. Table of Contents: Introduction / Plastics Materials / Thermoforming Process Overview / The Forming Process / Part Design Mold / Tool Design / Quality Control Issues / Lean Operations / Environmental Issues


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Vibration and Shock Handbook



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Title: Vibration and Shock Handbook (Mechanical Engineering)

Author: Clarence W. de Silva

Publisher: CRC

Publication Date: 2005-06-27

Number Of Pages: 1872


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اینم یه هندبوک فوق العاده درزمینه ارتعاشات که مطمئنا به دردتون خواهد خورد

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دوستانی که با دستگاههای دارای قطعات دوار بالاخص کار کردن میدونن بزرگترین مشکل وعامل اصلی اکثر مشکلات دستگاهها انبالانسی وارتعاشات میباشد

این کتابی که امروز تقدیم میشه مربوط به رفع این مشکله

اسکن شده وبا متن فارسی

امید که مفید به فایده باشه


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اینم یه کتاب عالی در زمینه ارتعاشات

مطمئنا به درد دوستان خواهد خورد


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Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann

Language: English

ISBN: 0750642823

Paperback: 405 pages

Data: Nov 1999

Format: PDF



Introduction to Engineering Design is a completely novel text covering the basic elements of engineering design for structural integrity. Some of the most important concepts that students must grasp are those relating to ‘design thinking’ and reasoning, and not just those that relate to simple theoretical and analytical approaches. This is what will enable them to get to grips with *practical* design problems, and the starting point is thinking about problems in a ‘deconstructionist’ sense.

By analysing design problems as sophisticated systems made up of simpler constituents, and evolving a solution from known experience of such building blocks, it is possible to develop an approach that will enable the student to tackle even completely alien design scenarios with confidence. The other essential aspect of the design process - the concept of failure, and its avoidance - is also examined in detail, and the importance not only of contemplating expected failure conditions at the design stage but also checking those conditions as they apply to the completed design is stressed.


These facets in combination offer a systematic method of considering the design process and one that will undoubtedly find favour with many students, teaching staff and practising engineers alike.


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دانلود کتاب حل المسایل مقاومت مصالح پوپوف به زبان فارسی ودردوجلد



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فایل کم حجمی که به پیوست این پست تقدیم حضورتون میشه هندبوک استیل هست که امیدوارم برای دوستان عزیز مفید باشه

مجموعه ای از استانداردهای استیل که شامل جداول مختلف رفتار استیل ها درفرایندهای متفاوت میباشد

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عنوان: مقاومت مصالح

نویسندگان: Surya Patniak , Dale Hopkins

سال چاپ: 2004

زبان: انگلیسی

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کتاب درسی طراحی اجزا ی شیگلی ویرایش هشتم

برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

تشریح مسائل طراحی اجزا (شیگلی ویرایش ۸)

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حل المسایل دینامیک ماشین اچ مارتین (فصل 1)

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دینامیک ماشین اچ مارتین (فصل2)

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حل المسایل دینامیک ماشین اچ مارتین (فصل 3)

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حل المسایل دینامیک ماشین اچ مارتین (فصل 4)

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حل المسایل دینامیک ماشین اچ مارتین (فصل 5)

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حل المسایل دینامیک ماشین اچ مارتین (فصل 6)

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حل المسایل دینامیک ماشین اچ مارتین (فصل 6)

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لینک فصل 6 رو تصحیح کن لطفا

پاک شده!

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در این پست میتوانید کتاب Shaft and Bearing Calculation را دانلود کنید.این کتاب بسیار کم حجم و کاربردی بوده و محاسبات مربوط به شفت و بیرینگها در موتورهای الکتریکی را مورد بررسی قرارداده است .

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حل المسائل کتاب طراحی اجزاء شیگلی

ویرایش هشتم

(زبان اصلی)



type: Rared pdf

pages : 288

size: 3.4 MB


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کتاب طراحی اجزاء شیگلی

ویرایش هشتم

( زبان اصلی )



type: Rared pdf

pages : 1059

size: 18.5 MB


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