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مکالمه زبان انگلیسی فقط دراینجا


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  TrueBlue گفته است:

Hiiiiiiiiii dear

You're everywhere just like zebel khan:D


:w00:about my 10.5 score on applied Optic

martike :brodkavelarg:

:girl_blush2:ooops sorry

The prof. is just like a fossil and I call him THE SNALE but he is still teaching

Oh god he is around 90 :banel_smiley_4:

I worked on his project 'bou a month and he gave me 5 out of 6





u're so lazy


shame on u 2mo5pow.gif


ur prof is perfect ...


i don't know whats wrong with professors?


poor men


just kidding ... take it easy ...



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  TrueBlue گفته است:
:w16: There is an invisible guy checking in :D

we should throw him/her out





i don't know, y they don't come and talk ...


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  partow گفته است:

we should throw him/her out





i don't know, y they don't come and talk ...



:ws52:it seems just the manager group can be invisible

SO we can't throw them out dokhtaram

:4chsmu1: be a good girl in order not to be thrown out

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  TrueBlue گفته است:
:banel_smiley_4: Shame on ammat

come and study these bullshit and you will pass away girl :D

Take it easy?

Take a 10.5 mark e-a-s-y?



what a rude





  TrueBlue گفته است:


:ws52:it seems just the manager group can be invisible

SO we can't throw them out dokhtaram

:4chsmu1: be a good girl in order not to be thrown out


but i think all users can be invisible!!! even u ... :ws3:

  marjan۱۷ گفته است:


Tomorrow I will participate the entrance exam.:banel_smiley_4:

It's a great point in my life.:ws3:Hope to receive your wish,:dancegirl2:


Thanks all my friends:w16::icon_gol:


wOw ...


i know ... u will be successful


Good Luck

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:icon_pf (34):?are u aware how awful it is to read an english text from right to left

Plz make it left to right dear


  نقل قول

what a rude





?:brodkavelarg:how dare u slap me like that

:w16:and what a rude is not correct.U better say : How rude

  نقل قول


but i think all users can be invisible!!! even u ...



?U sure





:flowerysmile::w70:o and wish u all success Dear Marjan

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  TrueBlue گفته است:

:icon_pf (34):?are u aware how awful it is to read an english text from right to left



Plz make it left to right dear




?:brodkavelarg:how dare u slap me like that

:w16:and what a rude is not correct.U better say : How rude



?U sure






:flowerysmile::w70:o and wish u all success Dear Marjan



:flowerysmile:ok ... thx ...


u should go to :


Control Panel > Edit Personal Setting>Use Invisible Status(Check)



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  M.R.Y.M گفته است:

:ws38:what's the main thing you are talking about here?


we are talking about nothing actually

The main thing is just talking in english ,the topic is not that much important



  partow گفته است:

:flowerysmile:ok ... thx ...



u should go to :


Control Panel > Edit Personal Setting>Use Invisible Status(Check)






You're welcome dude

Aye?Thanx dear.I'll check it

لینک به دیدگاه

:banel_smiley_4:Left to right plz



  tulkas گفته است:

I'm completely agree with U.


I completely agree

we cant use am/is/are with the verb agree

Cos it's a verb

this is a complete Iranian translation :w16:

  mahnush_hamid گفته است:
can u choose another topic for speaking?

i am not good at speaking about famous peole



we choose this kinda topic to learn something

I suggest a topic : what gender of music do u like?


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