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بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

tab‧by / ˈtæbi / noun ( plural tabbies ) [ countable ]

a cat with light and dark lines on its fur

tabby adjective




's frozen and wintry nature becomes like a paradise with her pleasant breeze,

And trees forget all the cold memories on the auspicious arrival of spring.

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yum / jʌm / interjection informal

said when you think something tastes very good



My father chose my name, and my last name was chosen by my ancestors

That’s enough, I myself choose my way:ws3:

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My father chose my name, and my last name was chosen by my ancestors


That’s enough, I myself choose my way:ws3:




yes 1 S1 W1 / jes / adverb spoken

1 answer to question/statement a) used as an answer to say that something is true or that you agree OPP no : ‘Is that real gold?’ ‘Yes.’

‘It was a great show.’ ‘Yes, it was.’

b) used as an answer to a question or statement containing a negative, to say that the opposite is true : ‘Sarah isn’t very intelligent, is she?’ ‘Yes, she is (= in fact, she is intelligent ) !’

‘There isn’t any cereal left.’ ‘Yes, there is – it’s in the cupboard.’

2 answer to offer/invitation used as an answer to say that you want something or want to do something OPP no : ‘Would you like a sandwich?’ ‘ Yes, please .’

‘Would you like to come with us?’ ‘Yes, I’d love to.’

3 answer to request used as an answer to say that you will do something, or that someone may do or have something OPP no : ‘Can I have a glass of water?’ ‘Yes, of course.’

He proposed to me and I said yes .

4 yes, but ... used to show that you agree with what someone has said, but there is another fact to consider : ‘There are still a lot of problems with Jeff’s proposal.’ ‘Yes, but it’s the best one we have.’

5 ready to listen/talk used to show that you have heard someone or are ready to speak to someone : ‘Mike?’ ‘Yes?’

Yes sir, how can I help you?

6 listening used to show that you are listening to someone and want them to continue : ‘And so I tried phoning him ...’ ‘Yes ...’

7 excited/happy used to show that you are very excited or happy about something : Yes! Rivaldo’s scored again!

8 oh yes a) used to show that you do not believe what someone is saying : ‘There’s nothing going on between me and Jane. We’re just good friends.’ ‘Oh yes?’

b) used to show that you have remembered something : Where’s my umbrella? Oh yes – I left it in the car.

9 emphasis used to emphasize that you mean what you have just said, even though it is surprising : It took ten years – yes, ten whole years – to complete.

Yes, you heard me correctly – I said 1921.

10 yes, yes used to show annoyance when someone is talking to you and you do not want to listen : ‘And don’t forget to lock the door!’ ‘Yes, yes, OK.’

11 yes and no used to show that there is not one clear answer to a question : ‘Were you surprised?’ ‘Well, yes and no. I knew they were planning something, but I wasn’t sure what.’


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yes 1 S1 W1 / jes / adverb spoken

1 answer to question/statement a) used as an answer to say that something is true or that you agree OPP no : ‘Is that real gold?’ ‘Yes.’

‘It was a great show.’ ‘Yes, it was.’

b) used as an answer to a question or statement containing a negative, to say that the opposite is true : ‘Sarah isn’t very intelligent, is she?’ ‘Yes, she is (= in fact, she is intelligent ) !’

‘There isn’t any cereal left.’ ‘Yes, there is – it’s in the cupboard.’

2 answer to offer/invitation used as an answer to say that you want something or want to do something OPP no : ‘Would you like a sandwich?’ ‘ Yes, please .’

‘Would you like to come with us?’ ‘Yes, I’d love to.’

3 answer to request used as an answer to say that you will do something, or that someone may do or have something OPP no : ‘Can I have a glass of water?’ ‘Yes, of course.’

He proposed to me and I said yes .

4 yes, but ... used to show that you agree with what someone has said, but there is another fact to consider : ‘There are still a lot of problems with Jeff’s proposal.’ ‘Yes, but it’s the best one we have.’

5 ready to listen/talk used to show that you have heard someone or are ready to speak to someone : ‘Mike?’ ‘Yes?’

Yes sir, how can I help you?

6 listening used to show that you are listening to someone and want them to continue : ‘And so I tried phoning him ...’ ‘Yes ...’

7 excited/happy used to show that you are very excited or happy about something : Yes! Rivaldo’s scored again!

8 oh yes a) used to show that you do not believe what someone is saying : ‘There’s nothing going on between me and Jane. We’re just good friends.’ ‘Oh yes?’

b) used to show that you have remembered something : Where’s my umbrella? Oh yes – I left it in the car.

9 emphasis used to emphasize that you mean what you have just said, even though it is surprising : It took ten years – yes, ten whole years – to complete.

Yes, you heard me correctly – I said 1921.

10 yes, yes used to show annoyance when someone is talking to you and you do not want to listen : ‘And don’t forget to lock the door!’ ‘Yes, yes, OK.’

11 yes and no used to show that there is not one clear answer to a question : ‘Were you surprised?’ ‘Well, yes and no. I knew they were planning something, but I wasn’t sure what.’




no no no:4564::4564::4564:



Stop judging others in order to meet composure

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poke 2 noun [ countable ]

1 give somebody/something a poke to quickly push your fingers, a stick etc into something or someone : Vanessa gave me a playful poke in the ribs.

2 American English informal a criticism of someone or something : Bennett took a poke at the President’s refusal to sign the bill.

3 the act of showing someone on a social networking site that you want to communicate with them

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tale W3 / teɪl / noun [ countable ]

1 a story about exciting imaginary events tale of tales of adventure

a book of old Japanese folk tales (= traditional stories )

a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

a cautionary tale (= one that is told to warn people about the dangers of something )

2 a description of interesting or exciting things that happened to someone, often one which is not completely true about every detail tale of/about tales of her life in post-war Berlin

tale of/about how He was in the middle of telling me a long tale about how he once met the Redskins’ manager.

3 tell tales British English to tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone else has done SYN tattle American English tell tales to Don’t go telling tales to the teacher!

4 tale of woe a) a description of events that made you unhappy

b) a series of bad things that happened to someone : The England team’s tale of woe continued, and they lost the next three games.

fairy tale , → old wives’ tale at old ( 24 ) COLLOCATIONS


a fairy tale It looked like a castle in a fairy tale.

a folk tale (= a traditional story ) a book of Scottish folk tales

a cautionary tale (= one that is told to warn someone about the dangers of something ) This cautionary tale illustrates the dangers of looking for quick profits.

a tall tale (= one that is difficult to believe and unlikely to be true ) She enjoyed making up tall tales to tell the children.


tell a tale He liked telling tales of his adventures in the wilderness.


story a description of how something happened that is intended to entertain people, and may be true or imaginary : a ghost story | a love story | It’s a story about a man who loses his memory. | a book of short stories

tale a story about strange imaginary events, or exciting events that happened in the past : a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen | I loved hearing tales of his travels.

myth noun [ uncountable and countable ] a very old imaginary story about gods and magical creatures : an ancient myth | Greek and Roman myths

legend noun [ uncountable and countable ] an old story about brave people or magical events that are probably not true : popular legends of the creation of the world | According to legend, King Arthur was buried there.

fable a traditional imaginary short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially a story about animals : the fable of the tortoise and the hare | a Chinese fable

epic a story told in a long book, film, or poem which is about great or exciting events, especially in history : an epic about 13th-century Scottish hero William Wallace

saga a story about a series of events that take place over a long period of time, especially events involving one family : a family saga beginning in the 1880s

yarn informal a long exciting story that is not completely true : The movie’s a rattling good yarn and full of action.

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