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مکالمه زبان انگلیسی فقط دراینجا

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بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

hello every one

is there any one who is being ready for IELTS or TOFEL?


i took the IELTS exam today .!!!!!:ws44:


i'm so hopeless



what about u?


do u want to take the IELTS exam?

لینک به دیدگاه
i took the IELTS exam today .!!!!!:ws44:


i'm so hopeless



what about u?


do u want to take the IELTS exam?

so how was it?

so hard?

why hopeless?

was ur listening good or not? how about ur speaking?

i am being ready for that!!!:icon_pf (34):

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لینک به دیدگاه
so how was it?

so hard?

why hopeless?

was ur listening good or not? how about ur speaking?

i am being ready for that!!!:icon_pf (34):




reading was so hard


speaking and listening were good


but i'm not sure about writing...


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لینک به دیدگاه

can i ask u how did u study for that? and how much did u study?

the environment of the exam was good?

actually i study just 3 months in private class


because i really need ielts


sry.. i don't understand ... environment of the exam?


...speaking was in the separate room... interviewer was very kind


and written exam was in a big salon ...


quiet , but warm :hanghead:


we were there at 7:30 till 12:40


لینک به دیدگاه

Listening is always hard. but the others are not as that. its a rule

What improved my listening was hearing to music while reading the lyrics and watching movies with Original language subtitle.

Gud Luck

لینک به دیدگاه
my writing and speaking is good

but i have to work on my listening and reading

they are harder for me!

and i think if my vocabulary improved it can be more better than before


in my point of view , working in reading for ielts exam is just wasting time

u should know some technique .



Listening is always hard. but the others are not as that. its a rule

What improved my listening was hearing to music while reading the lyrics and watching movies with Original language subtitle.

Gud Luck


but in my exam listening was easier than reading ...

i think reading , speaking , writing , listening are very hard,hard, medium, easy respectively


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لینک به دیدگاه

Hiiiiiiiiii dear

You're everywhere just like zebel khan:D


:w00:about my 10.5 score on applied Optic

martike :brodkavelarg:

:girl_blush2:ooops sorry

The prof. is just like a fossil and I call him THE SNALE but he is still teaching

Oh god he is around 90 :banel_smiley_4:

I worked on his project 'bou a month and he gave me 5 out of 6


لینک به دیدگاه

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