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بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

  سمندون گفته است:
:w58::shad:shake your bodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

come onnnnnnnn







  سمندون گفته است:
دروغ میگه بابا باور نکن:ws28:


:ws28:yeah he is kidding

Is correct my sentence?

لینک به دیدگاه
  Waffen گفته است:

well they can't influence everyone anymore

our times are hard but the generation after us

they'll live is a different world

u think next world(future) is better than present?

in other words

next generation have better life?

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لینک به دیدگاه
  سارا-افشار گفته است:
u think next world(future) is better than present?

in other words

next generation have better life?




from what i see today i think the next generation will have a lot of opportunities we didn't have

and they'll understand a lot of concept that we had to work on for a long time to understand

like freedom

like relationships

a lot of other things that our generation didn't understand

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لینک به دیدگاه
  Waffen گفته است:


from what i see today i think the next generation will have a lot of opportunities we didn't have

and they'll understand a lot of concept that we had to work on for a long time to understand

like freedom

like relationships

a lot of other things that our generation didn't understand


i agree with you

it seems your prediction is starting


لینک به دیدگاه
  Waffen گفته است:
guys it's 12 am


i can barely see the monitor anymore

i have to go to bed...

good night good fellows

think about my offer though :ws3:


but our totur


you didn't correct our talking mistakes:ws3:

لینک به دیدگاه
  maryam_alien گفته است:
guys I need to sleep...see you tomorrow night..wish me luck..I need it:banel_smiley_52:bye :putertired:


  Waffen گفته است:
guys it's 12 am


i can barely see the monitor anymore

i have to go to bed...

good night good fellows

think about my offer though :ws3:



have a nice day tomorrow


  نقل قول

but you should say


are my sentences correct


thanks :ws3:

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لینک به دیدگاه

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