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True live probability existence

This topic will have some discussion about LOVE.

The letter about love ‘Symposium ‘ by Plato is a suitable reference to get some philosophical information about it. I suggest these materials, Saadi’s poems, Hafez’s poems, Molana’s poems, and Fi haghighatol ol eshgh” by Sohrevardi as well.
Furthermore, U can read about Sohrevardi’s biography on “ Ghalandarvaghalee”.

On the foundation of these thoughts, I conclude that love is a deep desire to achieve a certain thing eternally.

In this matter, most of my approach will be logical with cause and effect point of view.

I’ll present that true love could be true but on some condition. It might be complicated, but please be patient to read the whole post.
Could be true love exist?
What is it? Is it physical or spiritual?
Who knows?

I want to talk about some of my thoughts. I believe that when U LOVE someone, it is completely selfishly action. Why?
Because on the foundation that I said, when U love it (human or a thing ) U want to catch it forever!
By this action, U limit it. U make just another cage to her/it/him. So If U believe in true love, and did it.
U R a liar! Or your love isn’t a true love.
Then, when it could be true?
In my point of view, when U and her/it/him turn to a single object; however, there is selfishness yet.
But who R U exactly now?
I recommend to read following poem in order to feel my words.

از قضا افتاد معشوقی در آب / عاشقش خود را درافکند از شتاب
چون رسیدند آن دو تن با یک دگر / این یکی پرسید از آن کای بی‌خبر
گر من افتادم در آن آب روان / از چه افکندی تو خود را در میان
گفت من خود را در آب انداختم /زانک خود را از تو می‌نشناختم
روزگاری شد که تا شد بی‌شکی / با تویی تو یکی من یکی
تو منی یا من توم، چند از دوی / با توم من ، یا توم، یا تو توی
چون تو من باشی و من تو بر دوام / هر دو تن باشیم یک تن والسلام

Is it too idealism?
Who knows?
Do U know?

Briefly, if U and him/her/it turn yourselves to one united thing. U love yourself and it/her/him at the same time. Be careful; it is so hard. Think about reality. I don’t know U can do it or not. But I conclude that true love could be existed with some condition.

Human ability if awesome. I figure out Human being can do anything he/she wants.
Now. What is Ur opinion?
Agree/ disagree?

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That was great

I specially agree with the part of your words about limitation and selfish, It doesn't mean that you love some body. and as I 'm telling majority of people confused between like and love. Sometimes we like some body and we make mistake between it and love. although I think it's not easy to find a true love

at first, all of us will say, Yeah, I don't like to bother you, You are free and just let me love you and some thing like that. but after short time every thing will change and this short time depends on your dependence to LOVER

If I could select between love and like, I prefer to live with liking others

I look froward to hearing about others' idea

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It was so beautiful , I liked it



I agree with both of you , when we love someone we want to catch him/her and it's against his/her freedom , we are not allowed to limit any one because of our feelings :hanghead:


By the way , i think liking others is much more better than loving them , not just because of the limitation or selfishness . It is better because when we like someone or some thing , it is so easier to live without it . We all know that we'll lose every thing and every one we have and when we start falling in love with them , we'll hurt ourselves because of the dependance that has been raised and increased between us

Life is also more beautiful when we like others instead of loving them , because when we love some one or some thing , we can't see or even we don't want to see her/him/it weaknesses and most of the time we can't decide and think logical


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but too idealism

Thanks dear sajjad but Why do you put me in this situation?


ha ha ha!

i have a another sight about the love that here haven't suitable situation for discussion

i have Advice to lover and liker:

o bird of the morning , learn love from the moth because it burnt,lost it's life and found no voice these pretenders are ignorantly in search of him , because he who obtained knowledge has no returned


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I agree

I think true love is a love without selfishness

but does it exist really?

Do we want others for themselves or just for ourselves?

Ask ourselves honestly, do we an egoist person or not?

How much can we let others to be their own, not to be what we want


someone tels his/her partner : " I love U , I can't live without U "l

but it's not love. it's just something like being hungry

U can't love someone and at the same time need him/her strongly

true lover is the one who let the other one to be and to has his/her own character

there is no force in love

love means giving the choice to the minion


to achieve someone/something, let him/her/it to be free

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it sounds we're supposed to make redefinition of the world " love " to a new meaning : limiting factor !

but i think everybody is overlooking the main theme of the love

what about the other side of the love? the mutual affection between the lovers !? the compromises that every couple must make? and the strong sense of sacrificing for your lover that inherently limits any of the expressed limiting factors!?


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Thank U for Ur participation

I read all of these nice posts

what should we do?w

say sth and make this topic more interesting.

we want to make our English better and better also have some discussion

so, here U R

this is a free place to discuss

go ahead.




این رو عمدا فارسی می گم، ب نظرم برا اینکه بحث اموزشی هم باشه هر کسی پایین پستش ی نکته (دوست داشت کوچیک دوست داشت بزرگ، دوست داشت اصلا نگه :ws3:) بزاره

من سعی می کنم معنی بعضی لغت ها ک استفاه می کنم رو بزارم .

حتما هم لازم نیست خیلی لغت های سختی باشن .




شرکت کردن



احتمال، امکان



نتیجه گرفتن




thank U for ur prompt attention


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I LOVE LOVE:icon_gol:

Before i think love is selfish action and we love one person for ourself not for his. or her own!but now i think love start from a pure


freindship without any expectation.love means two person become one.it is very important.i think Love is the result of appreciating


another's goodness

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Hi buddies

Whats up?


before accept my apologize for may weak English writing and grammer.

"?yesterday I read a book named "Why men cant speak and why women cant read map

In this book i read that Love is a Chemical process ! not more! :D


so Love is a name

Life is a game


forget the name

play the game




Maryam Rad!

Don t punish me Plz



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  • 1 ماه بعد...

Ok. I still believe that love is all about selfishness.

I am sure that this sounds idealistic.
I figure out, even if we have not any inquiry about the description of love, we will face with the practical ways to distinguish love.
What is Ur suggestion? What do U do when U R faced with it?

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I couldn't get you

I don't know in what condition it will mean I have been faced with love

Firstly it's better to know the meaning of love

I prefer to delete this word in my mind... I have a nice word : "LIKE" instead of that


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  • 1 سال بعد...

good advice, but I wanted to know double more.so, I studied the other materials about our subject and I pondered more and more

I think my results will be useful, Cuz I use the various sight to see


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