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Somewhere just to write anything  


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Have you ever found yourself frustrated, angry or madly missing someone you love? Do you feel hurt, happy or just need some space to say s.th?

Are you depressed, bored or feel your life is worthless? Then don't hold back, write what you feel, be it love, about friends, kids or family, work, or just about life. This topic is completely anonymous, so tell the world the way you feel, but please no spam


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I never wanted to hurt her , but she always wanted to be better than what and where I am , and because of this , nothing was ever important for her , not even me or my feelings

it hurts ...

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if U think U R alone, hopeless and weak! it is just a egregious mistake


because after the sunrise, sunshine sis ahead

trust me buddy, there is a massive light

this is Ur life, just turn Ur head and sight to the other side

make it better and better

U R God


U can change yourself and then, U R going to turn to GOD

this becomes my heart, it isn't a logical suggestion

but I know, it could be true

just do it, now


feel better, make a great motivation to yourself

big big big motivation

be strong


I'm sure there is some grammatical mistake, I'd appreciate if U tell me with personal message


دوستان خواهشا اگه نوشته های من مشکل گرامری داشت، حتما حتما بم بگین. خوشحال میشم.


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It's strange that I can express my feelings in this language better than my own.Although there are still words to be discovered for expressing the complex feeling inside this creature.Dreams, Emotions, Phobias, and many other foolish feels.

There is no enough time in the life to tell others we love them, need them....Today might be your last day...so do not miss it

I really don't believe in what U did say.

What if she gets mad if she knows that she's being loved by this poor old creature?

What if i miss her?

What if things get worse?

What if there's no love & i just fool myself?

With time passing and everything will be what is better. As a good friend once told me "may you reach the best"But there is something else matters "man's reach exceeds his grasp(not only his grasp, but also his dreams)"Sometimes I just want to go to a far place deep in desert and talk loudly with myself and my god, to make everything understood for myself.

This is Bella Soma........s

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