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"In business courses, professors should teach only factual information and skills, not ethics."


In order to open up the discussion we should pay attention to difference between definitions. These definitions can be follower of culture, religion, etc. for one, asceticism is acceptable in some societies but in other ones it is not. Also we should consider that what our purpose is. Do we want to educate professional business men or ethical one?

In any certain system there are some sectors with different functions. It is necessary to eschew anarchy and parallel working. So if the sectors do functions they are assigned, we will have a perfect system.

For better work, there is an essential rule to leave ethics to its specialist. because they are competent in this field. Furthermore in order to acquire great performance and better use of time to focus on some special courses like business, it is much better to do just our special assignment.

Admittedly, a business man with no ethical skills would be a loser because of our social behavior is based on our special ethics. Holistically, plethora in any job will be faced with egregious failure. On the foundation represented, I figure out this claim is correct and I concede with the speaker


محدودیت هایی مثل نوع تحلیل یا تعداد کلمات برام مهم نیست فعلا دنبال ایرادات جمله بندی و گرامری هستم.

پیشاپیش تشکر

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"In business courses, professors should teach only factual information and skills, not ethics."


In order to open up the discussion we should pay attention to difference between definitions. These definitions can be follower of culture, religion, etc. for example, asceticism is acceptable in some societies but in other ones it is not. Also we should consider that what our purpose is. Do we want to educate professional business men or ethical ones?

In any certain system there are some sectors with different functions. It is necessary to eschew anarchy and parallel working. So if the sectors do functions they were assigned, we will have a perfect system.

For better work, there is an essential rule to leave ethics to its specialist. because they are competent in this field. Furthermore in order to acquire great performance and better use of time to focus on some special courses like business, it is much better to do just our special assignment.

Admittedly, a business man with no ethical skills would be a loser because of our social behavior that is based on our special ethics. Holistically, plethora in any job will be faced with egregious failure. On the foundation represented, I figure out this claim is correct and I concede with the speaker


محدودیت هایی مثل نوع تحلیل یا تعداد کلمات برام مهم نیست فعلا دنبال ایرادات جمله بندی و گرامری هستم.

پیشاپیش تشکر



good writting


about grammatical mistakes, I just figure out these points



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" The people we remember best are the ones who broke the rules."


To open up our discussion we should pay attention to some primitive definitions. Furthermore, There are some abstract question marks like

“ Who is the ruler? And what are the norms? “ and so on . On the foundation that will be represented on this context I concur with this statement.

Firstly, we are faced with this trick question ‘ who or what is the ruler? ‘.Admittedly, society is the obvious response to this query, but there are some other influential factors like popular tendency of the world. Also our definitions is important .’ what is the rule ‘ is it a proliferation behavior on society ? or not?

I want to spend more and more on this essay. To begin with, let us go through a concrete example of our history. Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein are two of the most reputable rule breakers because they were not interested in their routine childhood curriculum and educational studies. But both of them are as famous as or even more famous than other scientists like Mary cory had acted a rule follower and also a great scientist.

Although, we must have rules to eschew anarchy, I suppose some of rule breakers could be great symbols of creativity and freedom of human being.

Holistically, I believe besides our discord about definitions, rule breakers are much memorable through the history .


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" The people we remember best are the ones who broke the rules."

To open up our discussion we should pay attention to some primitive definitions. Furthermore, There are some abstract question marks like

“ Who is the ruler? And what are the norms? “ and so on . On the foundation that will be represented on this context I concur with this statement.

Firstly, we are faced with this trick question ‘ who or what is the ruler? ‘.Admittedly, society is the obvious response to this query, but there are some other influential factors like popular tendency of the world. Also our definitions is important .’ what is the rule ‘ is it a proliferation behavior on society ? or not?

I want to spend more and more on this essay. To begin with, let us go through a concrete example of our history. Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein are two of the most reputable rule breakers because they were not interested in their routine childhood curriculum and educational studies. But both of them are as famous as or even more famous than other scientists like Mary cory had acted a rule follower and also a great scientist.

Although, we must have rules to eschew anarchy, I suppose some of rule breakers could be great symbols of creativity and freedom of human being.

Holistically, I believe besides our discord about definitions, rule breakers are much memorable through the history .




I think in the first line , you should say : better / as the bests instead of best

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" The people we remember best are the ones who broke the rules."


To open up our discussion we should pay attention to some primitive definitions. Furthermore, There are some abstract question marks like

“ Who is the ruler? And what are the norms? “ and so on . On the foundation that will be represented on this context I concur with this statement.

Firstly, we are faced with this trick question ‘ who or what is the ruler? ‘.Admittedly, society is the obvious response to this query, but there are some other influential factors like popular tendency of the world. Also our definitions is important .’ what is the rule ‘ is it a proliferation behavior on society ? or not?

I want to spend more and more on this essay. To begin with, let us go through a concrete example of our history. Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein are two of the most reputable rule breakers because they were not interested in their routine childhood curriculum and educational studies. But both of them are as famous as or even more famous than other scientists like Mary cory had acted a rule follower and also a great scientist.

Although, we must have rules to eschew anarchy, I suppose some of rule breakers could be great symbols of creativity and freedom of human being.

Holistically, I believe besides our discord about definitions, rule breakers are much memorable through the history .



It's better to say: for instance


On the foundation that will be represented on this context I concur with this statement

I couldn't get it

but I think will be represented should change,----> presented


trick question

tricky or trick? what do you want to say. when you say trick question . it means it's DECEIVING question

but if you say it's tricky question , it means it's kind of difficult


Also our definitions ARE important


is it a proliferation behavior on society

I think proliferation is a noun



Mary cory (who)had acted a rule follower and also a great scientist


I believe besides our discord about definitions

delete this word



It was great

there are so new words there

:w16:nice move


  • Like 7
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It's better to say: for instance


On the foundation that will be represented on this context I concur with this statement

I couldn't get it

but I think will be represented should change,----> presented


trick question

tricky or trick? what do you want to say. when you say trick question . it means it's DECEIVING question

but if you say it's tricky question , it means it's kind of difficult


Also our definitions ARE important


is it a proliferation behavior on society

I think proliferation is a noun



Mary cory (who)had acted a rule follower and also a great scientist


I believe besides our discord about definitions

delete this word



It was great

there are so new words there

:w16:nice move




مرسی بانو.

خیلی خوب بود .اذت بردم .



درباره پرزنت و ریپرزنت .

برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


بعد دیکشنری لاگمن رو چک کردم، ببین چی می گه .


ریپرزنتد: to officially speak or take action for another person or group of people:

پرزنتد رو اصلا نشناخت، پرزنت رو با فعل اینطوری هم می شه معنی کرد to show or describe someone or something:


من تو مجموعه مستند، Science Fiction همش همین ریپرزنت شنیده بودم .




تریک و تریکی هر دو صفت هستند. بعد گشتم ببینم چ فرق دارن .لینک رو ببینید

برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

This is a trick question:

Some people are confused about the pronunciation of the name "Louisville." What is the proper pronunciation of the name of the capital city of the state of Kentucky?

Answer: Frankfort


This is a tricky question:

Honey, which one of my friends do you think is the ***iest?


A trick question is intentionally designed to push you toward giving an incorrect answer. A tricky question is one that you need to think about very carefully before answering.


همون تریکی باید می گفتم پس .

فکر کنم اصلا تریک بگم یکم هم بی ادبی ه .:ws3:


ولی نکته خوبی بود

مقسی مادام.

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Nowadays, people spend much more time and money on their appearance than before. Do you agree or disagree

Human being lives with its society; importance of appearance is highlighted is societies. Although, appearance could marshal on (1) discipline and avoid of being untidy (2) beauty of appearance; this argue will focus on just beauty of appearance, because it is more general than the first category. Appearance has some critical effects on confidence, social position, finding new friend and communication. In the past, facilities for being beauty were little and unavailable for all of people in society; therefore, people did not feel this desire in compare of these days. So I concur with this claim.
In the past, societies were almost smaller than these days; their information about science of surgery and other useful thing for being beauty were low. But now, we have lots of information about it. So we have more people which they want to make themselves the beauty than past decays.
Appearance has effects on our position on society; include family, friends, and so on. Therefore, we can claim that beautiful people have better life in societies. They have more self-confidence than the others.
Holistically, it believed that, with growing the knowledge about this matter through the time. It is bold in societies because of advertisements and human attitude for liking beauty. To sum up, I figure out; this assertion is true

IELTS task 2

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The graph below compares figures for the production and consumption of energy in the US from 1950 to 2000. It also predicts figures for 2025.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant



The graph presents energy consumption and production through the years in U.S. The horizontal line represents year, and the vertical one represents energy uses. Furthermore, it contains a prediction for 2025 situation. It is totally clear which the graph has growth from 1950 to 200 0. With pay attention to the year 1650-1975 it will be understood which energy production and consumption are approximately the same. From 1975 to 2000, both factors have growth but the slope of the consumption line is higher and more varied than production one. Furthermore, prediction for 2025 continues this feature; and I believe it indicates that American should pay attention to their energy uses and production relation. To sum up, this graph reveals that until 1975, the relation between consumption and production was same but after that, the deference between growth percentage is eye-catching, and it will continue until 2025, with this gap; I figure out the graph tells us a prediction which is not desirable.



IELTS task 1

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Nowadays, people spend much more time and money on their appearance than before. Do you agree or disagree


Human being lives with its society; importance of appearance is highlighted is societies. Although, appearance could marshal on (1) discipline and avoid of being untidy (2) beauty of appearance; this argue will focus on just beauty of appearance, because it is more general than the first category. Appearance has some critical effects on confidence, social position, finding new friend and communication. In the past, facilities for being beauty were little and unavailable for all of people in society; therefore, people did not feel this desire in compare of these days. So I concur with this claim.

In the past, societies were almost smaller than these days; their information about science of surgery and other useful thing for being beauty were low. But now, we have lots of information about it. So we have more people which they want to make themselves the beauty than past decays.

Appearance has effects on our position on society; include family, friends, and so on. Therefore, we can claim that beautiful people have better life in societies. They have more self-confidence than the others.

Holistically, it believed that, with growing the knowledge about this matter through the time. It is bold in societies because of advertisements and human attitude for liking beauty. To sum up, I figure out; this assertion is true


IELTS task 2



Oh Great. After long time you put such a nice text here.

I thought you want to take a TOEFL exam. But I think two items are same between IELTS and TOEFL. Number of words and the structure.

Let’s do some corrections:

Human being lives with its society

Well, I didn’t get it. Human is woman, man and child. Also, live with s.o means to share your house with someone and have relationship with her/him (even they haven’t gotten married)


importance of appearance is highlighted is societies.

The importance of appearance is highlighted in societies.


This argue will focus on just beauty of appearance, because it is more general than the first category.

It’s your opinion ,then it’s better to say In my opinion……


Appearance has some critical effects on (self) confidence, social position, finding new friends and communication.


In the past, facilities for being beauty were little and unavailable for all of people in society.

Beauty of beautiful

Were slight ( maybe it can be better than little) ;)


In the past--à you use it two times. In second time you can say, before or other word which you know


Their information about science of surgery and other useful thing for being beauty( beauty or beautiful,, which one) were low.

You can change this sentence and express it in other way.


So we have more people which they want to make themselves the beauty than past decays.

So we have more people which(who) they want to make themselves the beauty(beautiful) than past decays.

If I wanted to write this sentence I would write: A number of people who want to be beautiful is more than before.


Holistically, it believed that, with growing the knowledge about this matter through the time.

Do you have any reason to write this sentence as a result?!!


You said truly. Nowadays being beautiful ( not tidy) is so important, but in my opinion it was better to say although majority of people think it’s good but I don’t think it can play an important role in our life. For example you could start like this: At first glance, appearance plays an important role in people life but when we look at this issue deeply we will understand there are many points in our life that beautiful is less important. Also you could mention that beauty can be important for some jobs and so on



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نه . برا ایلتس می خونم. ی مدت می خواستم شیفت کنم ب تافل

بعد پشیمون شدم.






Through the history, communication had been playing an eye-catching rule to development the internal and external interaction of any certain society. Human being needs to have some relationship and cooperation with other people. So different ways of interaction was discovered. New equipment shapes these ways to another form; through this essay, I will have done some discussion about it.

Modern tools bring some effects with themselves. One of the most obvious effects is a new communication way; amount of consumption from this new way depends on cultural background and people’s attitude. I suppose new technology changed the people interact and their daily life.

I want to start with a personal experience about the affection of technology on my relationship with some of my friends. Amin is one of my friends who was my neighbor, and now he goes abroad. I am almost online on some chatting software like Yahoo messenger; these days I talk to him more than the past days that he lived in Iran. So chatting and talking with other people without any face to face visit is one of the clear affection of technology on our daily life.

It is believed that any subject has two sides; the plethora in any certain work might face with fail. New equipment has some advantages and disadvantages for people’s attitude. For example, saving the time is one of the prior bright sides of using technology. The dark side is reducing the amount of direct relationship and team working among the societies. To sum up, I speculate, by making a balance between traditional and modern ways of interaction; we can shape new system that it makes our life better and more comfortable.

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نه . برا ایلتس می خونم. ی مدت می خواستم شیفت کنم ب تافل

بعد پشیمون شدم.







Through the history, communication had been playing an eye-catching rule to development the internal and external interaction of any certain society. Human being needs to have some relationship and cooperation with other people. So different ways of interaction was discovered. New equipment shapes these ways to another form; through this essay, I will have done some discussion about it.

Modern tools bring some effects with themselves. One of the most obvious effects is a new communication way; amount of consumption from this new way depends on cultural background and people’s attitude. I suppose new technology changed the people interact and their daily life.

I want to start with a personal experience about the affection of technology on my relationship with some of my friends. Amin is one of my friends who was my neighbor, and now he goes abroad. I am almost online on some chatting software like Yahoo messenger; these days I talk to him more than the past days that he lived in Iran. So chatting and talking with other people without any face to face visit is one of the clear affection of technology on our daily life.

It is believed that any subject has two sides; the plethora in any certain work might face with fail. New equipment has some advantages and disadvantages for people’s attitude. For example, saving the time is one of the prior bright sides of using technology. The dark side is reducing the amount of direct relationship and team working among the societies. To sum up, I speculate, by making a balance between traditional and modern ways of interaction; we can shape new system that it makes our life better and more comfortable.


Through the history, communication had been playing an eye-catching rule to development the internal and external interaction of any certain society.

Rule or rolel?

Eye-catchingà noticeable

New equipment shapes these ways to another form(s)

I didn’t get it… By the way…

To talk about an amount of equipment , do not say 'equipments', say equipment , some equipment or a lot of equipment and say 'an equipment', say a piece of equipment.


Modern tools bring some effects with themselves.

Modern tools make some effects on human life.


I suppose new technology changed the people interact and their daily life.

I suppose new technologies have been changing the …….



Amin is one of my friends who was my neighbor, and now he goes(has gone) abroad.


These days I talk to him more than the past days that he lived in Iran.

These days I talk to him more than before, when he was in Iran.


So chatting and talking with other people without any face to face visit is one of the clear affection(s)

I don’t think so affection can be a useful word here…


New equipment has some advantages and disadvantages for people’s attitude(s).




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Sometimes,all of the people are aware of the effects of their works; it sounds illogical that they do some action with bad effects on their healthy and also on their economic situation. However, it is totally the truth that people do some action despite, they are conscious; For instance, the smoking, eating too much, and so on. One of these actions is wrong diet and be careless about the body situation.

It is believed that there are some reasons. Through this essay, these reasons will be shown. These causes could be categorized into: people’s attitude, government policy and one kind of business, which I prefer to call as an unethical business.

Holistically, the major reason is about people’s attitude; although I speculate, people are brain washed by the others (I will talk about it) people’s attitude has still paid a prior role. If we consider about our life, we will start to make it better. But in this case most of the people do not any action against it. I was wondering why; I ponder about the root. Surprisingly, I found the root on the others.

I read the 1984 fiction, and then my feelings bring me some thought. Yes, it is all about the business and money. I figure out some business companies are working on the human being mind by propaganda. They shape the people’s attitude to be a consumer for them; buy and buy more without any thinking. Furthermore; in my view, the governments want it because they can make better handling on people who have not a healthy mind and body to be free in order to think and ponder about the political attitude.

I recommend that be careful about their health and use suit diet also doing some exercises per day. With healthy body, they are free from physical suffers and they and focus on pondering about different things. Moreover, they have not force to pay lots of money on foods, and they have not experience over weighting, so they are not forced to go to the doctors.

In summing up, I believe most of the human problems are making by itself so the better solution is deep thinking about it.

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