El Roman 31720 اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 7 شهریور، ۱۳۹۰ ايننامه جهت در خواست از سازمان ملل و شخص اقاي بانكي مون دبير كل سازمان مللجهت فشار بر دولت ايران براي رسيدگي سريع به وضعيت وخيم درياچه اورميه ميباشد. شما نيز در جلوگيري از مرگ درياچه اورميه و سونامي نمك و اوارگي بيشاز 15 ميليون نفر از اطراف درياچه اورميه سهيم باشيد. در قسمت ادرس ايميل گيرنده ادرس هاي زير را وارد نماييد petitc@un.org steve.jackson@unep.org unepinfo@unep.org c.van-engeland@unesco.org در قسمت موضوع ايميل نوشته شود (subject): Lake Urmia Is Drying Up! Help Save Lake Urmia (Azerbaijan, Iran)Dear Secretary General, متن زير را در قسمت ايميل وارد كرده و در پايان متن در قسمت نام وكشور و شهر محل زندگي خود را وارد كنيد و سپس ايميل را ارسال نماييد Lake Urmia, the largest lake in the Middle East and one of the environmental wonders of the world, is registered as Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO and listed as a wetland of international importance under the 1971 Ramsar Convention. Over the last several years, Lake Urmia has shrunk significantly and its depth has fallen by seven meters. According to experts, if the lake completely dries up, a vast amount of salt will be released into the atmosphere resulting in an ecological catastrophe not only in Azerbaijani cities of Iran but also, in neighboring countries such as Turkey and Azerbaijan. By sending this letter I call on United Nations Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, UNESCO, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Iranian Government to take immediate actions to fulfill their commitments to preserve Lake Urmia. The Iranian government should expedite the conserving and water transferring plans. The action plan should be launched and implemented immediately to be effective in protecting the Lake’s flora and fauna. This environmental catastrophe must be stopped before it is too late. Thank you! name: city and country: 11 لینک به دیدگاه
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