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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Tony J. Rouphael, "RF and Digital Signal Processing for Software-Defined Radio: A Multi-Standard Multi-Mode Approach"

Newnes | 2008 | ISBN: 0750682108 | 424 pages | PDF | 2 MB


Software-defined radio (SDR) is the hottest area of RF/wireless design, and this title describes SDR concepts, theory, and design principles from the perspective of the signal processing (both on transmission and reception) performed by a SDR system. After an introductory overview of essential SDR concepts, this book examines waveform creation, analog signal processing, digital signal processing, data conversion, phase-locked loops, SDR algorithms, and SDR hardware design. The various trade-offs at each of these design stages are discussed in detail.


*Offers readers a powerful set of analytical and design tools

*Details real world designs

*Comprehensive coverage makes this a must have in the RF/Wireless industry





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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


CMOS Current Amplifiers: Speed versus Nonlinearity

Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 0306480034 | edition 2010 | PDF | 300 pages | 10,6 mb


Intended as a current-amplifier cmos containing an extensive review of different current amplifier topologies with integration technologies.



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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Gregor Meller, Tibor Grasser, "Organic Electronics"

Springer | 2009 | ISBN: 3642045375 | 328 pages | PDF | 7,6 MB


The strengths of semiconducting polymers are currently mainly unfolding incheap and easily assembled thin film transistors, light emitting diodes, and organicsolar cells. The use of so-called “plastic chips” ranges from lightweight, portabledevices over large-area applications to gadgets demanding a degree of mechanicalflexibility, which would overstress conventional devices based on inorganic, perfectcrystals. The field of organic electronics has evolved quite dynamically during thelast few years; thus consumer electronics based on molecular semiconductors hasgained sufficient market attractiveness to be launched by the major manufacturersin the recent past.





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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Towards Trustworthy Elections: New Directions in Electronic Voting

403 pages | Springer; 1st Edition. edition (June 13, 2010) | 364212979X | PDF | 4.0 Mb


For many years now, cryptography has been keeping messages secure for senders, irrespective of the routing to the destination. This same technology can be used to keep votes secure for voters, from the casting of the vote all the way through to the inclusion of the vote in the final tally. This state-of-the-art survey addresses the challenges faced in establishing a trustworthy electronic voting system. The 24 contributions included in the volume were carefully reviewed and selected from the presentations given during a series of workshops on trustworthy elections held over the last decade. Topics addresses range from foundational and theoretical aspects to algorithms and systems issues, as well as applications in various fields.


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Build Your Own Combat Robot

Pete Miles (Author), Tom Carroll







Product Description

Create your own powerful battling robot from start to finish using this easy-to-follow manual. Robotics experts Pete Miles and Tom Carroll explain the science and technology behind robots, and show you what materials you need to build and program a robot for home, school, and competition



Product Details




  • Paperback: 416 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill/OsborneMedia (February 15, 2002
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0072194642


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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Owen Bishop, "Electronics: A First Course, 2 edition"

Newnes 2006 | ISBN-10: 0750669608 | 272 Pages | PDF | 15,3 MB


Owen Bishops First Course starts with the basics of electricity and component types, and introduces students to practical work almost straightaway. No prior knowledge of electronics is assumed.


The approach is student centred with Self-Test features to check understanding, and numerous Activities suitable for practicals, homework and other assignments. New Multiple Choice Questions are incorporated throughout the text to aid student learning. Key facts, formulae and definitions are highlighted to aid revision, and theory is backed up by numerous examples within the book. Each chapter ends with a set of problems which includes exam-style questions with numerical answers provided.


This text is ideal for a wide range of introductory courses in electronics, technology, physics and engineering. The coverage has been carefully matched to the latest UK syllabuses including GCSE Electronics, GCSE Design & Technology, Engineering GCSE and City & Guilds competence-based courses such as Level 2 NVQs.


The second edition now has additional applicability to BTEC First Electronics from Edexcel with coverage of fundamental topics required by students of this qualification, as well as other essential new topics that reflect recent technological developments. The result is a text that meets the needs of students on all Level 2 electronics units and courses, with a broad coverage that will be of direct relevance to any reader commencing study of this subject, or more advanced readers requiring a handy revision guide. New material for the second edition includes: kinetic energy; temperature and resistance; sawtooth waveform; fundamentals of digital communication and data transmission; industrial processes; cells and batteries; wind and solar power; CDs, DVDs, mobile phones; and the latest LED technology.


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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Ian Hickman, "Analog Electronics, 2 edition"

Newnes 1999 | ISBN-10: 0750644168 | 352 Pages | PDF | 18,3 MB


Analog Electronics is a vital book for all electronics designers to have to hand - it will answer nagging questions about core analog theory and design principles as well as offering practical design ideas.

The second edition of this popular text has been enhanced with concise design implementations, with many of the circuits taken from Ian Hickman's magazine articles.

Although not a traditional textbook, Analog Electronics is also an ideal course text for students at HNC/HND and degree level. The contents have been carefully matched to provide full coverage of the appropriate units in the new BTEC Higher National Engineering scheme from Edexcel.

Ian Hickman is looked to by thousands of circuit designers for his innovative design ideas and clear explanations of the fundamentals of analog circuit design. This book is a distillation of Hickman's design insights, introducing all the main areas of analog electronics.

THE professional text for analog electronics

Includes numerous practical circuit ideas


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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Ian Hickman, "Analog Circuits Cookbook, 2 edition"

Newnes 1999 | ISBN-10: 0750642343 | 272 Pages | PDF | 2,1 MB


Analog Circuits Cookbook is a collection of tried and tested recipes form the masterchef of analog and RF design. Based on articles from Electronics World, this book provides a diet of high quality design techniques and applications, and proven ciruit designs, all concerned with the analog, RF and interface fields of electronics. Ian Hickman uses illustrations and examples rather than tough mathematical theory to present a wealth of ideas and tips based on his own workbench experience.

This second edition includes 10 of Hickman's latest articles, alongside 20 of his most popular classics. The new material includes articles on power supplies, filters using negative resistance, phase noise and video surveillance systems.

Essential reading for all circuit design professionals and advanced hobbyists

Contains 10 of Ian Hickman's latest articles, alongside 20 of his most popular classics.


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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


H. Wayne Beaty, "Handbook of Electric Power Calculations"

McGraw-Hill Professional | 2000 | ISBN: 0071362983 | 608 pages | PDF | 4,5 MB


This problem-solving package makes it easier than ever to find and use the right calculation. The most powerful calculations tool available to electrical engineers, the Handbook delivers step-by-step directions and examples for the entire range of electric power problem-solving. Written by industry experts and edited by McGraw-Hill's "Standard Handbook of Electrical Engineering" editor H. Wayne Beaty, this popular guide is the only answer you need for trouble-free electric power calculations.This book includes: CD-ROM with most-used calculations and formulas live; up-to-date system design calculations; deregulatory operating changes; current National Electrical Code[registered] standards; advances in transformers and motors; and, problem-solving techniques and examples in network analysis, instrumentation, all types of motors and generators, transmission lines, power system control, load flow, stability, cogeneration, batteries, economic methods, specialties, and more.





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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Neil Sclater, John E. Traister, "Handbook of Electrical Design Details,2 Ed"

McGraw-Hill Professional | 2003 | ISBN: 0071377514 | 450 pages | PDF | 7,2 MB


A COMPREHENSIVE SOURCE OF TECHNICAL DETAILS ON ELECTRICALPOWER FROM GENERATION TO PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Reliable, low-cost electric power is a fundamental requirement for modern society, making possible such vital services as lighting, HVAC, transportation, communication, and data processing, in addition to driving motors of all sizes. A mainstay of industrial productivity and economic prosperity, it is also essential for safeguarding human life and health. This handbook is a valuable information resource on electric power for everyone from technical professionals to students and laypeople. This compact, user-friendly edition updates and expands on the earlier edition. Its core content of power generation, distribution, lighting, wiring, motors, and project planning has been supplemented by new topics: * CAD for preparing electrical drawings and estimates * Basic switch and receptacle circuit wiring * Structured wiring for multimedia * Swimming pool and low-voltage lighting * Electrical surge protection An easy-to-read style makes complex topics understandable. It's a must-have reference for those with a need or desire to get up to speed on the entire subject of electric power or just familiarize themselves with the latest advances--regardless of their formal education or training. Reader-helpful features in this edition include: * Up-front chapter summaries to save time in finding topics of interest. * References to related articles in the National Electrical Code. * A bibliography identifying additional sources for digging deeper. * Approximately 300 illustrations





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اینم یه کتاب خوب درزمینه سیگنالهای دیجیتال که زمینه کاری دوستان ابزار دقیق وبرق هستش

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سلام دوستان

اینم کتابی درزمینه ولتاژهای بالا

دوستانی که با پست خطوط انتقال وترانسها سر وکار دارن بیشتر به دردشون میخوره

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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

Surya Santoso, H. Wayne Beaty, Roger C. Dugan, Mark F. McGranaghan, “Electrical Power Systems Quality, 2 Ed”

McGraw-Hill 2002 | ISBN-10: 007138622X | 528 Pages | PDF | 3,9 MB


Dugan's book is an excellent reference on power quality. Nicely organized, starting with terms and definitions, and finishing with advice on making measurements. Very readable, with minimal use of equations, and maximum use of sketches, drawings, and graphical data. A must have for every power quality professional


* Basic power quality strategies and methods to protect electronic systems


* Nearly twice the size of the last edition--new chapters on distributed generation and benchmarking--over 200 pages of new material



"A reader from Santa Cruz, CA; Dugan's book is an excellent reference on power quality. Nicely organized, starting with terms and definitions, and finishing with advice on making measurements. Very readable, with minimal use of equations, and maximum use of sketches, drawings, and graphical data. A must have for every power quality professional


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Daniel McBrearty "Electronics Calculations Data Handbook"

Published by Newnes | Publication date : August 1998 | ISBN : 0750637447 | PDF | 312 pages | English | 9.9 MB


This unique handbook consists of tables compiled as a labour-saving aid for electronics engineers, designers and technicians. The layout and content of these is designed to make them easy to use, and to contain the most valuable but tough to calculate information.


Daniel McBrearty compiled this book as a result of bitter experience as an analog designer, initially prototyping and testing the ideas of other folk, and seeking to make those little changes that can make the difference between a good and really excellent circuit, and later doing the whole thing himself. If you don't know off the top of your head the best pair of E24 resistors to make an inverting op-amp stage of 18dB gain (and who does?) then this book will save you hours and protect your sanity in a world in which your calculator always goes missing, and you've forgotten the formula.


* All the key data needed by electronics designers, engineers and technicians

* Saves on hours of needless number-crunching

* Must-have information at a glance


Download Link :

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دانلود کتاب «مهندسی کنترل مدرن» نوشته‌ی کاتسوهیکو اگاتا (زبان اصلی)


نام اصلی این کتاب Modern Control Engineering است که ترجمه‌‌های مختلفی از آن هم در بازار یافت می‌شود. (یکی از ترجمه‌های معروف، ترجمه‌ی محمود دیانی است و یک ترجمه‌ی دیگر هم دیده‌ام که در حال حاضر خاطرم نیست). مطمئن نیستم ولی فکر میکنم نام ترجمه‌ی فارسی این کتاب «مهندسی سیستم‌های کنترل خطی» باشد.

لازم به ذکر است که کتاب اگاتا بیشتر با رویکرد مکانیکی نوشته شده، یعنی اکثر مثالهایی که داره در حوزه‌ی مکانیک هستن ولی ابدا این طور نیست که برای بچه‌های برق مناسب نباشه و من به عنوان یک دانشجوی رشته‌ی برق که از این کتاب استفاده کردم واقعا راضی بودم. با این حال شاید بعضی ها کتاب کنترل دورف و بیشاپ (Modern Control Systems byRichard C. Dorf & Robert H. Bishop) رو از این نظر ترجیح بدن. من کتاب دور رو نخوندم ولی شخصا کتاب

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در اینجا نسخه‌ی اصلی کتاب اُگاتا را به زبان انگلیسی برای دانلود می‌ذارم. (البته این ویرایش سوم کتاب هست و تا امروز ویرایش پنجم کتاب هم منتشر شده اما روی اینترنت جز برای خریدن پیدا نمیشه!)

با مقایسه‌ای که بین ترجمه‌ی فارسی و نسخه‌ی انگلیسی کتاب داشتم فکر میکنم اگه زبانتون خوب باشه، فهم نسخه‌ی انگلیسی خیلی راحت تره و از طرفی یک سری نکات در نسخه‌ی انگلیسی دیدم که در نسخه‌ی فارسی یا از قلم افتاده بوده یا مترجم حوصله‌ی ترجمه نداشته یا تو اون نسخه‌ای که ترجمه شده، نبوده؛ یا … در هر صورت نسخه‌ی انگلیسیش کامل تره و توصیه میشه.

یکی از ویژگی‌های اصلی این کتاب این است که مثال‌های زیادی در باره‌ی کاربرد نرم‌افزار MATLAB در حل مسائل کنترل داره و اگه یه آشنایی اولیه با متلب داشته باشین این کتاب میتونه به شما کمک کنه تا مسائل پیچیده‌ی کنترل رو در این نرم‌افزار حل کنید. آنچه مسلم است این است که حل مسائل کنترل بدون داشتن پیش زمینه‌ی تئوری لازم ممکن نیست، بنابراین انتظار نداشته باشین که فقط قسمت‌های مربوط به متلب رو مطالعه کنین و اونوقت بتونین همه مسائل کنترل رو در متلب حل کنین..

ویرایش سوم این کتاب روی وب خیلی کمیاب شده و متاسفانه یک نسخه‌ای که روی خیلی از وبسایتهای خارجی پیدا میشه، ناکامله به طوری که از 1013 صفحه کتاب فقط حدود 600 صفحه‌ی اول کتاب رو داره و بقیش رو نداره. بنابراین اگه جایی دیدین که همین کتاب رو با حجم کمتر گذاشتن بدونین که نسخه‌ی کاملش نیست.

چون صفحات کتاب اسکن شده هستند، حجم نهایی فایل pdf بسیار بالا رفته و دقیقا 42.3MB حجم داره، برای اینکه شما در دانلود مشکل کمتری داشته باشین، فایل pdf رو به صورت فشرده درآوردم و حجمش تا 32.3MB کاهش پیدا کرده (دیگه از این فشرده تر نمیشه icon_mrgreen.gif )

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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


A. E. Fitzgerald, Jr., Charles Kingsley et al., "Electric Machinery, 6 Ed"

McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math | 2002 | ISBN: 0073660094 | 704 pages | PDF | 14,1 MB


he exciting new sixth edition of Electric Machinery has been extensively updated while retaining the emphasis on fundamental principles and physical understanding that has been the outstanding feature of this classic book.

This book covers fundamental concepts in detail as well as advanced topics for readers who wish to cover the material in more depth.

Several new chapters have been added, including a chapter on power electronics, as well as one on speed and torque control of dc and ac motors. This edition has also been expanded with additional examples and practice problems. The use of MATLAB has been introduced to the new edition, both in examples within the text as well as in the chapter problems.





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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.
برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


M. J. Moore - Micro-turbine Generators

Publisher: Wiley | 2002-12-30 | ISBN: 1860583911 | PDF | 108 pages | 10.97 MB


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Sophocles J. Orfanidis, Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas

Rutgers University | 2002 | ISBN: 0130938556 | Pages: 785 | PDF | 11.5MB


This book provides a broad and applications-oriented introduction to electromagnetic waves and antennas. The book is organized around three main topic areas: The propagation, reflection, and transmission of plane waves, and the analysis and design of multilayer films; Waveguides, transmission lines, impedance matching, and S-parameters; Linear and aperture antennas, scalar and vector diffraction theory, antenna array design, and coupled antennas.



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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.



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