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بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

Child??? Are you joking me

Nowadays having a child is as difficult as lifting weights above your head

Bringing up a child, needs time to study about how we should treat with them

what we should answer when your child ask different questions from us

You know, if you want to have a child, you and your wife/husband you should manage every thing seriously

:ws3:unfortunately majority of people think, when you get marry, having a child is obligatory . and I don't believe that, Life can be funny without child



give me a five


I agree with U .



but about it " what we should answer when your child ask different questions from us"


u can help them to find their answer ...

for example,introduce some useful reference,or persuade them to think about it and find new solution:w16:.



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why hear is silnt?



yep .

i wonder why ?:hanghead:


i think Iranian people r very into group activity :ws3:



هی روز گار .... :hanghead:


i want to share a idiom in each of my post


this is first of them





دمت گرم .:ws3:


it's ur turn

نوبت توست .



now, it's ur turn buddy :a030:

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لینک به دیدگاه

give me a five


I agree with U .



but about it " what we should answer when your child ask different questions from us"


u can help them to find their answer ...

for example,introduce some useful reference,or persuade them to think about it and find new solution:w16:.



:ws3:I'm not sure, but I hope my child at first asks me his/her question not you :ws3:

Hey man, we speak about child not teenager and adult and like that, for instance : when he/ she asks me some strange question I can't introduce some references and tell him/her , please read this book and after that you can find out every thing

by the way, I don't like to waste my time to bring up children...


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having, growing up and nurture a baby nowadays is one of the most beautiful and hard thing one can do.

. It needs a great skill I think that unfortunately few people have it

like doing other important activities it is riskfulness

but it can also help the ones to improve he/she levels of personality

although besides all it's beauty having it has so many difficulties, the lack of baby in life may have an bad effect in personality and it can be appear and show itself more by increasing the age.

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لینک به دیدگاه

:ws3:I'm not sure, but I hope my child at first asks me his/her question not you :ws3:

Hey man, we speak about child not teenager and adult and like that, for instance : when he/ she asks me some strange question I can't introduce some references and tell him/her , please read this book and after that you can find out every thing

by the way, I don't like to waste my time to bring up children...



come on

a child is human being,so they can think about anything

speculation is most important tool in the world, also discussion is very useful

":whistle:? ....I have some experience with my sister's daughter, for example ; when she ask me a towel, I said "OK, do U want it, so

she said "so what, I can not do it. this is so far ...

I said okey this is your problem

just think about it.

after some minute,she use of an instrument that was in there and pull the towel down


I said ok.


think and think again


about baby ...


yep. i agree with U

time ............. time ............. and time

.......... :hanghead:



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لینک به دیدگاه

first i wanna know that why we should have baby:ws38:



Welcome here

It's the topic for GRE exam, and you should answer , but you asked a question

come on, tell us your opinion about cute child




come on

a child is human being,so they can think about anything

speculation is most important tool in the world, also discussion is very useful

":whistle:? ....I have some experience with my sister's daughter, for example ; when she ask me a towel, I said "OK, do U want it, so

she said "so what, I can not do it. this is so far ...

I said okey this is your problem

just think about it.

after some minute,she use of an instrument that was in there and pull the towel down


I said ok.


think and think again


about baby ...


yep. i agree with U

time ............. time ............. and time

.......... :hanghead:






I agree with you

some questions that children ask us, are easy to answer

but sometimes they ask us some questions that they aren't easy to answer

by the way, if you want to have a baby, you should have more time that allocate to bring up them

and I'm sure never I don't have time to grow up children.

when pigs fly, I will have a child.


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لینک به دیدگاه

first i wanna know that why we should have baby



come on ...

a man and a woman integral each other.this isn't a joke or story

i saw it on the real life


I agree with you

some questions that children ask us, are easy to answer

but sometimes they ask us some questions that they aren't easy to answer

by the way, if you want to have a baby, you should have more time that allocate to bring up them

and I'm sure never I don't have time to grow up children.

i know, sometimes they ask some odd questions

for example: who is GOD ?

how i was born ?

to be perfectly honest,I told them piece of the truth , and take some context clue


for instances:for q1

i say

mmm. GOD is a egregious energy, and so on ...

if U want more, first U must learn how U can read .:w16:

and so on .



when pigs fly, I will have a child


o . my dear lord...come on , don't be rough

we'll see:whistle:


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لینک به دیدگاه


OK! i know that i never can speak strongly the same you

or i have many mistake in my type but.........




Man... You didn't pay attention to post 724

It was for you and you can see the issue that we discuss about it






come on ...

a man and a woman integral each other.this isn't a joke or story

i saw it on the real life



i know, sometimes they ask some odd questions

for example: who is GOD ?

how i was born ?

to be perfectly honest,I told them piece of the truth , and take some context clue


for instances:for q1

i say

mmm. GOD is a egregious energy, and so on ...

if U want more, first U must learn how U can read .:w16:

and so on .





o . my dear lord...come on , don't be rough

we'll see:whistle:



But my problems aren't just questions but I don't have additional time to waste it to bring up a human being like myself

and many people think , when they get marry they should have a child , In my opinion , It's an unreasonable point. getting marrying and obligatory to have child, that's so ridiculous


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لینک به دیدگاه

I want to open up a new subject:gnugghender:


freewill or obligation




if I slap u what would u do?

u know me guilty

but in other hand humans couldnt do everydoing


freewill is in circle of obligations

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