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that can be a big problem, why somebody chase you :ws3:

I want to know your reaction when you are angry









ok...go ahead:ws3:

make me angry....then i promis you that you will scape from me:ws3:

:gnugghender:you can ask my friends....i have bad anger

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بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع



!!Money and love

?!Kidding me

I chose both of them, anybody can NOT stop me

If I must chose one of them I don’t do that, instead of them I chose braveness in the real meaning

Fear is a Fu…. Encumbrance between U and Ur aspiration


I can do anything I want.

I think there is just some paucity real power in the world, braveness and time traveling ability


And about the second subject “ abroad – traveling or living there


O my dear lord.

To be totally honest, I love my country

But, there is some problem with Fu… government and also stupid tradition

Of course this is my idea, anyone can be free


Briefly, I think living in Ur country but try to see the other country also and spew Ur knowledge in ur country


U have infinite power

just Open ur hands and take the giant Sun..

pull it down of the sky

U can do anything U want


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!!Money and love


?!Kidding me


I chose both of them, anybody can NOT stop me


If I must chose one of them I don’t do that, instead of them I chose braveness in the real meaning


Fear is a Fu…. Encumbrance between U and Ur aspiration



I can do anything I want.


I think there is just some paucity real power in the world, braveness and time traveling ability


I don't understand this part of your note


And about the second subject “ abroad – traveling or living there



O my dear lord.


To be totally honest, I love my country


But, there is some problem with Fu… government and also stupid tradition


Of course this is my idea, anyone can be free



Briefly, I think living in Ur country but try to see the other country also and spew Ur knowledge in ur country




U have infinite power


just Open ur hands and take the giant Sun..


pull it down of the sky


U can do anything U want





It means you want to have everything and you know sometimes you should choose one thing.

by the way, sometimes your sentences don't give me some good sense

:5c6ipag2mnshmsf5ju3not only they are so formal, but also at first I thought I want to read scientific text:5c6ipag2mnshmsf5ju3

but they are so nice words in your posts

:hapydancsmil:Believe me: Money is the best if you know how you can achieve it

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All of them sentes is very good:a030:

o .

thank U

Nice of U man



It means you want to have everything and you know sometimes you should choose one thing.

by the way, sometimes your sentences don't give me some good sense

:5c6ipag2mnshmsf5ju3not only they are so formal, but also at first I thought I want to read scientific text:5c6ipag2mnshmsf5ju3

but they are so nice words in your posts

:hapydancsmil:Believe me: Money is the best if you know how you can achieve it

I think there is just some paucity real power in the world, braveness and time traveling ability=

it's tough one...


in my point of view in the world time traveling ability is the the most important power .

it seems like a science fiction, but i think it will be true


and about braveness or boldness

i think i U have fear of sth. ,u never feel real calmness .


ooo .

sorry for my bad writing ability

i will have a GRE at feb 2012

and because of that some of my word R formal .


is it bad?


but also at first I thought I want to read scientific text





thank U so mush

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o .

thank U

Nice of U man





I think there is just some paucity real power in the world, braveness and time traveling ability=

it's tough one...


in my point of view in the world time traveling ability is the the most important power .

it seems like a science fiction, but i think it will be true


and about braveness or boldness

i think i U have fear of sth. ,u never feel real calmness .


ooo .

sorry for my bad writing ability

i will have a GRE at feb 2012

and because of that some of my word R formal .


is it bad?






thank U so mush


For GRE your words are so strong and it's a good chance for you regarding two reasons

one of them is you can use new words

and the other one is you can make connection between new words and your reason . for instance in my opinion there is no relation between money and education and like this but you did it very professionally

I appreciate you because it helps us to have confidence to use new words without any afraid of mistake



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:ws38:ok,now who can translate this sentence

The future society is expected to create value that as new knowledge and the value byconvergence with knowledge based society

:ws52:, information society, global society including science and technology

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اصطلاح خاصی هستش؟

میشه متن رو بزارید .


والا کلیاتش اینکه داره میگه در اینده ارزش ها تغییر می کنن و اینا .

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Me too

I like free discussion

It's better that you tell us, which subject can be better , because for GRE you should write on target.

Please choose an issue



to to totally honest

:icon_redface: ...... I've no information about writing section in GRE

I'll check it.

but for starting to day




? Do U think have a baby is good or not




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To me, having a child is an important decision that I and my wife will have to take.

Because growing up a child has some critical problems, though the other people just do it without any thinking about resulting of their action. Briefly, I figure out that it needs to deep speculation

At this moment, I think growing up from a child from the orphanage is much better than having my child (genetically

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:ws38:ok,now who can translate this sentence

The future society is expected to create value that as new knowledge and the value byconvergence with knowledge based society


:ws52:, information society, global society including science and technology


فک میکنم منظورش اینه که میگه از جامعه آینده انتظار میره که بر پایه دو نوع ارزش باشه... که یکیش آگاهی ودانش نوینه و اون یکیش نزدیک شدن به جامعه ای که بر پایه این دانش نوین باشه ...

جامعه اطلاعاتی(که نمیفهمم منظورش چیه!!!!)و جامعه حهانی که شامل علم و تکنولوژیه...


ولیبه قول sf کاش قبل و بعد متن هم بود ....چون اینجوری ناقصه ....مشخص نیست چی میخواد بگه



اصطلاح خاصی هستش؟

میشه متن رو بزارید .


والا کلیاتش اینکه داره میگه در اینده ارزش ها تغییر می کنن و اینا .

فک میکنم by از convergenceجدا هستش ....

convergence: به معنی انحراف و کج شدن....اما نزدیک شدن،همگراییی و مقاربت هم معنی میده

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Child??? Are you joking me

Nowadays having a child is as difficult as lifting weights above your head

Bringing up a child, needs time to study about how we should treat with them

what we should answer when your child ask different questions from us

You know, if you want to have a child, you and your wife/husband you should manage every thing seriously

:ws3:unfortunately majority of people think, when you get marry, having a child is obligatory . and I don't believe that, Life can be funny without child

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