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مکالمه زبان انگلیسی فقط دراینجا


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بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

بهترین ارسال کنندگان این موضوع

ehem ehem:ws3:

i like risk & Danger, because i think that these have Excitation for me

people must able to risk.becuase life without risk become boring






  نقل قول
yuhi....why you fear from spider?


i dont know,but i fear very very very muchflat.gif

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damn... i have a lot to do here you guys...





i don't know much about danger and taking risk

to be honest I've never thought about it

but i can talk about fear


well, I'm not a sissy but I'm terrified of spiders. i can't recall when or where I've picked up this phobia but i remember that i wasn't always like this

i literally can't be in a room where there's a spider somewhere

I'm also disgusted by bugs, i mean toilet or bathroom bugs as you would say

I'm not really afraid of them, but I'm repulsed by them

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  pianist گفته است:
i thinke fear is a instinct that care us from dangers and help to have a normal life


of course:w16:

but there is kind of fear(fray)that is not positive.for example fear from take risk in life.or stay in home and to be safety and comfort.

we should face some danger:ws51:.

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  سمندون گفته است:
ok .have you had experiences dealing with wild animals befor?what do yo imagine will happen happen for you?

try to speak and imagine about this situation.

we should try to speak about every thing and i think this kind of subject can help us

one of the animals that i afraid of it is snake

before i had saw snake close-up

and in that moment i was just shocked and had no movement

i watched her (his:ws3:) eyes and i was not able to go away

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  Waffen گفته است:
you know what ?

last night and of course tonight i noticed something


you guys think in persian and then translate it into english

therefore producing bad sentences

yeeees exactly i agree:hanghead::hanghead:

whats the solution?:hanghead:

  pianist گفته است:
i'm very tired and hearstick now... :pichak29:


good night


:hanghead:me too

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