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خوردگی دمای بالا در توربین های گازی، 2004، نویسنده: Bettina Bordenet

High Temperature Corrosion in Gas Turbines: Thermodynamic Modelling and Experimental Results



حجم فایل : 8 مگابایت


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ریخته گری و انجماد، 2003، نویسنده: B. Contor, K. Reilly

Solidification and Casting



حجم فایل : 29 مگابایت


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book:Introduction to dislocations


by D. Hull and D.J.Bacon


department of enginering

materials science and enginering

University of liverpool


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(Fourth, revised and enhanced edition)

Author : Peter W.Cahn and Peter Haasen

Publisher : 1996 Elsevier Science

Number Of Pages : volume 1- pp 1-942

943-1830-volume 2

1831-2740-volume 3



This book sets forth in detail the present state of physical metallurgy, which is the root

from which the modern saience of materials has principally sprung. That science has

burgeoned to such a degree that no one author can do justice to it at an advanced level;

accordingly, a number of well-known specialists have consented to write on the various

principal branches, and the editor has been responsible for preserving a basic unity among the expert contributions. This book is the first general text, as distinct from research symposium, which has been conceived in this manner. While principally directed at senior undergraduates at universities and colleges of technology, the book is therefore also appropriate for postgraduates and particularly as a base for experienced research workers entering fields of physical metallurgy new to them.

Certain topics have been left to one side or treated at modest length, so as to limit the

size of the book, but special stress has been placed on others which have rarely been

accorded much space. For instance, a good deal of space is devoted to the history of physical metallurgy, and to point defects, structure and mechanical properties of solid solutions, theory of phase transformations, recrystallization, superpure metals, ferromagnetic properties, and mechanical pmperties of two-phase alloys. These are all active fields of research. Experimental techniques, in particular diffraction methods, have been omitted for lack of space; these have been ably surveyed in a number of recent texts. An exception has however been made in favour of metallographic techniques since, electron microscopy apart, recent innovations have not been sufficiently treated in texts.

Each chapter is provided with a select list of books and reviews which will enable readers to delve further into a particular subject. Internal cross-references and the general index will help to tie the various contributions together.


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متالورژی فیزیکی و مواد پیشرفته، 2007، نویسنده: R.E.Smallman and A.H.W Ngan

Physical Metallurgy and Advanced Materials



حجم فایل : 6 مگابایت


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کوره های صنعتی، اصول طراحی و عملکرد کوره ها، 2008، نویسنده: Peter Mullinger and Barrie Jenkins

Industrial and Process Furnaces, Principles, Design and Operation



حجم فایل : 4.3 مگابایت


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جوشکاری آلومینیم و آلیاژهای آن، 2002، نویسنده: Gene Mathers

The welding of aluminium and its alloys



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A.K.Bandyopadhyay, Nano Materials

NewAge International (P) Ltd. | Pages: 322 | ISBN : 978 8122420098 | 2007 | PDF | 2,3 Mb


To read a good book on nano science and technology, the readers should have a reasonable grasp of quantum mechanics, which is dealt with in the first chapter in some detail. Then, two chapters are devoted on how to make different types of nano materials that are useful for various applications with their mechanical properties. Three more chapters deal with the most important magnetic, electronic and optical properties of nano materials citing the most useful and the most well-studied materials of importance today. From these chapters, a future direction on the type of experimental insights can be obtained, and this should ultimately trigger theoretical work in the realm of nano science and technology for all concerned.


In the final chapter, the author deals with the novel technique such as sol-gel and many other methods that have been popular in recent times, along with a survey on nano-optics, nano-magnetics and nano-electronics. All these subjects are attracting a lot of attention of the scientists and technologists on the one hand and on the other hand, both undergraduate and postgraduate students in various universities and institutes.


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Multiscale Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation of Engineering Materials

Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 1402085192 | edition 2008 | PDF | 386 pages | 12,5 mb


This book elucidates the correlation of fatigue crack growth data to multiscale cracking, particularly to the understanding of micrographs influenced by mechanical disturbance and thermodynamic variables. Attention is given to the interpretation of test data by fatigue crack growth rate using two empirical parameters in consistent with the fracture control methodology currently used by industry. Micrograph and crack growth rate data are presented for a host of metals used by the aerospace and nuclear industry. Furthermore, these data can be shown to lie on a straight line for the two parameter model that traditionally refers to regions I, II, and III. Results for small and large cracks can thus be connected to provide fatigue life prediction with data from the microscopic scale level such that the interactive effects of loading, geometry and material by mechanical tests are accounted for.



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K.H.J. Buschow, "Handbook of Magnetic Materials, Volume 9 "

North Holland | 1995 | ISBN: 0444822321 | 708 pages | PDF | 10,5 MB


Volume 9 of the Handbook of Magnetic Materials has a dual purpose, as do the preceding volumes in the series. As a textbook it is intended to be of assistance to those who wish to be introduced to a given topic in the field of magnetism without the need to read the vast amount of literature published. As a work of reference it is intended for scientists active in magnetism research. To this dual purpose, Volume 9 of the Handbook is composed of topical review articles written by leading authorities. In each of these articles an extensive description is given in graphical as well as in tabular form, much emphasis being placed on the discussion of the experimental material in the framework of physics, chemistry and material science.


Chapter one presents a general account of the magnetism of heavy-fermion systems. Two novel experimental techniques are described in chapters two and five. Chapter two deals with muon spin rotation and chapter five gives an account of the possibilities offered by photon beam spectroscopy. In both chapters it is shown how these sophisticated experimental methods can be used to obtain experimental information not easily obtainable by conventional experimental methods. Chapter three deals with interstitially modified intermetallic compounds of rare earth and 3d elements. Finally chapter four is concerned with thermodynamic approach to phase transitions and shows how the understanding and description of these magnetic phase transitions can be considerably enriched.





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K.H.J. Buschow, "Handbook of Magnetic Materials, Volume 8"

North Holland | 1995 | ISBN: 0444819746 | 542 pages | PDF | 8,3 MB


Chapter one contains a detailed account of achievements on rare earth based artificial multilayered structures. The large body of experimental results that have become available for the many intermetallic compounds in which rare earths are combined with 3d transition metals is described in the second chapter. The ferrites form a large class of magnetic materials and some of these materials are of considerable technical importance. New results obtained on ferrites are described in chapter three, where the emphasis is on spinel ferrites. Previous volumes have contained chapters on the group of so called soft magnetic materials. Supplementary results dealing mainly with laminated amorphous alloys and electrical steels and the problem of the loss producing effect of the rotational magnetisation are highlighted in chapter four. Chapter five continues the updating process started in the previous volume of the basic magnetic interactions of rare earth intermetallics, dealing in particular with rare earth copper compounds of the type RCu2.





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Charles A. Harper, «Handbook of Plastics Technologies (McGraw-Hill Handbooks)»

McGraw-Hill Professional | ISBN 0071460683 | 2 edition (May 5, 2006) | 600 pages| PDF | 6 Mb


Understand, design, and manufacture plastics

This resource provides you with the state-of-the-art information for the design, manufacture and application of plastics as well as its cutting-edge usage in nanotechnology.

Includes the latest industry specifications and standards


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Cutting Tool Technology: Industrial Handbook

Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 1848002041 | edition 2008 | PDF | 600 pages | 18,3 mb


It is a well acknowledged fact that virtually all of our modern-day components and assemblies rely to some extent on machining operations in their manufacturing process. Thus, there is clearly a substantive machining requirement which will continue to be of prime importance for the foreseeable future. Cutting Tool Technology provides a comprehensive guide to the latest developments in the use of cutting tool technology. The book covers new machining and tooling topics such as high-speed and hard-part machining, near-dry and dry-machining strategies, multi-functional tooling, ‘diamond-like’ and ‘atomically-modified’ coatings, plus many others.


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J. Gilbert Kaufman, "Introduction to Aluminum Alloys and Tempers"

ASM International | 2000 | ISBN: 087170689X | 250 pages | PDF | 5,5 MB






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Erhard Klar; Prasan K. Samal, "Powder Metallurgy Stainless Steels: Processing, Microstructures, and Properties"

ASM International | 2007 | ISBN: 0871708485 | 243 pages | PDF | 6,4 MB


Progress in the understanding of corrosion and corrosion resistance properties of sintered stainless steels has lead to new applications that benefit from net shape processing and more efficient material utilization. The text, extensive graphics, and tabular summaries provide a comprehensive reference to obtain good corrosion resistance properties of sintered stainless steels with careful processing, starting with powder selection, avoidance of contamination, efficient delubrication, and controlled sintering and cooling. Misconceptions and conflicting literature are critically assessed.





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André Moliton, "Basic Electromagnetism and Materials"

Springer | 2006 | ISBN: 0387302840 | 430 pages | PDF | 2,6 MB


Basic Electromagnetism and Materials is the product of many years of teaching basic and applied electromagnetism. This textbook can be used to teach electromagnetism to a wide range of undergraduate science majors in physics, electrical engineering, or materials science. However, by making lesser demands on mathematical knowledge than competing texts, and by emphasizing electromagnetic properties of materials and their applications, this textbook is particularly appropriate for students of materials science. Many competing texts focus on the study of propagation waves either in the microwave or optical domain, whereas Basic Electromagnetism and Materials covers the entire electromagnetic domain and the physical response of materials to these waves.





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