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مسابقات تصویری - آفات گیاهی

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راستش قبل از انهدام باشگاه، یه سری اطلاعات گذاشته بودیم در مورد این آفت. نکته مهمی که داره اینه که خسارت عمده ای که میزنه قطع بوته های جوان (گیاهچه) از محل طوقه هست. ممکنه خیلی نخوره ولی مثلا تو یه ردیف کشت میبینی یهو هفت هشتا بوته رو زده انداخته! به همین دلیل هم به اسم کرم طوقه بُر معروفه...

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برنده های دو هفته پیش (یکیشم خودم!) شرمنده همتونیم... روز از نو روزی از نو شده دیگه!

حمید جان سوال بعدی رو بذار تا ادامه بدیم...

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بفرمایید میدونید مشکل چیه؟؟؟؟

والا راستشو بخواید من خودمم شک دارم به طرح سوالم! منبعش زبان اصلی بود!!!

انشالله که همه میدونن!



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آخ حالا چرا میزنی؟!! خرجش یه کپی پیسته... بفرما:




2ndbsmall.jpg Image 10 A daylily clump was dug from semi-frozen ground the day it was first uncovered by melting snow at the end of winter in a Zone 4 garden. The clump was brought indoors to see if spring sickness would develop despite lack of exposure to spring weather conditions. On coming in, two or three fans were dissected even though no external signs of spring sickness were apparent. The image shows extensive spring sickness damage was already present inside the fan. This clump and others brought indoors at the same time subsequently developed spring sickness without further exposure to spring weather conditions.


sjbmitesmall.jpg Image 11 A daylily dug in fall was kept indoors all winter on a windowsill to see if total avoidance of winter conditions would permit the development of spring sickness on a particularly spring sickness prone clump. By spring, there was considerable bulb mite damage to the plant as shown in this image, and one fan was stunted and curving with a cavity in the crown. However, the full effects of spring sickness were not apparent.


dlmite2small.jpg Image 12 Bulb mites were also found on an emerging scape which was badly deformed, and on damaged flower buds. Further examination of daylilies kept indoors frequently revealed bulb mites actually inside outer leaves, between the upper and lower epidermis and veins. They appear to use the spaces between veins as feeding "tunnels" moving up and down freely as illustrated in this image. They can only be clearly seen with magnification when a leaf is positioned over a light such as a flashlight or the sub-stage lighting on a dissecting microscope.


seed2small.jpg Image 13 In order to find out whether bulb mites are capable of damaging healthy plants, or whether their presence indicated some other cause, germinating daylily seeds were exposed to bulb mites which had been removed from daylily leaves. This image shows that they have eaten into the radicle. After more time has elapsed, the mites also eat up into the developing new shoots. These mites were identified by a mite researcher at Agriculture Canada as mostly Rhizoglyphus robini along with a smaller number of Tyrophagus putrescentiae.


novsssmall.jpg Image 14 In fall 2001, a new experiment was commenced which involved bringing spring sickness prone daylily clumps indoors at intervals of approximately one month in order to find out when spring sickness damage is initiated. The first clump came in during the first week of November. The next two were dug in early December before the ground became frozen for the winter. One was brought in immediately, the other remained outdoors until January. This image shows damage consistent with spring sickness which developed indoors on the clump brought in at the beginning of December. Bulb mites were found at the site of this damage.


Image15small.jpg Image 15 The other daylily clump dug in early-December was planted in a large bucket and kept in an open sided barn in order that it be exposed to winter weather conditions but still be retrievable in January. In early January, by which time the soil in the bucket was frozen, it was brought into the house from the barn and placed in a cool room. After growth was a few inches high, two fans started to grow sideways, and one central leaf detached with decay at the base. The fan was disssected, and lesions consistent with spring sickness discovered. This, and the experiments in images 10 and 14 above, suggest that spring sickness is not related to freezing temperatures which occur after growth has commenced in spring.

In view of the frequent presence of bulb mites in these experiments, and the fact that spring sickness damage is similar to that described elsewhere and attributed to bulb mites, further investigation of their involvement in this disorder is ongoing. Other possible contributing factors also need to be examined, for instance the roles of other pests such as the lesser bulb fly, and the leaf streak fungus Aureobasidium microstictum, as well as soil conditions and other environmental factors.

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عکس اول (تصویر 10) علائم بیماری بهاره را نشان میده که از قبل روی گیاه سوسن که در محیط باز بوده ایجاد شده و برای بررسی بیشتر به داخل ساختمون آورده میشه.

عکس 11 گیاهی را نشون میده که تمام زمستان داخل ساختمان و پشت پنجره نگهداری شده تا علائم بیماری بهاره روش بررسی بشه. چیزی که تو عکس میبینید علائم خسارت کنه ای هست که به کنه حبابی معروفه اما علائمی از بیماری بهاره تو این گیاه مشاهده نشده.

عکس 12 کنه هایی را نشون میده که در فضای بین رگبرگی در حدفاصل اپیدرم رویی و زیری برگ مشغول فعالیت و تغذیه هستن.

عکس 13 هم توضیح میده که بذر سوسن را در معرض کنه هایی که از برگهای آلوده استخراج کردن قرار دادن تا توائنایی این آفت را در آلوده کردن گیاه سالم بررسی کنن و مشاهده کردن که کنه وارد ریشه چه های جدید شده. این آفت توسط یه کنه شناس کانادایی شناسایی شده و Rhizoglyphus robini معرفی شده و همچنین تعداد کمتری هم از کنه Tyrophagus putrescentiae داخل این گیاه مشاهده کردن.

عکس 14 و 15 هم خودتون بخونید دیگه حوصله ندارم... البته بیشتر توضیح آزمایشی هست که برای بررسی بیماری بهاره انجام دادن و این مطلب هم تحقیقی بود در همین زمینه و اثرات ناشی از دما و یخبندان زمستانه که حضور این کنه در حاشیه مورد بحث قرار گرفته.

حالا دیگه قضاوت با خودتون...

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  • 11 ماه بعد...



خب اینجا بخاطر نبود کاربرای مشتاقی مثل شما خوابیده بود دیگه!


بفرما سوال:


فکر میکنید خسارت چی این بلا رو سر این گیاه بدبخت در آورده!؟



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چی فکر کردی پس:texc5lhcbtrocnmvtp8.راستی حمید آقا نگوفتی جوابم درسته یا نه؟:w58:


نه آب دزدک نیست نه! دقت کنید! :icon_pf (34):

یه حشره ای طوقه رو سوراخ کرده رفته تو ساقه و طوقه بخور بخور!

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سوراخی وجود داره که تو ناحیه طوقه است

انگار یه چیزی وارد گیاه شده نه؟


خب بنظرتون لارو پروانه یا مثلا زنبوری که میترا گفت از اون ناحیه وارد میشه؟ خب نه دیگه!

خب فکر میکنید چه چیزی میتونه از اون ناحیه وارد گیاه بشه؟

کاری به گیاهش هم نداشته باشیم!

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