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نمی دونم با منحنی اینولوت Involutes آشنا هستین یا نه. حاصل از کشیدن یک نخ حول یک دایره است. خوب کاربرد صنعتی داره ک الان نمخام وارد اون بشم.
البته سوال من Evolute هست.
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توضیحاتی دربارش نوشته ک من رو گیج کرده
119. Evolutes. The locus of the centers of curvature of a given curve is called the evolute of that curve. Consider the circle of curvature corresponding to a point P on a curve. If P moves along the given curve, we may suppose the corresponding circle of curvature to roll along the curve with it, its radius varying so as to be always equal to the radius of curvature of the curve at the point P. The curve
described by the center of the circle is the evolute of It is instructive to make an approximate construction of the evolute of a curve by estimating (from the shape of the curve) the lengths of the radii of curvature at different points on the curve and then drawing them in and drawing the locus of the centers of curvature.
(E), §116, gives the coordinates of any point on the evolute expressed in terms of the cöordinates of the corresponding point of the given curve. But is a function of ; therefore
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با تشکر./.