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Gardening Ebook Collection


Publisher: English Date: 1 Format: PDF Language: English ISBN10: 0000000000Pages: 263 Ebooks


Description of Gardening Ebook Collection


African-American Theme Garden (W036).pdf

Aquatic Gardening Construction and Maintenance (Brochure HG17pfv)

Asian-American Theme Garden (W037).pdf

Bulbs - Forcing Bulbs.pdf

Bulbs - How to grow garlic.pdf

Bulbs - Naturalizing Bulbs.pdf

Bulbs - Planting in layers.pdf

Bulbs For Containers.pdf

Bulbs for Fall Planting.pdf

Butterfly Garden (PB1636).pdf

Care of the Vegetable Garden (SP291-D).pdf

Compost Medium for Plant Tissue Cultures.pdf

Container Gardening.pdf

Crabgrass - Controlling and Removal.pdf

Crabgrass - Identification and Controlling.pdf

Crabgrass - Invasion of the Turf Snatchers.pdf

Creating a Water Garden Retreat (brochure).pdf

Deciding What to Plant in Your Garden.pdf

Disease and Insect Control in Home Fruit Plantings (PB1622).pdf

Disease Control in the Home Vegetable Garden (PB1215).pdf

Disease Resistance in Recommended Vegetable Varieties for Home Ga

Dogwoods for American Gardens (PB1670).pdf

Earth-Kind Gardening Series - Cultural Control Practices.pdf

Fall Vegetable Gardens (SP291-G).pdf

Fences - Installing A Garden Gate.pdf

Fences - Wooden Panel Garden Fence .pdf

Fertilization & Management of Home Lawns (PB1038).pdf

Fertilizers and Their Use (PB1637).pdf

Fertilizing Landscape Trees and Shrubs - Tutorial.pdf

Fertilizing Shade and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.pdf

Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs FAQ.pdf

Floral Mimicry.pdf

Flowering Bulbs (PB1610).pdf

Flowers - Care and Handling of Cut Flowers.pdf

Flowers - Diseases of Roses.pdf

Flowers - Edible Flowers.pdf

Flowers - Rose Care and Planting.pdf

Fruit - Growing Raspberries.pdf

Fruit - Apple Growing.pdf

Fruit - Apple Insect and Disease Control - 2007.pdf

Fruit - Blackberries and Raspberries in Home Gardens.pdf

Fruit - Cornell Guide to Growing Fruit at Home.pdf

Fruit - Growing Strawberries in the Home Garden.pdf

Fruit - Home Fruit Planting Guide.pdf

Fruit - How to grow apples.pdf

Fruit - Peach and Nectarine Insect and Disease Control - 2007.pdf

Fruits - Blackberry and Raspberry Culture for the Home Garden.pdf

Fruits - Blackberry, Strawberry, and Blueberry Insect and Disease

Garden Guide 03.pdf

Garden Pond - Tips, Tricks and Reminders.pdf

Gardeners Guide - Deer Resistent Plants.pdf

Greenhouse Climate Guide for Fruits and Vegetables .pdf

Greenhouse Cucumber Production - CV26800.pdf

Greenhouse Cucumbers.pdf

Greenhouse Floors and Benches.pdf

Greenhouse Structures - CEAC.pdf

Greenhouse Structures and Coverings.pdf

Greenhouse Tomato Handbook.pdf

Greenhouse Tomatos Growers Glossary.pdf


Greenhouses - ACF Greenhouse Buying Guide.pdf

Greenhouses - ACF Greenhouse Supplies Guide.pdf

Greenhouses - Basic Information.pdf

Greenhouses - Basic Rules For Solar Heated Greenhouses.pdf

Greenhouses - Building a Greenhouse Foundation.pdf

Greenhouses - Carbon Dioxide In Greenhouses.pdf

Greenhouses - Enviromental Control for Greenhouse Tomatoes.pdf

Greenhouses - Locating the Greenhouse.pdf

Greenhouses - Mist Propagation Systems and Humidity Chambers for

Greenhouses - Planning A Home Greenhouse.pdf

Greenhouses - The Hobby Greenhouse.pdf

Greenstriped Mapleworm (290-Y).pdf

Growing Asparagus in Home Gardens (SP291-R).pdf

Growing Cucumbers, Melons, Squash, Pumpkins and Gourds (HO-8).pdf

Growing Giant Pumpkins In The Home Garden, HYG-1646-94.pdf

Growing Greenhouse Cucumbers.pdf

Growing Orchids in the Home (PB1634).pdf

Growing Pumpkins and Winter Squash.pdf

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms.pdf

Growing Sweet Corn in Home Gardens (SP291-E).pdf

Growing Vegetable Transplants for Home Gardens (SP291-A).pdf

Growing Vegetables in Home Gardens (PB901).pdf

Growing Walnuts.pdf

Hawai Rain Harvesting Guide.pdf

Herbs - Culinary Herb FAQ.pdf

Herbs - Diy Herb Gardening.pdf

Herbs - Growing Herbs at Home.pdf

Herbs - Growing Herbs Indoors.pdf

Herbs - Handbook of Herbs and Spices Peter, 2001).pdf

Herbs - Handbook of Herbs and Spices, Vol. 2 (Peter, 2004).pdf

Herbs - Medicinal Herb FAQ.pdf

Herbs and Spices for the Home Garden h-221.pdf

Home Gardener's Guide.pdf

Identifying Problems of Garden Flowers (SP370-K).pdf

Improving Garden Soil Fertility.pdf

Improving Garden Soils with Organic Matter.pdf

Improving Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat.pdf

Insects and Related Pests of House Plants (PB1157).pdf

Landscape Maintenance Schedule.pdf

Landscape Plants That Attract Birds.pdf

Lawn Insects(PB 1158).pdf

Management Guide for the Backyard Flock (L429).pdf

Managing Lawn Weeds - Part 1 (PB956).pdf

Managing Lawn Weeds - Part 2 (PB956).pdf

Moss Removal & Lawn Care.pdf

Mulching Garden Soils.pdf

Mushrooms - Tabletop Mushroom Cultivation.pdf

Nematode Control in the Home Garden (SP341-l).pdf

Non-Chemical Methods for Controlling Diseases in the Home Landsca

Orchid Flasking.pdf

Orchid Germination.pdf

Organic - Fundamentals of Organic Agriculture.pdf

Organic - Insect Pest Management For Organic Crops.pdf

Organic - Organic Vegetable Gardening - Yet Another.pdf

Organic - Recycling Organic Waste.pdf

Organic - Soil Quality in Organic Agricultural Systems.pdf

Organic Blueberry Production.pdf

Organic Flower Gardening.pdf

Organic Vegetable Gardening (PB1391).pdf

Organic Vegetable Gardening.pdf

Ornamental and Garden Plants - Controlling Deer Damage.pdf

Pesticide Certification Training Series - First Aid for Pesticide

Pizza Garden (W038).pdf

Planning the Vegetable Garden (SP291-M).pdf

Plant Galls Caused by Insects and Mites.pdf

Plant Micropropagation Using African Violet Leaves.pdf

Plant Nutrition - CEAC.pdf

Plant Tissue Culture for Home Gardeners.pdf

Planting Blueberries in Home Gardens (SP284-D).pdf

Planting Trees and Shrubs.pdf

Planting Woody Ornamentals (PB1621).pdf

Pond Design Section - Koi Health Advisor Course.pdf

Pond Fish Care Guide (careguides brochure).pdf

Pond Plants - Planting and Care Guide (careguides brochure).pdf

Preserving Flowers and Leaves - FS556.pdf

Propagating Peaches by T-Budding.pdf

Propagation by Cuttings.pdf

Propagation of Fruit and Nuts by Seed.pdf

Pruning Blueberries in Home Gardens (SP284-E).pdf

Pruning Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Groundcovers (PB1619).pdf

Pruning Raspberries and Blackberries in Home Gardens (SP284-G).pd

Pumpkins - Growing Pumpkins and other Vine Crops (A3688).PDF

Rain Barrel Water Harvest Guide.pdf

Rainwater - Harvesting.pdf

Rainwater Harvesting - Supply from the Sky.pdf

Raised Bed Gardening (SP291-N).pdf

Renovating Strawberries in the Home Garden (SP284-B).pdf

Rhubarb in Home Gardens (SP291-Q).pdf

Roses - Growing HGIC1172.PDF

Roses - Diseases HGIC2106.pdf

Roses - General Care Information.pdf

Roses - Growing H-165.pdf

Roses - Growing MF799.PDF

Roses - growing_roses.pdf

Roses - More on Growing Roses.pdf

Roses - Pruning HGIC1173.PDF

Roses - Types of Roses.pdf

Roses HO-128.pdf


Safe Use of Pesticides in the Home and Garden.pdf

Salsa Garden (W039).pdf

Seed Propagation Tips.pdf

Seed Starting Tips.pdf

Seeds - Saving Seed.pdf

Seeds - Collecting and Storing Seeds from Your Garden.pdf

Seeds - Growing From Seed.pdf

Seeds - Seed Starting.pdf

Seeds - Starting Seeds Indoors 2.pdf

Seeds - Starting Seeds Indoors.pdf

Selecting Fescues (PB1576).pdf


Shrub Pruning Calendar.pdf

Soil Improvement.pdf

Soil Preparation for Vegetable Gardens (SP 291-C).pdf

Soil Testing (PB 1061).pdf

Strawberries Growing and Selection Guide.pdf


Texas Rainwater Harvesting Manual (3rd edition).pdf

The Gardeners Handbook.pdf

Tissue culture in the Home Kitchen.pdf

Tomatoes - Growing Tomatoes (mf312).pdf

Tomatoes for the Home Garden (SP291-K).pdf

Using Pesticides in Greenhouses (PB1595).pdf

Vegetables - Harvesting and Storing Fresh Garden Vegetables.pdf

Vegetables - Peppers.pdf

Vegetables - The Fall Vegetable Garden.pdf

Vegetables - Asparagus Culture in the Home Garden.pdf

Vegetables - Asparagus Production.pdf

Vegetables - Chinese Vegetables.pdf

Vegetables - C


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Gardening ebooks collection


This is a collection of documents on gardening related topics: flower garden, vegetable gardening, fruit trees growing, herbs cultivation.


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Tomatoes (Crop Production Science in Horticulture)


Ep Heuvelink





Product Description: This is book 13 in the Crop Production Science in Horticulture series and gives up to date and compact knowledge of the scientific principles underlying the biology and production of the tomato crop. Our understanding of tomatoes has increased and new areas have been developed, such as genetic modification and biological pest control. This book, as others in the Crop Protection Science in Horticulture series, describes the scientific principles underlying the biology and production of the crop. It is worldwide in scope and is written by authors from North America and the Netherlands.


برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

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Four-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long


Author(s): Eliot Coleman Publisher: Chelsea Green Date: 1999-10-01 Format: EPUB Language: English ISBN10: 1890132276Pages: 236




Product Description: If you love the joys of eating home-garden vegetables but always thought those joys had to stop at the end of summer, this book is for you. Eliot Coleman introduces the surprising fact that most of the United States has more winter sunshine than the south of France. He shows how North American gardeners can successfully use that sun to raise a wide variety of traditional winter vegetables in backyard cold frames and plastic covered tunnel greenhouses without supplementary heat. Coleman expands upon his own experiences with new ideas learned on a winter-vegetable pilgrimage across the ocean to the acknowledged kingdom of vegetable cuisine, the southern part of France, which lies on the 44th parallel, the same latitude as his farm in Maine.This story of sunshine, weather patterns, old limitations and expectations, and new realities is delightfully innovative in the best gardening tradition. Four-Season Harvest will have you feasting on fresh produce from your garden all through the winter.


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Dave Jacke
Chelsea Green




Product Description: Volume Two of the two-volume set, Edible Forest Gardens, focuses all of its attention on effective design and practice. It organizes the ecological strategies from Volume One in a way that is accessible to gardeners and designers. It offers a unique 'pattern language' for forest garden design, and provides detailed advice for how to design, prepare the site for, plant, and maintain your forest garden. Volume Two also includes a unique Plant Species Matrix and several associated appendices which offer a wide-ranging catalog of the ecology, uses, and ecosystem functions of the best temperate-climate forest garden plants, and a few edible mushrooms, from around the world.


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PERMACULTURE: A Designers' Manual


Bill Mollison
Tagari Publications





This is the definitive Permaculture design manual in print since 1988. It is the text book and curriculum for the 72-hour Certificate course in Permaculture Design. Written for teachers, students and designers, it follows on and greatly enlarges on the initial introductory texts, Permaculture One (1978) and Permaculture Two (1979) both of which are still in demand over twenty years after publication. Very little of the material found in this book is reproduced from the former texts. It covers design methodologies and strategies for both urban and rural applications describing property design and natural farming techniques.


Topics include:



    [*]design methods,

    [*]understanding patterns in nature,

    [*]climatic factors,



    [*]earthworks and their use in earth repair,

    [*]techniques and design strategies for both urban and rural applications,

    [*]the temperate climates,

    [*]dry lands,

    [*]cold climates,

    [*]humid cool climates,

    [*]humid tropics ,

    [*]trees and their energy transactions,


    [*]waste management,

    [*]energy efficient architecture,

    [*]legal strategies and trusts,

    [*]effective working groups,

    [*]right livelihood,

    [*]money and finance,

    [*]ethical investment.

    [*]bio-regional organisation,

    [*]effective aid.



    برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

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