Mohammad Aref 120454 اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 9 تیر، ۱۳۹۳ شاید خیلی از دوستان علاقه مند باشن تا مقالات و پژوهش های خودشون رو توی ژورنال های معتبر بین المللی چاپ کنن ولی چندتا از اون مجلات رو بیشتر نشناسن. تو اینجا لیست ژورنال های بین المللی که مرتبط با برنامه ریزی شهری هستن رو می تونید ببینید. 1. Annals of Tourism Research 2. Applied Environmental Education & Communication 3. Cities 4. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 5. Community Development Journal 6. Computers and Urban Society 7. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 8. Development and Change 9. Development in Practice 10. Development Policy Review 11. Environment and Planning A-Governance 12. Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design 13. Environment and Planning C-Society and Space 14. Environment and Urbanization 15. Environmental Science & Policy 16. Environment Impact Assessment Review 17. Environment International 18. Ethics, Place & Environment 19. European Journal of Development Research 20. European Journal of Housing Policy 21. European Planning Studies 22. European Spatial Research and Policy 23. Gender and Development 24. Global Environmental Change 25. Habitat International 26. Housing Policy Debate 27. Housing Studies 28. Housing, Theory and Society 29. International Development Planning Review 30. International Journal for Housing Science and its Application 31. International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP) 32. International Journal of Environmental Studies 33. International Journal of Environmental Studies A & B 34. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35. International Journal of Heritage Studies 36. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 37. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 38. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39. International Journal of Water Resources Development 40. International Planning Studies 41. International Regional Science Review 42. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 43. Journal of Cleaner Production 44. Journal of Development Studies 45. Journal of Environment and Development 46. Journal of Environmental Management 47. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 48. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 49. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 50. Journal of Environmental Quality 51. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 52. Journal of Housing Economics 53. Journal of Integrative Environmental Research 54. Journal of Land Use Science 55. Journal of Planning Education and Research 56. Journal of Planning History 57. Journal of Planning Literature 58. Journal of Regional Science 59. Journal of Rural Studies 60. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 61. Journal of Transport Geography 62. Journal of the American Planning Association 63. Journal of Urban Affairs 64. Journal of Urban Design 65. Journal of Urban Economics 66. Journal of Urban History 67. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 68. Journal of Urban Technology 69. Landscape Research 70. Landscape and Urban Planning 71. Land Use Policy 72. Leisure Studies 73. Local Environment 74. Online Planning Journal 75. Open House International 76. Planning Perspective 77. Planning, Practice and Research 78. Planning Theory & Practice 79. Population Studies 80. Progress in Planning 81. Regional Development Studies 82. Regional Science and Urban Economics 83. Regional Studies 84. Review of Regional Studies 85. Society & Natural Resources 86. Studies in Locational Analysis 87. Studies in Regional and Urban Planning 88. Strategic Environmental Management 89. The Annals of Regional Science 90. The Journal of Urban Technology 91. Technology in Society 92. Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development 93. Tourism Geographies 94. Tourism Management 95. Town Planning Review 96. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 97. Transportation Planning and Technology 98. Transportation Policy 99. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 100. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 101. Transport Reviews 102. Urban Affairs Review 103. Urban Design International 104. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 105. Urban Forum 106. Urban Geography 107. Urban History Review 108. Urban Morphology 109. Urban Policy & Research 110. Urban Studies 111. Urban Water Journal 112. URISA 113. Utilities Policy 114. World Development 3 لینک به دیدگاه
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