faezeh mzk 19231 اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 7 دی، ۱۳۹۱ Maritime Museum Architect: Tadao AndoThe museum consultant agency Lord Cultural Resources will be in charge of planning the content and operations matters.About the concept of architect Tadao Ando: The concept is inspired by Abu Dhabi’s natural surrounding, landscape and maritime traditions. Its ship-like interior with floating decks will guide visitors through the exhibition space. "The elegant architecture begins with a unique space carved out of a simple volume that is shaped by the force and fluidity of Abu Dhabi’s wind. The solitary form stands like a gate over a vast water court, defining a space of encounter between two important landscape elements of the city’s culture: the land and the sea. With its reflective surface, the water court visually merges site and sea, reinforcing the maritime theme of the museum." Quote from Tadao Ando's design statementA former boxer and largely self-taught architect who learnt his craft based on a Grand Tour of mostly European and North American modernist masterpieces, Ando professes a deep admiration for and affinity with the “Big 3” of Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier. Some of Ando’s larger civic and museum projects recall the expansiveness and geometric grace of Corbusier’s buildings in Chandigarh, while others draw on Lloyd Wright’s truthfulness to materials. Ando’s most distinctive signatures are perhaps his facades of carefully poured and molded unfinished concrete, seeking a halfway point between concrete’s industrial cleanness and its organic, naturally uneven textural quality 1 لینک به دیدگاه
faezeh mzk 19231 مالک اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 7 دی، ۱۳۹۱ Tadao Ando, Abu Dhabi Maritime Museum, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2006-) Guiding Ando’s use of concrete are certain basic principles: geometry, integration with nature, and dialogue with site. Surveying the some thirty works on display, only a handful of which have been reconstructed in maquette form, one is forced to admit that such bases are not particularly radical or unique – what architectural form does not emerge from geometrical measurements and proportions? Contextuality and environmental assimilation, too, seem now to be fairly universal objectives — which is why Ando might be said, in his rationality and reasoned approach to analytic building, to represent a certain catholicism. In the current architectural economy of attention and spectacle — and especially in the global starchitect arena where Ando now predominantly works — this exhibition serves as a timely reminder of architecture’s fundamental bases and its degree zero conditions, through a returned and sensible focus on the sites themselves. [h=6]The new Maritime Museum for the Cultural District on Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi by Tadao Ando.[/h] Just off the coast of Abu Dhabi City located on nearby Saadiyat Island the new Cultural District will be home to a group of museums and pavilions with Tadao Ando’s Maritime Museum being the first in a row of four mayor projects aligned on Saadiyat’s shoreline. Between the rapidly progressing new Saadiyat Bridge and Zaha Hadid’s Performing Arts Centre the main building will stand out as a calm and simple structure with exposed concrete finish - a rather rare scene in the UAE. As if eroded by the local winds the 108m long, 36 m wide and 27m high block is penetrated by a cave-like opening carved diagonal through the mass. Mirrored in the gigantic water court that covers most of the 61000m² site the massive arch represents the two characteristic elements of Abu Dhabi city - water and land intertwined in groups of hundreds of natural islands surrounded by mangroves and beaches. Visitors will approach the exhibition building through rows of trees forming a strong grid on the sites urban boundary while Andos contemplative architecture stands isolated in its opponent element - water and can only be reached underground following a passage that drops below the water feature. On the inside the museum space comprising of 33300m² floor area unfolds its maritime character. “Within the ship-like interior of the volume, ramps and floating decks guide the visitors fluidly through the exhibition space, echoing the theme of the museum and creating a dynamic gallery experience. Dhows float over the voids of the interior space and help create an intense visual experience by relating objects to one another and to the museum architecture as a whole. Below ground, there is a second space - the reception hall with an enormous aquarium. A traditional dhow floats over the aquarium and is seen from different perspectives.” لینک به دیدگاه
faezeh mzk 19231 مالک اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 7 دی، ۱۳۹۱ abu dhabi maritime museum image © tomio ohashi abu dhabi maritime museum, united arab emirates (UAE), 2006 image © designboom abu dhabi maritime museum, united arab emirates (UAE), 2006 image © designboom abu dhabi maritime museum image © tadao ando architect & associates abudhabi maritime museum image © tadao ando architect & associates abu dhabi maritime museum image © tomio ohashi 1 لینک به دیدگاه
faezeh mzk 19231 مالک اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 7 دی، ۱۳۹۱ abu dhabi maritime museum, united arab emirates (UAE), 2006 image © designboom abu dhabi maritime museum image © tadao ando architect & associates abudhabi maritime museum image © tadao ando architect & associates tadao ando 1 لینک به دیدگاه
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