Peyman 16150 اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 27 فروردین، ۱۳۹۱ X-Ray Radiography :- [TABLE=align: center] [TR] [TD] برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید. ورود یا ثبت نام [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]X-ray Radiography[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] X-ray is operated at high voltage, where cathode filament provides electrons which proceed toward anode. Strike and suddenly stop, part of their Kinetic energy is converted into energy of radiation or x-rays. The welded job/cast product to be inspected is exposed to x-rays. A cassette containing radiographic film is placed behind and in contact with the job. During exposure x-rays penetrate through job and thus effect the radiographic film. The defects such as cracks blow holes, porosity and slag inclusion posses less density than sound metal of cast product. Thus x-rays pass through defects better than sound metal. Therefore film appears to be darker where defects are in line of x-ray beam and light where sound metal. This exposed and developed radiographic film showing light (sound) and dark (defective) area is called “Radiograph”. Application in Industry:- The internal defects like porosity and cracks are of special importance in components designed to with stand high temperature and pressure during service (.i.e. in power plant, atomic reactors, oil refining equipments) and these defects cause stress concentration which may frequently lead to failure. 1 لینک به دیدگاه
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