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For SomeOne Special

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I Love You So Completely - For SomeOne Special !!!!

Since I've met u, I've fallen in love with u at least a hundred times


for a hundred different reasons.

Sometimes I fall in love with you when i watch you


doing something you enjoy,

Something you're so involved in that you're unaware of my presence.

Sometimes I fall in Love with you when i listen to u talk to other people.


Whether you're being interesting and funny or warm and caring and genuinely concerned,


you have a way of making people feel better with nothing more than your words.

Sometimes I fall in love with u just thinking about u,


Remembering all the memories we've made..

Falling in love for the first time, stayin in love during rough times,


Finding more to love about each other every day.

And whenever i think about the wonderful things that lie ahead of us,


I fall totally and completly in love with u all over again…

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