am in 25041 اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 8 خرداد، ۱۳۹۰ This section describes the specifics of the interrupt handling as performed in ATmega8535. For a general explanation of the AVR interrupt handling, refer to “Reset and Interrupt Handling” برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید. ورود یا ثبت نام Interrupt Vectors in ATmega8535 Vector No. Program Address Source Interrupt Definition 1. 0×000 RESET External Pin, Power-on Reset, Brown-out Reset and Watchdog Reset 2. 0×001 INT0 Interrupt Request 0 External 3. 0×002 INT1 External Interrupt Request 1 4. 0×003 TIMER2 comp Timer/Counter2 Compare Match 5. 0×004 TIMER2 ovf Timer/Counter2 Overflow 6. 0×005 TIMER1 capt Timer/Counter1 Capture Event 7. 0×006 TIMER1 COMPA Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A 8. 0×007 Timer1 COMPB Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B 9. 0×008 TIMER1 OVF Timer/Counter1 Overflow 10. 0×009 TIMER0 OVF Timer/Counter0 Overflow 11. 0x00A SPI, STC Serial Transfer Complete 12. 0X00B USART, RXC USART, Rx Complete 13. 0X00C USART, UDRE USART Data Register Empty 14. 0X00D USART, TXC USART, Tx Complete 15. 0X00E ADC ADC Conversion Complete 16. 0X00F EE_RDY EEPROM Ready 17. 0X010 ANA_COMP Analog Comparator 18. 0X011 TWI Two-wire Serial Interface 19. 0X012 NT2 External Interrupt Request 2 20. 0X013 TIMER0 COMP Timer/Counter0 Compare Match 21. 0X014 SPM_RDY Store Program Memory Ready Notes: 1. When the BOOTRST Fuse is programmed, the device will jump to the Boot Loader address at reset, see “Boot Loader Support – Read-While-Write Self-Programming” 2. When the IVSEL bit in GICR is set, Interrupt Vectors will be moved to the start of the Boot Flash section. The address of each Interrupt Vector will then be the address in this table added to the start address of the Boot Flash section. Table shows reset and Interrupt Vectors placement for the various combinations of BOOTRST and IVSEL settings. If the program never enables an interrupt source, the Interrupt Vectors are not used, and regular program code can be placed at these locations. This is also the case if the Reset Vector is in the Application section while the Interrupt Vectors are in the Boot section or vice versa. 1 نقل قول لینک به دیدگاه
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