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سلام به اعضای محترم نواندیشان.امیدوارم همه چی آروم باشه...اگه کسی کتاب خصوصیات پلیمرهاروازکمپ بل داره لطفابرام آپلودکنه.نیازمبرمه.قضیه حیثیتیه.پیشاپیش ازمحبتتون تشکرمیکنم.:icon_gol:

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سلام به اعضای محترم نواندیشان.امیدوارم همه چی آروم باشه...اگه کسی کتاب خصوصیات پلیمرهاروازکمپ بل داره لطفابرام آپلودکنه.نیازمبرمه.قضیه حیثیتیه.پیشاپیش ازمحبتتون تشکرمیکنم.:icon_gol:



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من دنبال جزوه سنتز پلیمر دکتر افشار میگردم ، خواهشاً اگه کسی داره برای دانلود بزاره

(شایدم به اسم شیمی و سنتیک پلیمریزاسیون باشه)

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Shape memory polymers and textiles


Jinlian Hu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong




reviews the structure, synthesis and preparation of shape memory polymers

- assesses methods for analysing and modelling shape memory properties

- an authoritative overview of particular fibres such as shape memory polyurethane (SMPU)

Shape memory polymers (SMPs) are smart materials that, as a result of an external stimulus such as temperature, can change from a temporary deformed shape back to an original shape. SMPs are finding an increasing use in such areas as clothing where they respond dynamically to changes in heat and moisture levels, ensuring greater comfort for the wearer. Shape memory polymers and textiles provides an authoritative and comprehensive review of these important new materials and their applications.


After an introductory chapter on the concept and definition of shape memory materials, the book reviews methods for synthesising, characterising and modelling SMPs. It goes on to consider the properties of particular materials such as shape memory polyurethane and environmentally-sensitive polymer gels. The book concludes by assessing potential applications such as wrinkle-free fabrics and smart fabrics providing improved protection and comfort for the wearer.


Shape memory polymers and textiles is a valuable guide to R&D staff in such areas as textile apparel in developing a new generation of smart textiles and other products.

Published in association with The Textile Institut

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[h=1]Polymer Data Handbook[/h]

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This new edition includes better values of properties already reported, properties not reported in time for the earlier edition, and entirely new properties becoming important for modern polymer applications. It also contains 217 total polymers, 20 of which are all-new, particularly in high-technology areas such as eletrical conductivity, non-linear optical properties, microlithography, nanophotonics, and electroluminescences. Examples of specific polymers include silsesquoxane ladder polymers, 'foldamer' self-assembling polymers, and block copolymers that phase separate into 'mushrooms', ellipsoids, and sheets with on surface radically different in properties from the other.

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[h=1]Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymerization and Copolymerization with Acrylic Monomers[/h]

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The versatility of the emulsion copolymerization reaction and the ability to control the properties of the final latices have led to rapid expansion both in the quantity of polyvinylacetate and vinyl acetate-acrylic copolymer latices and in their applications. Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymerization and Copolymerization with Acrylic Monomers provides a collection and logical organization of the published data - much of it formerly found fragmented throughout various journals and little of it referenced in general emulsion polymerization books. To date, no one source has offered chemists and polymer, surface, or colloid specialists the "big picture" of polyvinylacetate-based latices.


Integrating established knowledge with the latest research developments, this book provides the background for understanding the mechanism and kinetics of emulsion polymerization initiated in the aqueous phase and some of the practical problems of latex production. The author presents an overview of industrial practices, new applications, and all of the fundamental material - avoiding theoretical controversies.


With in-depth discussion of the ingredients found in most industrial recipes, Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymerization and Copolymerization with Acrylic Monomers helps eliminate costly and time-consuming "trial and error" practices. It serves not only as an introduction for those new to the field, but also as a valuable reference for researchers and applied scientists in both industry and academia.

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Biomedical Applications of Polyurethanes (Tissue Engineering Intelligence Unit)

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Biomedical Nanotechnology


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Biorelated Polymers: Sustainable Polymer Science and Technology


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Metallocene:Volume 1 Synthesis and Reactivity

Published Online: 21 MAY 2008

Print ISBN: 9783527295395

Online ISBN: 9783527619542

DOI: 10.1002/9783527619542


That terms like sandwich complexes or the concept of compounds without direct chemical bonds between the central metal atom and the ligating atoms are nowadays common knowledge can be attributed to the sensational discovery of ferrocene in the early 1950s. Although ferrocene is still at the forefront of research, this two-volume book highlights the development of metallocene chemistry, and emphasizes the similarities and differences between ferrocene and other metallocenes.


Do you require a transition metal to build metallocenes? Must the planes of the cyclopentadienyl ligands be parallel to allow the compound to behave like a typical metallocene? Do zirconocenes react by the same mechanism as molybdenocenes? What are the (potential) applications of these substances?



Let yourself be guided by the leading experts in this field, and learn all about the synthesis, reactivity, and unique properties of these sandwich complexes. If you are more interested in applications, there is a wealth of polymeric and dendritic materials with metallocene building blocks described herein. This book also focusses on metallocenes as catalysts in polymerization or asymmetric reactions. If you are graduate student or researcher in organic, inorganic, organometallic, polymer chemistry, and materials science you will find this book an inspiring source of ideas for your own research.


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[h=1]Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition[/h]

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Composite materials have been representing most significant breakthroughs in various industrial applications, particularly in aerospace structures, during the past thirty five years. The primary goal of Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials is the combined presentation of advanced mechanics, manufacturing technology, and analysis of composite materials. This approach lets the engineer take into account the essential mechanical properties of the material itself and special features of practical implementation, including manufacturing technology, experimental results, and design characteristics. Giving complete coverage of the topic: from basics and fundamentals to the advanced analysis including practical design and engineering applications. At the same time including a detailed and comprehensive coverage of the contemporary theoretical models at the micro- and macro- levels of material structure, practical methods and approaches, experimental results, and optimisation of composite material properties and component performance. The authors present the results of more than 30 year practical experience in the field of design and analysis of composite materials and structures.


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[h=1]Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers[/h]Chandrasekhar, Vadapalli

This textbook is intended to give an understanding of the basic principles that constitute the field of non-conventional polymers containing inorganic and organometalic units as the repeating units. Each chapter will be self-explanatory with a good background so that it can be easily understood at the senior undergraduate level. The principles involved in the preparation of these polymers, their characterisation and their applications will be discussed. Basic inorganic chemistry required for the understanding of each topic is presented so that the content of the chapter is readily understood. All the major inorganic and organometallic polymers such as polyphosphazenes, polysilanes, polysiloxanes, poly-thiazyl, poly-ferrocenes and other polymers containing main group elements will be dealt with.


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Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers


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Biodegradable polymers are niche market materials finding focused applications, including agricultural applications such as mulch films, flowerpots and controlled-release fertilisers and packaging items such as carrier bags and food wrapping and containers. They have the potential to provide a solution to a range of environmental concerns: decreasing availability of landfill space, declining petrochemical sources, and also offer an alternative option to recycling. Rapra's Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers is a complete guide to the subject of biodegradable polymers and is ideal for those new to the subject or those wanting to supplement their existing knowledge. The book covers the mechanisms of degradation in various environments, by both biological and non-biological means, and the methods for measuring biodegradation. The degree and rate of biodegradation is dependent on the chemical composition of the polymer and its working environment, and so there is no single optimal method for determining biodegradation. This handbook provides discussion of international and national standards and certification procedures developed to ensure accurate communication of a material's biodegradability between producers, authorities and consumers. The book goes on to consider the characteristics, processability and application areas for biodegradable polymers, with key polymer family groups discussed


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[h=1]Handbook of Condensation Thermoplastic Elastomers[/h]

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ISBN: 978-3-527-30976-4

643 pages

June 2005

Reporting on the work of an international team of scientists actively involved in the study of thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) based on polyesters, polyamides, and polyurethanes, this book is the first to provide a detailed description of condensation TPE with close attention paid to polyamide-based systems. Reflecting the increasing importance of TPE as engineering plastics, the authors discuss the widened application opportunities by preparing systems with various chemical compositions and molecular structures as (semi-) interpenetrating networks. The contents also cover the chemical aspects, physical structure and properties, life cycle assessment, and recycling possibilities as well as such unique "smart" properties like the shape memory effect of the three classes of thermoplastic elastomers


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Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series)


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In 1997, Dr. Kaw introduced the first edition of Mechanics of Composite Materials, receiving high praise for its comprehensive scope and detailed examples. He also introduced the groundbreaking PROMAL software, a valuable tool for designing and analyzing structures made of composite materials. Updated and expanded to reflect recent advances in the field, this Second Edition retains all of the features-logical, streamlined organization, thorough coverage, and self-contained treatment-that made the first edition a bestseller.


The book begins with a question-and-answer style introduction to composite materials, including updated material on new applications. The remainder of the book discusses macromechanical analysis of both individual lamina and laminate materials; micromechanical analysis of lamina including elasticity based models; failure, analysis, and design of laminates; and a new chapter devoted to symmetrical and nonsymmetrical beams. New examples and derivations were added to the chapters on micromechanical and macromechanical analysis of lamina, and the design chapter includes two new examples: design of a pressure vessel and a drive shaft. The author also added key terms and a summary to each chapter. Updated PROMAL software is available at the author's Web site, updated frequently, along with new multiple-choice questions.

With superior tools and complete coverage, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition makes it easier than ever to integrate composite materials into your designs with confidence

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دانلود هندبوک مواد پی وی سی PVCهندبوک پی وی سی(PVC)


راهنمای سریع مواد و نحوه کار با مواد اولیه لوله و دیگر محصولات پی وی سی (PVC)


The largest volume PVC resin type used in flexible and semi-rigid applications is aqueous suspension PVC homo polymer, made to have sufficient porosity in the particles to absorb enough plasticizer to meet the desired flexibility and hardness specifications of the intended end-product


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منبع : سایت شرکت پارس اتیلن کیش

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ISBN: 978-0-471-72543-5


632 pages


March 2008




Organic and Physical Chemistry of Polymers provides a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of polymers, including their structure and synthesis as well as their chemical and physical properties. This accessible guide illuminates the increasingly important role of polymers in modern chemistry, beginning with the essentials, then covering thermodynamics, conformation, morphology, and measurements of molar masses; polymerization mechanisms, reaction of polymers, synthesis of block and graft polymers, and complex topologies; and the mechanical properties, rheology, polymer processing, and fabrication of fibers and films

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Thermal Properties of Green Polymers and Biocomposites



Environmentally compatible polymers (green polymers) are the key to sustainable developments for our rich and convenient life. In order to develop green polymers, it is essential to understand that nature constructs a variety of materials that can be used. Plant materials such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are the largest organic resources.

Thermal Properties of Green Polymers and Biocomposites is unique in that it introduces thermal analysis applicable to green polymers and provides fundamental thermal properties of cellulose, polysaccharides and lignin. The book includes over 370 figures concerning thermal properties of green polymers with detailed experimental conditions. It also introduces newly patented environmentally compatible green polymers. Thermal properties provided include: thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermomechanometry (TMA) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). This book covers two domains:Fundamentals of thermal properties of cellulose, polysaccharides and lignin (Chapters 3 to 5)-Developments of new biocompatible polymers derived from plant materials (Chapters 6 to 8). This book is aimed at advanced users and specialists who are interested in green polymers and who utilize thermal analyses for the above polymers, especially in research laboratories, both academic and industrial.


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[TABLE=width: 720]


[TD=class: product-main] Handbook of Adhesion, 2nd Edition


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ISBN: 978-0-471-80874-9

692 pages

April 2005



This second edition of the successful Handbook of Adhesion provides concise and authoritative articles covering many aspects of the science and technology associated with adhesion and adhesives. It is intended to fill a gap between the necessarily simplified treatment of the student textbook and the full and thorough treatment of the research monograph and review article. The articles are structured in such a way, with internal cross-referencing and external literature references, that the reader can build up a broader and deeper understanding, as their needs require.


This second edition includes many new articles covering developments which have risen in prominence in the intervening years, such as scanning probe techniques, the surface forces apparatus and the relation between adhesion and fractal surfaces. Advances in understanding polymer - polymer interdiffusion are reflected in articles drawing out the implications for adhesive bonding. In addition, articles derived from the earlier edition have been revised and updated where needed. Throughout the book there is a renewed emphasis on environmental implications of the use of adhesives and sealants.


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