somaye2 244 اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 1 مهر، ۱۳۸۹ برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید. ورود یا ثبت نام Most summer blockbusters are action-packed and fun to watch. But it’s unusual to find one that is also intelligent and interesting. Inception may be that rare gem, an action movie with brains. Inception is a science fiction movie. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a thief who is able to enter people’s dreams. The plot features a lot of twists and turns. Find out if Mason and Devan were able to follow them. Devan: So, I just saw Inception and it’s the kind of movie where I feel like I need to go see it like at least 3 more times because there’s so many things I missed and so many dots that I need to connect, you know. Mason: Yeah, absolutely, I mean, I really loved this whole idea of like being able to interact within someone’s dream and like multiple layers, dreams within dreams, and that, you know, things kind of changed and got more surreal the deeper you went. That was kind of cool. Devan: Yeah, it was really interesting and I was actually worried that I wouldn’t be able to follow it that well, based on the reviews that I read where they were like “It’s a dream within a dream within a dream.” But I feel like I did follow it pretty well, but there were just so many small details that I feel like in order to be able to catch everything and tie everything together, you can’t just see it once, you know. Mason: Yeah. And I mean I think the reason you’re able to follow it is because it’s like a crime caper. It’s a spy movie where…I was actually thinking of the original Thomas Crowne Affair where it’s like a guy who’s gotta assemble his crew to pull off the big job, and it has all of those elements, right? But then it’s got this weird cerebral thing going on on top of it. Devan: Yeah definitely. It had all the special effects and the storyline that was of a typical Hollywood blockbuster, but then at the same time it had this whole other level that was much more intellectual than a typical blockbuster, you know. surreal:something that seems not quite real storyline:the events that happen in a story or movie, plot follow:understand, pay attention twists and turns:interesting and unexpected changes action-packed:filled with action; contains a lot of action; is exciting and fun blockbuster:a very popular movie that makes a lot of money (and costs a lot of money to make) cerebral:intellectual tie together:connect all the pieces catch:grasp; understand 1 لینک به دیدگاه
somaye2 244 مالک اشتراک گذاری ارسال شده در 1 مهر، ۱۳۸۹ When you get a new paycheck each month, it can be tempting to go right out and blow through it all. But when the end of the month comes and the bills start arriving, you’ll wish you’d done a better job of saving. And as much fun as it is to spend money, saving can feel pretty good too, especially if you’re saving up for something specific, like a vacation. Some people try to put a little money aside each month so they can earn interest on it and have more money in the bank whenever they need it in the future. Find out if Beren and Jeff are penny pinchers or penny wasters. Jeff: Hey Beren, are you good at saving…saving money, or do you blow through your paychecks generally. Beren: I guess it depends, like if I have to, you know, save money for something special, I’m pretty good at, you know, putting it away, making sure I take a little out of each paycheck. But generally, I’m not a big…I don’t think about the future in terms of money, which is kind of bad. I’m kind of living in the moment. So like, “Ah, I want this new instrument or some records”...I don’t know, I blow through a lot of money. Jeff: Yeah I think I’m in the same boat. I try to live pretty conservative. Under $5.00 a day is my goal. But I can’t say I make that all the time. Beren: That is super…under $5.00, that’s impressive. I mean do you have a nest egg you’re working on or are you just saving for… Jeff: Not really. Beren: You just like to save money, or you’re just hoarding? Jeff: Trying to pay the bills, and maybe go out to eat every now and again. I think that’s what gets me. Beren: Yeah, totally. I mean if I have cash in my pocket, I’ll usually spend it. put away:put something in its proper place; store cash:money in bills and coins (as opposed to on a card) penny pincher:someone who saves a lot and hates spending money interest:extra money you pay or earn monthly blow through:use or finish very quickly paycheck:payment from your job hoard:hold onto things that you should throw away nest egg:money saved for the future conservative:safe, traditional in the same boat:in the same situation; having or had the same experience 1 لینک به دیدگاه
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