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Microsoft NET Framework 7 in 1 Full | لینک خراب

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Microsoft NET Framework 7 in 1 Full






کلیه ورژنها بعلاوه پکها به صورت فشرده در حدود 412 مگا بایت


Microsoft. NET Framework - a platform for creating, deploying and running the Web-services and applications. It provides high-performance, standards-based, multilingual environment, which allows you to integrate with existing applications, services, and applications of next generation, as well as to meet the challenges of deployment and use of Internet applications. . NET Framework consists of three main parts - the common language runtime (common language runtime), a hierarchical set of unified class libraries, and component version of ASP, called ASP.NET. The package includes all the versions that were released on segodnyaschny day.


The package includes:

1.Microsoft. NET Framework 1.1

2.SP 1 for NET Framework 1.1

3.Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0

4.Microsoft. NET Framework 3.0

5.Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5

6.Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 SP 1.1

7.NET Framework AiO 2009


System: Windows ® XP | Vista | Se7en

Updated: 7/5/2009.

Size: 412 mb


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