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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Wayne C. Turner Steve Doty, "Energy Management Handbook, 6 Edition"

Fairmont Press | 2006 | ISBN: 0849382343 | 920 pages | PDF | 17,4 MB


Newly revised and edited, this comprehensive handbook is the definitive stand-alone energy manager's desk reference, used by thousands of professionals throughout the industry. The sixth edition includes new chapters on ground-source heat pumps, sustainability, and high performance green buildings, plus an in-depth revision of sections on control systems.


In this book, you will find detailed coverage of every component of effective energy management, including energy auditing, economic analysis, boilers, steam systems, cogeneration, waste-heat recovery, building envelope, HVAC systems, electric energy management, control systems, lighting, energy systems maintenance, industrial insulation, alternative energy, indoor air quality, utility rates, thermal energy storage, codes standards, natural gas purchasing, energy security, utility deregulation, financing, commissioning, as well as measurement and verification of energy savings. Detailed illustrations, tables, graphs, and many other helpful working aids are provided throughout.


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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Handbook of Energy Engineering By Albert Thumann, D. Paul Mehta

Publisher: Fairmont Press 2008 | 475 Pages | ISBN: 0881735817 , 1420087681 | PDF | 19 MB




Use the definitive energy engineering reference to apply the principles of energy engineering to all types of design and retrofit projects.


This fully updated, comprehensive reference will guide you step by step in applying the principles of energy engineering and management to the design of electrical, HVAC, utility, process, and building systems for both new design and retrofit projects. You will learn how to do an energy analysis of any system. Detailed presentations cover electrical system optimization, state-of-the-art lighting and lighting controls, thermal storage, cogeneration, HVAC system optimization, HVAC and building controls, and computer technologies.

The fifth edition includes a new chapter covering codes, standards, and legislation, as well as a new chapter on compressed air systems. You'll also find coverage on use of innovative third party financing mechanisms such as performance contracting to implement energy cost reduction measures. The text is thoroughly illustrated with tables, graphs, diagrams, and sample problems with worked out solutions.




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تکنولوژیها وراهکارهایی نو برای افزایش راندمان انرژی


برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


Michael F. Hordeski, "New Technologies for Energy Efficiency"

Fairmont Press | 2003 | ISBN: 0881734381 | 376 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB


Examines the full scope of new technologies available to address this crisis of electricity supply now by reducing dependency on the power grid. Author details the tools and technologies available for incorporating smaller, clean, more efficient energy-generating technologies.



This book is a useful, simplified, dictionary of energy and electricity terms in relation to efficiency, accompanied by … references to practical examples.

- The Journal of Energy Literature, X., 1, 2004




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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.


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