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ببخشید فارسی مینویسم حسش نیست انگلیسی بنویسم:ws3:


دیدم جای چنین تاپیکی خالیه،جایی که مدرسان زبان انگلیسی تجربیاتشونو به اشتراک بگذارن


البته به تفکیکِ روش تدریس تاپیک جدا زده میشه:a030:


در این تاپیک صرفا به معرفیِ محتوای تدریس و تقسیم بندی زبان آموزان میپردازیم:a030:


این تاپیک به مرور به روز میشه

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first of all,let me to consider reasons for learning,All around the world, teachers and parents are drilling it into the minds of children that “learning English is very important’. Sound familiar?

But whether they fully explain why English is so important, we can’t always know.

So, for those of you are considering the pros and cons of spending your hard-earned money on an English language course – here are the top 5 reasons to learn English.

If you want to know how English can change your life, then keep on reading…



[h=3]For Travelling[/h]Whether you like it or not, English is the number one, official international language. Which means that travelling without knowing the language will make your life very difficult.

Airports, roads and trains almost everywhere are signed in English. And let’s not forget the people. Hotel staff, information centre workers, and the general public are likely to know at least a little English. But probably none of your mother tongue language. Sorry. It’s the truth.

students of EFL(English As a Foreign Language)tend to be learning so that they can use english when travelling or to communicate with other people.

2. For Work

some students need english for a specific purpose(ESP)

You probably want to have a successful career, right? Yes, of course, we all do.

Well speaking another language will definitely help. And because English is the official international language, then you’re going to find it tricky dealing with international companies or tourists if you don’t speak or understand it. Almost all companies will value you more if you have a good level of English.

an extermely popular strand of ESP is the teaching of bussiness English[h=3]3. For Academic Studies(EAP)[/h]Approximately 80% of the world’s academic and research papers are published in English. British and American universities are generally regarded as being the best in the world. And because of this, researchers from many other countries, who make breakthrough advancements in technological, scientific or theoretical research, tend to get their work published in the UK or the US.[h=3]4. For the Web[/h]Most of the internet is in English. So if you’re thinking of creating a website for your company or you just like to surf the web and socialize on social media sites, English will help you massively.

In fact, the blog you’re reading right now is in English, so you must have known this already![h=3]5. For Your Mind[/h]On top of all the practical benefits we’ve just mentioned, learning a language is great mental stimulation. It uses a part of your brain that otherwise would just be left to sleep. It requires patience, memory, analytical skills and social skills – which can all help you in every aspect of your life.

And don’t forget, it can be really really fun too!

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