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A comparative analysis of the effects of institutional property rights on forest livelihoods and forest conditions: Evidence from Ghana and Vietnam

ارسال های توصیه شده


A comparative analysis of the effects of institutional property rights onforest livelihoods and forest conditions: Evidence from Ghana and Vietna


Effective institutional property rights are increasingly becoming an important part in the allocation of scarce forestresources and to combat the “tragedy of the commons” thesis. Our paper outlines conceptual, analytical andtheoretical aspects of forest institutional property rights and an empirical synthesis of main findings from institutionalproperty rights effectiveness in a cross-country comparative context. The paper employs property rightsbased framework coupled with some New Institutional Economics (NIE) debates as a diagnostic framework forunderstanding forest property rights. The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF) provides empirically insightsinto how “forest institutional property rights” impact on forest communities' livelihoods and management. Ouranalysis provides support for the argument that forest institutional property rights play important role in thelivelihoods of forest dependent communities and in forestmanagement, but that can be context specific as showcasedin our findings. Finally, the paper makes some recommendations in institutional analysis of forest propertyrights, such as strong and clearly defined property rights, integration of formal and informal rights and suggestsstrong linkage between institutional property rights and sustainable livelihoods as a “panacea” for sustainableforest livelihoods and management in developing countries.

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