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چند سوال در مورد Arduino

ارسال های توصیه شده

درود دوستان چند سوال داشتم خواستم کمک کنید.

اجرتان با شیخ اجل:w02:





Which of the following does NOT provide observability in a system?





An LED connected to a wire in the circuit



A printf() statement in a C program



A breakpoint in an Arduino sketch



A switch connected to an Arduino input pin




What is meant by the expression “run control of the target”?





The ability of the target microcontroller to control its own inputs



The ability to control the inputs to the target microcontroller



The ability to control the outputs of the microcontroller



The ability to stop and start the execution of the target microcontroller




What is NOT an advantage of using a remote debugger?





Remote debugging allows control of registers and memory



Remote debugging requires an extra communication channel for debugging



Remote debugging provides excellent functional accuracy



Remote debugging allows good run control

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