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موفق باشیم
Environmental Engineers' Handbook By David H.F. Liu, Bela G. Liptak
Publisher: CRC Press 1999 | 1419 Pages | ISBN: 0849321573 | PDF | 12 MB
This CRCnetBASE version of the best-selling Environmental Engineers' Handbook contains all of the revised, expanded, and updated information of the second edition and more. It addresses the ongoing global transition in cleaning up the remains of abandoned technology, the prevention of pollution created by existing technology. The Environmental Engineers' Handbook on CD-ROM provides daily problem solving tools and information on state-of-the-art technologies for the future. The technology and specific equipment used in environmental control and clean-up is included for those professionals in need of detailed technical information. Because analytical results are an essential part of any environmental study, analytical methods used in environmental analysis are presented as well. Data is clearly presented in tables and schematic diagrams that illustrate the technology and techniques used in different areas.