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دانلود The Forests Handbook ; Applying Forest Science for Sustainable Management
Ghasem Zare پاسخی ارسال کرد برای یک موضوع در کتب داخلی و لاتین
The Forests Handbook ; Applying Forest Science for Sustainable Management Volume 2 دانلود رایگان کتاب لاتین «کتابچه جنگل؛ استفاده از علم جنگل برای مدیریت پایدار (جلد دوم)» EDITED BY JULIAN EVANS OBE BSc, PhD, DSc, FICFor T.H. Huxley School of Environment, Earth Sciences and Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London, United Kingdom Description The future of the world's forests is at the forefront of environmental debate. Rising concerns over the effects of deforestation and climate change are highlighting the need both to conserve and manage existing forests and woodland through sustainable forestry practices. The Forests Handbook, written by an international team of both scientists and practitioners, presents an integrated approach to forests and forestry, applying our present understanding of forest science to management practices, as a basis for achieving sustainability.Volume One presents an overview of the world's forests; their locations and what they are like, the science of how they operate as complex ecosystems and how they interact with their environment. Volume Two applies this science to reality; it focuses on forestry interventions and their impact, the principles governing how to protect forests and on how we can better harness the enormous benefits forests offer. Case studies are drawn from several different countries and are used to illustrate the key points. Development specialists, forest managers and those involved with land and land-use will find this handbook a valuable and comprehensive overview of forest science and forestry practice. Researchers and students of forestry, biology, ecology and geography will find it equally accessible and useful. Table of Contents List of contributors. Preface to Volume 1. Preface to Volume 2. Acknowledgements. 1. History and Impact of Forest Management. Part 1: Sustaining Forest Influences. 2. Forest Reserves, Parks and Wilderness: An Australian Perspective. 3. Forests as Protection from Natural Hazards. 4. Interventions to enhance the conservation of biodiversity. Part 2: Sustainable Wood Production. 5. assessing Potential Sustainable Wood Yield. 6. Silvicultural Treatments to Enhance Productivity. 7. Sustainable Management of Soil and Site. 8. Management of Pest Threats. 9. Management of the Disease Burden. Part 3. Sustaining Social Values and Benefits. 10. Working with Forest Stakeholders. 11. The New Forest Policy and Joint Forest Management in India. 12. Trees in the Urban Environment. Part 4: Case Studies of Sustainable Management. 13. The Structure, Functioning and Management of Old Growth Cedar/Hemlock/Fir Forests on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 14. The Beech Forests of Haute-Normandie, France. 15. Restructuring of Plantation Forest, Kielder, UK. 16. Sustainable Management of the Mountain Ash Forests in the Central Highlands, Victoria, Australia. 17. Sustainable Management of Malaysian Rain Forest. 18. Sustainable Plantation Forestry: A Case Study of Wood Production and Environmental Management Strategies in the Usutu Forest, Swaziland. Synthesis and Conclusions. Index. دانلود کتاب با فرمت PDF در قالب فرمت فشردهRAR با حجم 3.6 مگابایت: رمز فایل فشرده: www.noandishaan.com- 1 پاسخ
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Silvicultural guidelines دانلود رایگان کتاب لاتین «دستورالعمل های جنگلشناسی» The Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water and State of NSW are pleased to allow this material to be reproduced for educational or non-commercial purposes in whole or in part, provided the meaning is unchanged and its source, publisher and authorship are acknowledged. Specific permission is required for the reproduction of photographs and images. Silviculture Silviculture is the art and science of forest management. It encompasses the management of forests for economic benefit (such as sawlogs, veneer logs, honey), environmental benefit (such as flora, fauna, water) and social benefit (such as visual landscape, recreation, heritage). Often these benefits are not compatible. For example, the highest economic return may be gained by clearfelling a forest, but this can have detrimental effects on environmental and social values. Silviculture is a science because there is much known about the processes that occur naturally in native forests, and the impact of these processes on the activities of people. However, forests are extremely complex natural systems. Determining the best management regime within the context of this complexity and the competing benefits that can be derived from the forest is the art of silviculture. Why not one silvicultural regime There is great diversity in the composition, structure, productive condition and environmental values of the private native forests of New South Wales. This is due to the range of natural environments in NSW, and the response of the forests to past use (including grazing, logging and other clearing) and fire. Because of this diversity there is no single silvicultural prescription that can be applied uniformly to all forests. Regulation of private native forestry in NSW From 1 August 2007, the harvesting of native forest on private land in NSW has been regulated by the requirements of the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NV Act) and the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005, incorporating the Private Native Forestry Code of Practice (PNF Code). The PNF Code sets standards for forest operations in private native forests. It is based on the principles of ecologically sustainable forest management (ESFM) which requires the maintenance of the full suite of forest values. These values include both biodiversity and timber production. As a component of this, the PNF Code requires the long term maintenance of a forest structure. The Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) is responsible for administering the logging of native forests. A private native forest manager will, in the first instance, need to contact DECCW to obtain an approved PNF property vegetation plan (PVP). Note: These guidelines should be used in conjunction with the PNF Code. It is critical that all forest management planning is undertaken in consideration of the relevant PNF Code. دانلود کتاب با فرمت PDF در قالب فرمت فشردهRAR با حجم 0.8 مگابایت: رمز فایل فشرده: www.noandishaan.com
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دانلود Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring And Modelling To Knowledge Management And Policy Science
Ghasem Zare پاسخی ارسال کرد برای یک موضوع در کتب داخلی و لاتین
Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring And Modelling To Knowledge Management And Policy Science دانلود رایگان کتاب لاتین «جنگلداری پایدار: از طریق پایش و مدلسازی » Abstract In the context of forest sustainability, this book presents the issues related to both global climate change and conservation of biodiversity. It highlights four methodologies and shows how they contribute in overcoming the ecological challenges facing our world. The practical experience presented can be applied to the implementation of successful sustainable forestry policies. Product Details Hardcover: 576 pages Publisher: CABI; First edition (February 28, 2007) Language: English Book Description Publication Date: February 28, 2007 | ISBN-10: 1845931742 | ISBN-13: 978-1845931742 | Edition: First In the context of forest sustainability, this book presents the issues related to both global climate change and conservation of biodiversity. It highlights four methodologies and shows how they contribute in overcoming the ecological challenges facing our world. The practical experience presented can be applied to the implementation of successful sustainable forestry policies. Editorial Reviews About the Author KM Reynolds, AJ Thomson, M Kohl, MA Shannon, D Ray, K Rennolls K. Renolds is with the USDA Forest Service in Oregon. K. Rennols is at the University of Greenwich, Uk. M. Mohl is at the University of Hamburg, Germany. A. Thomson is with the Canadian Forest Service in British Columbia, Canada. M. Shannon is at the State University of New York, USA. And D. Ray is with Forest Research in Roslin, UK. دانلود کتاب با فرمت PDF در قالب فرمت فشردهRAR با حجم 6.2 مگابایت: رمز فایل فشرده: www.noandishaan.com **** :Contents Overview: KM Reynolds, M Köhl, K Rennolls, M Shannon, A Thomson, and D Ray Section 1: Science and policy Chapter 1. Science is endogenous to sustainable forestry - implications for scientists and policy makers MA Shannon, G Buttoud, and R Päivinen Chapter 2. Will linking science to policy lead to sustainable forestry? Lessons from the federal forests of the United States KN Johnson Chapter 3. Participation as a new mode of governance? Scientists and policy makers linked in a double spiral I Kouplevatskaya Chapter 4. The European Union sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation policies from a transition countries perspective M Nijnik and L Bizikova Chapter 5. Abee Chapter 6. Indicators for biodiversity of tropical forests: problems and solutions K Rennolls and KM Reynolds Chapter 7. Science-policy consultation as boundary spanning: The interaction of science and politics in two US bioregional assessments M Pregernig Chapter 8. Cluster organization in forestry: Supporting information and knowledge transfer in the practice, science and policy of sustainable forest management T Mrosek and A Schulte Chapter 9. Modelling public support for wildland fire policy JD Absher and JJ Vaske Chapter 10. Analysing institutions and public perspectives to identify the future of British forests M Nijnik and A Mather Chapter 11. Economic conservation - Hill Holt Wood: The three legs of sustainability in practice N Lowthrop Section 2: Inventory and monitoring Chapter 12. Measuring sustainability using the US Forest Inventory and Analysis Program CT Scott and WH McWilliams Chapter 13. Vegetation diversity assessment in southern Belgium's permanent forest inventory C Sanchez, H Claessens, T Puissant, HLecomte and JRondeux Chapter 14. PractiSFM - An operational multi-resource inventory protocol for sustainable forest management F Barrett, M Nieuwenhuis and MJ Somers Chapter 15. The Importance of forest stand-level inventory to sustain multiple forest values in the presence of endangered species DL Johnson, KN Johnson and DW Hann Chapter 16. Forest land change assessment by continuous inventory P Corona, E Pompei and G Scarascia Mugnozza Chapter 17. A study on tree colonization of abandoned land in the Italian Alps: extent and some characteristics of new forest stands in Trentino F De Natale, P Gasparini and A Carriero Chapter 18. Using spatial statistics to improve the primary forestry supply chain JD Hamann and K Boston Chapter 19. Evaluation of commercial airborne LiDAR and SAR products to estimate top height and associated parameters in production forests in Britain E D Wallington and JC Suárez Section 3: Statistics and modelling Chapter 20. Potential contributions of statistics and modelling to sustainable forest management: review and synthesis K Rennolls, M Tomé, RE McRoberts, JK Vanclay, V LeMay, BT Guan and GZ Gertner Chapter 21. Modelling forest ecosystems: the Edinburgh Forest Model JHM Thornley Section 4: Information and knowledge management Chapter 22. Information and knowledge management for sustainable forestry AJ Thomson, HM Rauscher, DL Schmoldt and H Vacik Chapter 23. Integrating the DPSIR approach and the analytic network process for the assessment of forest management strategies H Vacik, B Wolfslehner, R Seidl and MJ Lexer Chapter 24. Establishment Management Information System [EMIS]: delivering good practice advice on tree establishment in the uplands of Britain MP Perks, AJ Harrison and SJ Bathgate Chapter 25. On chatbots and avatars - the Virtual Forester as a guide to knowledge about sustainable forest management A Reinbolz and M Hanewinkel Chapter 26. Information and knowledge management in support of sustainable forestry: a review HM Rauscher, DL Schmoldt and H Vacik Chapter 27. How should we manage knowledge ecosystems? Using adaptive knowledge management! AJ Thomson Chapter 28. An information retrieval system to support management of Habitats and Rare Priority and Protected Species (HaRPPS) in Britain D Ray and AC Broome Chapter 29. Decision support for sustainable forestry: enhancing the basic rational model HR Ekbia and KM Reynolds [TABLE=width: 100%] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #FFFFFF][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #006666][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #FFFFFF][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] To find similar publications, click on a keyword below: CABI : agriculture & forestry : business & management : life sciences :modelling, computer & mathematical : plant science : policy :sustainable development-
- knowledge management and policy science
- monitoring and modelling
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دانلود Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resource Management
Ghasem Zare پاسخی ارسال کرد برای یک موضوع در کتب داخلی و لاتین
Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resource Management دانلود رایگان کتاب لاتین «یکپارچه سازی اکولوژی سیمای سرزمین در مدیریت منابع طبیعی» : Details Series: Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology Paperback: 520 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press (September 2, 2002) Language: English :Description To achieve sustainable resource management, it is essential to obtain insightful guidance from emerging disciplines such as landscape ecology. This text addresses the links between landscape ecology and natural resource management, discussing these links in the context of various landscape types, diverse sets of resources, and broad ranges of management issues. A large number of landscape ecology concepts, principles, and methods are introduced. Critical reviews of past management practices and a number of case studies are presented. The text provides many guidelines for managing natural resources from a landscape perspective and offers useful suggestions for landscape ecologists to carry out research relevant to natural resource management. Written, and rigorously reviewed, by many of the world's leading landscape ecologists and natural resource managers Contains numerous case studies and insightful guidelines for landscape ecologists and natural resource managers :Table of Contents List of contributors Foreward Eugene P. Odum Preface Jianguo Liu and William W. Taylor Acknowledgements Part I. Introduction and Concepts: 1. Coupling landscape ecology with natural resource management: paradigm shifts and new approaches Jianguo Liu and William W. Taylor Part II. Landscape Structure and Multi-scale Management: 2. Integrating landscape structure and scale into natural resource management John A. Wiens, Beatrice Van Horne and Barry R. Noon 3. Focal patch landscape studies for wildlife management: optimising sampling effort across scales Julie M. Brennan, Darren J. Bender, Thomas A. Contreras and Lenore Fahrig 4. Managing for small patch in human-dominated landscapes: cultural factors and corn belt agriculture Robert C. Corry and Joan Iverson Nassauer 5. A landscape approach to managing the biota of streams Charles F. Rabeni and Scott P. Sowa 6. Linking ecological and social scales for natural resource management Kristiina A. Vogt, Morgan Grove, Heidi Asbjornsen, Keely B. Maxwell, Daniel J. Vogt, Ragnhildur Sigurdardóttir, Bruce C. Larson, Leo Schibli and Michael Dove Part III. Landscape Function and Cross-boundary Management: 7. Assessing the ecological consequences of forest policies in a multi-ownership province in Oregon Thomas A. Spies, Gordon Reeves, Kelly Burnett, William McComb, K. Norman Johnson, Gordon Grant, Janet Ohman, Steve Garman and Pete Bettinger 8. Incorporating the effects of habitat edges into landscape models: effective area models for cross-boundary management Thomas D. Sisk and Nick M. Haddad 9. Aquatic-terrestrial linkages and implications for landscape management Rebecca L. Schneider, Edward L. Mills and Daniel C. Josephson Part IV. Landscape Change and Adaptive Management: 10. A landscape transition matrix approach for landscape management Virginia H. Dale, Desmond T. Fortes and Tom L. Ashwood 11. Tactical monitoring of landscapes Dean L. Urban 12. Landscape change: patterns, effects and implications for adaptive management of wildlife resources Daniel T. Rutledge, Christopher A. Lepczyk and Jianguo Liu 13. Landscape ecology in highly managed regions: the benefits of collaboration between management and researchers John B. Dunning Jr. Part V. Landscape Integrity and Integrated Management: 14. Putting multiple use and sustained yield into a landscape context Thomas R. Crow 15. Integrating landscape ecology into fisheries management: a rationale and practical considerations W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes, C. P. Ferreri, K. D. Lynch, K. R. Newman and E. F. Roseman 16. Applications of advanced technologies in studying and managing grassland landscape integrity Greg A. Hoch, Brent L. Brock and John M. Briggs 17. An integrated approach to landscape science and management Richard J. Hobbs and Robert Lambeck Part VI. Syntheses and Perspectives: 18. Bridging the gap between landscape ecology and natural resource management Monica G. Turner, Thomas R. Crow, Jianguo Liu, Dale Rabe, Charles F. Rabeni, Patricia A. Soranno, William W. Taylor, Kristiina A. Vogt and John A. Wiens 19. Landscape ecology of the future: a regional interface of ecology and socioeconomics Eugene P. Odum 20. Epilogue Richard T. T. Forman Index. :About the Authors :Editors Jianguo Liu, Michigan State University Jianguo Liu is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University where he teaches and researches in the areas of landscape ecology and biodiversity conservation. William W. Taylor, Michigan State University William W. Taylor is Chairperson and Professor of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University. دانلود کتاب با فرمت PDF در قالب فرمت فشردهRAR با حجم 11.8 مگابایت: رمز فایل فشرده: www.noandishaan.com-
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- integrating landscape ecology
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دانلود Sampling Techniques for Forest Inventories
Yamna 1 پاسخی ارسال کرد برای یک موضوع در کتب داخلی و لاتین
Sampling Techniques for Forest Inventories ; Applied Environmental Statistics دانلود رایگان کتاب لاتین «شیوه های نمونه برداری برای آماربرداری در جنگل ؛ با کاربرد در علم آمار محیط زیستی » Document details Title : Sampling techniques for forest resource inventory. AuthorsShiver, B. D.; Borders, B. E. BookSampling techniques for forest resource inventory. 1996 pp. xii + 356 pp. ISBN0-471-10940-1Record Number19970604413 Abstract The book was written as a textbook that clearly explains the sampling methods associated with forest inventory for the practitioner. Examples are used extensively throughout the book to illustrate various estimators and to demonstrate different uses for sampling methods. Problems (with answers) are also included at the end of each chapter. The 11 chapters are: Introduction; A review of necessary statistics and notation; Elementary sampling methods: selective, simple random and systematic sampling; Horizontal point sampling; Stratified random sampling; Ratio and regression estimators; Double sampling or two-phase sampling; Multistage sampling - inventorying large acreages; Inventory methods for estimating stand growth; 3P and line intersect sampling; and Estimating wildlife population sizes. There is a subject index. [h=2]Book Description[/h]Sound forest management planning requires cost-efficient approaches to optimally utilize given resources. Emphasizing the mathematical and statistical features of forest sampling to assess classical dendrometrical quantities, Sampling Techniques for Forest Inventories presents the statistical concepts and tools needed to conduct a modern forest inventory. The book first examines design-based survey sampling and inference for finite populations, covering inclusion probabilities and the Horvitz–Thompson estimator, followed by more advanced topics, including three-stage element sampling and the model-assisted estimation procedure. The author then develops the infinite population model/Monte Carlo approach for both simple and complex sampling schemes. He also uses a case study to reveal a variety of estimation procedures, relies on anticipated variance to tackle optimal design for forest inventories, and validates the resulting optimal schemes with data from the Swiss National Forest Inventory. The last chapters outline facts pertaining to the estimation of growth and introduce transect sampling based on the stereological approach. Containing many recent developments available for the first time in book form, this concise and up-to-date work provides the necessary theoretical and practical foundation to analyze and design forest inventories. دانلود کتاب با فرمت PDF در قالب فرمت فشردهRAR با حجم 2.1 مگابایت: رمز فایل فشرده: www.noandishaan.com -
دانلود Designing Green Landscapes : of Series Managing Forest Ecosystems
Ghasem Zare پاسخی ارسال کرد برای یک موضوع در کتب داخلی و لاتین
Designing Green Landscapes Managing Forest Ecosystems Volume 15 دانلود رایگان کتاب لاتین«طراحی مناظر سبز» از سری26جلدی مدیریت اکوسیستم های جنگل(جلد15) :Editors Klaus von Gadow · Timo Pukkala Foreword by Klaus von Gadow and Timo Pukkala Series Editors Klaus Gadow Georg-August-University,Göttingen, Germany Timo Pukkala University of Joensuu, Joensuu, Finland and Margarida Tomé Instituto Superior de Agronomía, Lisbon, Portugal ABOUT THIS BOOK The ‘multiple path’ principle represents a robust theoretical framework for designing forested landscapes A useful reference text for researchers and graduate students in forest management, ecology, modeling and landscape planning Meets the need for realistic planning horizons and adaptive management Von Gadow and Pukkala’s unique, Designing Green Landscapes, presents the latest thinking in adaptive management for forest ecosystems. Based on the ‘multiple path’ principle, this approach links species choice and silvicultural methods with changing demands and changing environmental conditions, to ensure continuous adaptation, often several times within the lifetime of a tree. The ‘multiple path’ principle at the core of this approach represents a robust theoretical framework for designing forested landscapes. It provides a logical basis both for coordinating spatial objectives and for integrating varied forms of expertise; it limits planning horizons to realistic timeframes; and it allows for forecasts based on current real attributes of spatially explicit land parcels. This is in stark contrast with traditional forestry practices which simply assess the forest resource at regular time intervals and prescribe standard management schedules for specific forest types. Presenting new approaches to land management, this book represents a useful reference text for researchers and graduate students in forest management, ecology, modelling and landscape planning. It will also provide a valuable resource for professionals working for Land Management Agencies or as environmental consultants. Content Level » Research Keywords » Forest design - Forest planning - Landscape planning - Optimisation Related subjects » Ecology - Environmental Management - Environmental Sciences - Life Sciences - Systems Biology and Bioinformatics TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword.- Section 1: Introduction. 1. Adaptive design of forested landscapes; K. v. Gadow et al.- Section 2: Assessing the Landscape. 2. Landscape metrics, scales of resolution; S.A. Cushman, K. McGarigal.- 3. Detailed assessment using remote sensing techniques; P. Packalén et al.- 4. Assessing landscape attributes; C. Kätsch.- Section 3: Numerical Analysis of Landscape Design. 5. Spatial optimisation - computational Methods; P. Bettinger, Y.-H. Kim.- 6. Integrating multiple services in the numerical analysis of landscape design; T. Pukkala.- 7. Decentralized forest planning models - a cellular automata framework; A.-H. Mathey, J. Nelson.- 8.Coordinating management decisions of neighboring stands with dynamic programming; H. Hoganson et al.- 9. Designing a forested landscape in Finland under different climate scenarios; J. García-Gonzalo et al.- Section 4: Computer Graphics and Visualization. 10. Visualization in the design of forested landscapes; A.O. Falcão.- 11. Visualization in support of landscape design; R. Mach.- Aims & Scope: Well-managed forests and woodlands are a renewable resource, producing essential raw material with minimum waste and energy use. Rich in habitat and species diversity, forests may contribute to increase ecosystem stability. They can absorb the effects of unwanted deposition and other disturbances and protect neighbouring ecosystems by maintaining stable nutrient and energy cycles and by preventing soil degradation and erosion. They provide much-needed recreation and their continued existence contributes to stabilizing rural communities. Forests are managed for timber production and species, habitat and process conservation. A subtle shift from multiple-use management to ecosystems management is being observed and the new ecological perspective of multi-functional forest management is based on the principles of ecosystem diversity, stability and elasticity, and the dynamic equilibrium of primary and secondary production. Making full use of new technology is one of the challenges facing forest management today. Resource information must be obtained with a limited budget. This requires better timing of resource assessment activities and improved use of multiple data sources. Sound ecosystems management, like any other management activity, relies on effective forecasting and operational control. The aim of the book series Managing Forest Ecosystems is to present state-of-the-art research results relating to the practice of forest management. Contributions are solicited from prominent authors. Each reference book, monograph or proceedings volume will be focused to deal with a specific context. Typical issues of the series are: resource assessment techniques, evaluating sustainability for even-aged and uneven-aged forests, multi-objective management, predicting forest development, optimizing forest management, biodiversity management and monitoring, risk assessment and economic analysis. دانلود کتاب با فرمتPDF در قالب فایل فشرده RAR با حجم4.7 مگابایت: رمز فایل فشرده: www.noandishaan.com-
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- managing forest ecosystems
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