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در حال نمایش نتایج برای برچسب های 'اصطلاحات خودرو'.
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اصطلاحات مخفف انگلیسی خودرو Abbreviations and Acronyms 2V - Two (Venturi) Valve (two barrel carburetor) 2WS - Two Wheel Steer 3GR - Third Gear 4GR - Fourth Gear 4EAT - Four speed Electronic Automatic Transmission 4R70W - Four speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 700 lb/ft torque rated, Wide ratio 4R100 - Four speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 1000 lb/ft torque rated 4V - Four (Venturi) Valve (four barrel carburetor) 4WAL - Four Wheel Antilock 4WAS - Four Wheel Air Suspension 4WD - Four Wheel Drive 4WS - Four Wheel Steer 5R55W - Five speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 550 lb/ft torque rated, Wide ratio A - Amperes A-6 - Axial 6 cylinder A/C compressor AALA - American Automobile Labelling Act AAT - Ambient Air Temperature ABARS - Automobile Backward Automatic Ranging System ABC - Active Body Control ABS - Antilock Brake System AC - Alternating Current A/C - Air Conditioning ACC - Adaptive Cruise Control ACC - Air Conditioning Clutch ACC - Automatic Climate Control accel - Acceleration ACCS - Air Conditioning Cyclic Switch accum - Accumulator accy - Accessory ACD - Air Conditioning Demand ACE - Active Cornering Enhancement ACL - Air cleaner ACM - Airbag Control Module ACM - Audio Control Module ACR4 - Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging ACON - Air Conditioning On ACP - Air Conditioning Pressure act - Actual ACT - Air Charge Temperature actv - Activate ACV - (thermactor) Air Control Valve A/D - Analog to Digital AD - Accomodated Device adapt - Adaptive adapts - Adapters ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistance System ADBV - Anti Drainback Valve ADC - Automatic Distance Control ADG - Accomodated Device Gateway adj - Adjust ADL - Automatic Door Lock ADS - Auxilliary Discriminating Sensor ADU - Analog-Digital Unit AECM - Airbag Electronic Control Module A/F - Air Fuel Ratio (see also AFR) AFC - Air Flow Control AFC - Air Fuel Control AFCD - Advanced Frontal Crash Dummy AFCM - Alternate Fuel Control Module AFECM - Alternate Fuel Engine Control Module AFO - Alternate Fuel Operation AFR - Air Fuel Ratio (see also A/F) aft - After AGSP - Auxilliary Gauge Switch Pack AGVS - Automated Guided Vehicle System AHLD - Automatic Headlamp Levelling Device AHR - Active Head Restraint ahrs - Amp Hours AHS - Active Handling System AIM - Automotive Interior Material AIR - Air Injection Reaction (Secondary air injection) AIRB - Secondary Air Injection Bypass AIRD - Secondary Air Injection Diverter AIS - Automatic Idle Speed ALC - Automatic Lamp Control ALC - Automatic Level Control ALCL - Assembly Line Communications Link (replaced with DLC) ALDL - Assembly Line Data Link (replaced with DLC) ALM - Adaptive Learn Matrix ALR - Automatic Locking Retractor Alt - Alternative ALT - Alternator (replaced with GEN) AM - Amplitude Modulation AMB - Ambient AMM - Air Mass Meter amp - Amplifier amps - Amperes or Amperage AMS - Automatic Music Search AMT - Automated Manual Transmission AOD - Automatic Overdrive AODE - Automatic Overdrive Electronic (transmission) AODE-W - Automatic Overdrive Electronic - Wide ratio (transmission) AOS - Automatic Occupant Sensing AP - Accelerator Pedal APP - Accelerator Pedal Position APADS - Air Conditioning Protection and Diagnostic System APECS - Advanced Proportional Engine Control System API - American Petroleum Institute APT - Adjustable part Throttle ARC - Active Roll Control ARC - Automatic Ride Control ARS - Adaptive Receptive System ARS - Automatic Restraint System ARTHUR - Automatic Radio system for Traffic situations on Highways and Urban Roads ASA - Air Signal Attenuator ASA - Automatic Slack Adjuster ASARC - Air Suspension Automatic Ride Control ASC - Anti Stall Control ASD - Automatic Shutdown ASF - Audi Space Frame ASG - Automatic-Shift Gearbox ASM - Acceleration Simulation Mode ASM - Air Solenoid Module ASM - Alarm Siren Module asm - Assembly ASR - Acceleration Slip Regulation ASSYST - Active Service System ASTC - Automatic Stability and Traction Control ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials A/T - Automatic Transmission/Transaxle ATC - Automatic Temperature Control ATDC - After Top Dead Center ATF - Active Transfer Case ATF - Automatic Transfer Case ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid ATM - Actuator Test Mode ATTS - Advanced Torque Transfer System ATX - Automatic Transaxle AWD - All Wheel Drive AWG - American Wire Gage AYC - Active Yaw Control AXOD - Automatic Overdrive Transaxle AXOD-E - Automatic Overdrive Transaxle - Electronically Controlled B+ - Battery positive (voltage) BARO - Barometric (pressure) BAS - Brake Apply Sensor batt - Battery BBV - Brake Booster Vacuum BCM - Body Control Module BECU - Body Electronic Control Unit BFC - Body Function Controller BHP - Brake Horsepower BLM - Block Learn Multiplier (replaced with LT FUEL TRIM) B-LVL - Bilevel BLW - Brake Lining Wear BMAP - Barometric and Manifold Absolute Pressure bn - Bank BOB - Break-Out Box BOO - Brake On/Off BP - Back Pressure BPA - Bypass Air BPCM - Battery Pack Control Module BPMV - Brake Pressure Modulator Valve BPP - Brake Pedal Position BPW - base pulse width BSFC - Brake Specific Fuel Consumption BTCM - Brake Torque Control Module BTDC - Before Top Dead Center BTSI - Brake Transmission Shift Interlock Btu - British thermal units BV - Battery Voltage C3I - Computer Controlled Coil Ignition CAB - Controller, Antilock Brake CAC - Charge Air Cooler CAFC - Company Average Fuel Consumption (Canada) CAFE - Corporate Average Fuel Economy (USA) cal - Calibration calc - Calculated Calif - California CAN - Controlled Area Network CANP - Canister Purge (solenoid) CAMM - Computer Aided Manufacturing Measurement CAMS - Computerized Automotive Maintenance System CARB - California Air Resources Board CARS - Canadian Automotive Repair and Service Council CASE - Cranking Angle Sensing Error cass - Cassette CATS - Computer Aided Test Suite CC - Climate Control CC - Cruise Control CCC - Computer Command Control CCD - Chrysler Collision Detection CCCD - Catalytic Converter Cool-Down CCD - Computer Controlled Dwell CCDIC - Climate Control Driver Information Center CCFL - Cold-Cathode Flourescent Lamp CCM - Central Control Module CCO - Converter Clutch Override CCOT - Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube CCP - Climate Control Panel CCP - Controlled Canister Purge CCRM - Constant Control Relay Module CCS - Coast Clutch Solenoid CCW - Counter ClockWise CD - Compact Disc CDA - Cylinder De-Activation CDR - Chrysler Diagnostic Readout CDRV - Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve CDX - Compact Disc Changer CE - Commutator End CEL - Check Engine Lamp (replaced with MIL) CEAB - Cold Engine Air Bleed CEMF - Counter Electromotive Force CEMS - Catalyst Efficiency Management System CEMS - Carbureted Engine Management System CFI - Central Fuel Injection (replaced with TBI) CFI - Continuous Fuel Injection CFI - Cross Fire Injection CHMSL - Center High Mounted Stop Lamp CID - Cubic Inch Displacement CID - Cylinder Identification CJC - Collision Judgement Coefficient CKP - Crankshaft Position CKT - Circuit CL - Closed Loop CLC - Converter Lockup Clutch (replaced with TCC) CLCC - Closed Loop Carburetor Control CLTBI - Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection CLYC - Closed Loop Yaw Control CLNT - Coolant CMFI - Central Multi-port Fuel Injection cmd - Command cmdd - Commanded CMP - Camshaft Position CMVSS - Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards CNG - Compressed Natural Gas CO - Carbon Monoxide CO2 - Carbon Dioxide COBDIMR - Customer On Board Diagnostics Inspection/Maintenance Readiness COMBATT - Commercially Based Tactical Truck combo - Combination comm - Communication cond - Condition const - Constant COP - Coil On Plug COP - Computer Operating Properly CP - Canister Purge CPA - Connector Position Assurance CPI - Central Port Fuel Injection CPL - Control Parts List CPM - Cellular Phone Module CPP - Clutch Pedal Position CPS - Cam Profile Switching CPS - Center Panel Switches CPS - Central Power Supply CPS - Childseat Postioning Sensor CPU - Central Processing Unit CRR - Cool Running Rotor CRT - Cathode Ray Tube CRTS - Continuously Regenerating Trap System CS - Charging System CSE GND - PCM Case Ground CSI - Compression Sense Ignition CSM - Central Security Module cSt - Centistokes CSTO - Compression Sense Time-Out CTD - Content Theft Deterent CTM - Central Timer Module CTOX - Continuous Trap Oxidizer CTP - Closed Throttle Position (switch) CTS - Coolant Temperature Sensor CV - Constant Velocity CVRSS - Continuously Variable Road Sensing Suspenion CVRTD - Continuously Variable Real Time Damping CVS - Canister Vent Solenoid CVT - Continuously Variable Transmission, Transaxle CWS - Continental Wheel System CZS - Crash Zone Sensor DAB - Delayed Accessory Bus DAB - Driver AirBag (module) DART - Diagnostic And Reprogramming Tool dB - Decibels dBA - decibels on A-weighted scale DBB - Dual Bed Bead DBM - Dual Bed Monolith DC - Direct Current DC - Duty Cycle DCM - Door Control Module DDM - Driver's Door Module DDS - Deflection Detection System DDS - Driver's Door Switch DE - Drive End dec - Decrement DEC - Digital Electronic Controller DERM - Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module des - Desired DFCO - Decelleration Fuel CutOff DFI - Direct Fuel Injection DGI - Direct Gasoline Injection DI - Distributor Ignition DIC - Driver Information Center diff - Differential DIM - Dashboard Integration Module dis - Disable DIS - Direct (aka Distributorless) Ignition System (replaced with EI) disc - Disconnect DISI - Direct Injection, Spark Ignition DIST - Distributor DIY - Do It Yourself DLC - Data Link Connector DLC - Diamond Logic Computer DMCM - Driver Motor Control Module DMM - Digital MultiMeter DOHC - Double Overhead Cam DNR - Dolby Noise Reduction DOL - Data Output Line DPFE - Differential Pressure Feedback EGR DPI - Dual Plug Inhibit DRB - Diagnostic Readout Box DRF - Deactivating Roller Follower DRL - Daytime Running Lamps DRR - Digital Radio Receiver DSDA - Dual Stage Driver Airbag DSI - Dual Stage Inflator DSM - Driver's Seat module DSO - Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSP - Digital Signal Process DSPA - Dual Stage Passenger Airbag DSS - Downshift Solenoid DSST - Dunlop Self Supporting Tire DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code DTM - Diagnostic Test Mode DTT - Diesel Transmission Technologies DVOM - Digital Volt-Ohmmeter E4OD - Electronic 4-Speed Overdrive EA - Electronic Accelerator EAC - Electronic Air Control (replaced with AIR) EAIR - Electronic (secondary) Air Injection Reaction EAS - Electrically Assisted Steering EAS - Electronic Air Switching EATC - Electronic Automatic Temperature Control EBC - Electronic Brake Control EBCM - Electronic Brake Control Module EBD - Electronic Brake force Distribution EBM - Electronic Brake Module EBP - Exhaust Back Pressure EBTCM - Electronic Brake and Traction Control Module EC - Electronic Control E&C - Entertainment and Comfort ECA - Electronic Control Assembly (replaced with PCM) ECC - Electronic Climate Control ECD - Electronically Controlled Deceleration ECI - Extended Compressor at Idle ECL - Engine Coolant Level ECM - Electronic Control Module ECM - Engine Control Module ECS - Electronic Crash Sensor ECS - Emission Control System ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature (Switch, Sensor) ECU - Electronic Control Unit EDF - Electric Drive Fan (relay) EDIS - Electronic Direct Ignition System (replaced with EI) EDR - Event Data Recorder EDSR - Electronic Dealer Service (Investigation) Report EEC - Electronic Engine Control EEDS - Electric-Electronic Distribution System EEPROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memeory EEVIR - Evaporator Equalized Values In Receiver EFE - Early Fuel Evaporation EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection EGC - Electronic Gauge Cluster EGO - Exhaust Gas Oxygen (replaced with O2S) EGOG - EGO Ground EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation EGRC - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control EGRT - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature (switch) EGR TVV - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Thermal Vacuum Valve EGRV - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Vent EGTS - Exhaust Gas Temperature Switch (replaced with EGRT) EHB - Electro-Hydraulic Brake EHCU - Electronic Hydraulic Control Unit EHOC - Electrically Heated Oxidation Catalyst EHPAS - Electric Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering EHTWC - Electrically Heated Three Way Catalyst EI - Electronic Ignition (includes Distributorless Ignition System, formerly DIS) ELC - Electronic Level Control EM - Energy Management EM - Engine Modification EMAS - Engine Management and Analysis System EMAT - Electro-Mechanical Automatic Transmission EMB - Electromagnetic Brakes EMB - Electro-Mechanical Brake EMCC - Electronically Modulated Converter Clutch EMF - Electromotive Force (voltage) EMI - Electromagnetic Interference EMR - Electronic Module Retard EMR - Emission Maintenance Reminder EOP - Engine Oil Pressure EOT - Engine Oil Temperature EPA - Environmental Protection Agency EPC - Electronic Pressure Control EPHS - Electrically Powered Hydraulic Steering EPR - Exhaust Pressure Regulator EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EPS - Electric Power Steering EPS - Electric Power Steering EPS - Engine Position Sensor EPT - EGR Pressure Transducer (replaced with PFE) ERH - Extended Ride Height ESB - Expansion Spring Brake ESC - Electrical Systems Controller ESC - Electronic Spark Control ESC - Electronic Suspension Control ESD - Electrostatic Discharge ESM - Electronic Steering Module ESN - Electronic Serial Number ESO - Engine ShutOff ESOF - Electronic Shift On (the) Fly ESP - Electronic Stability Program EST - Electronic Spark Timing ETBE - Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether ETC - Electronic Temperature Control ETC - Electronic Throttle Control ETC - Electronic Timing Control ETCC - Electronic Touch Climate Control ETR - Electronically Tuned Receiver ETS - Enhanced Traction System EUDC-LP - Extra-Urban Driving Cycle for Low Power vehicles EV - Electric Vehicle EVA - Electronic Vibration Analyzer EVAP - Evaporative Emission EVAP Canister Purge - Evaporative Emission Canister Purge EVIC - Electronic Vehicle Information Center EVMV - Electric Vapour Management Valve EVO - Electronic Variable Orifice EVP - EGR Valve Position (sensor) EVR - EGR Vacuum Regulator EVTOP - Enhanced Tactical Vehicle Occupant Protection EVTM - Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual EXH - Exhaust F4WD - Full Time Four Wheel Drive FABS - Flexible Auto Body System FAF - Fan Air Flow FBC - Feedback Carburetor FC - Fan Control FC - Friction Curve FCM - Front Control module FCP - Fuel Cell Partnership FCU - Front Control Unit FCV - Fuel Cell Vehicle FDBK - Feedback FDC - Fuel Data Center FEAD - Front End Accessory Drive (belt) FED - Federal (except California) FEDS - Fuel Enable Data Stream FEDS - Flexible Engine Diagnostic System FEIC - Fuel Economy Integrated Counter FET - Field Effect Transistor FF - Flexible Fuel FFCRS - Front-Facing Child Restraint System FFFP - Fuel-Flexible Fuel Processor FFS - Fine-blanking and Finishing System FFS - Flexible Fuel Sensor FFWS - Fuel Filter Water Separator FI - Fuel Injection FICM - Fuel Injector Control Module FIDO - Flame Ionization Detector Optimization FIM - Fuel Indicator Module FIPL - Fuel Injection Pump Lever FIPT - Fuel Inlet Pressure Test Fl - Front Left FLO - Fast Light-Off flr - Floor FLVV - Fill Limit Vent Valve FM - Frequency Modulation FMEM - Failure Mode Effects Management FMVSS - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards FP - Fuel Pump FPCM - Fuel injection Pump Control Module FPDM - Fuel Pump Driver Module FPI - Fins Per Inch FPM - Fuel Pump Monitor FPR - Fuel Pump Regulator FPRC - Fuel Pressure Regulator Circuit FPS - Fast Pass Standard FR - Front Right FRACAS - Failure Reporting And Corrective Action System FRC - Forced freq - Frequency frnt - Front FRP - Fuel Rail Pressure FRS - Face Recognition System FRV - First Response Vehicle FSDI - Four-Stroke, Direct Injection FT - Fuel Trim FTP - Federal Test Procedure FTP - Fuel Tank Pressure FUDC - Federal Urban Driving Cycle fwd - Forward FWD - Front Wheel Drive GA - Gage GAWR - Gross Axle Weight Rating GCW - Gross Combined Weight g/cyl - Grams per Cylinder GCWR - Gross Combined Weight Rating GDI - Gasoline Direct Injection GEN - Generator GEM - Gasoline Engine Management GEM - Generic Electronic Module GGT - Gas Guzzler Tax GHG - GreenHouse Gas GISMO - Geographic Information System, Mobile GND - Ground GOVN - Governor Module GPS - Global Positioning System GS - Garage Shift g/sec - Grams per Second GTL - Gas To Liquid GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight GVWR - Gross Vehicle Weight Rating H - Hydrogen H2O - Water HAST - High Accelerated Stress Test HBA - Hydraulic Brake Assist HBU - Hub Bearing Unit HC - Hydrocarbons HCCI - Homogeneous-Charge, Compression Ignition HCM - Heating Control Module HCU - Hydraulic Control Unit HCV - Heavy Commercial Vehicle H/CMPR - High Compression HD - Heavy Duty HDC - Heavy Duty Cooling HDGV - Heavy Duty Gasoline-fueled Vehicle HD-UDDS - Heavy Duty Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule HEC - Hybrid Electronic Cluster HEDF - High Speed Electro Drive Fan (relay or circuit) HEGO - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (sensor) (replaced with HO2S) HEGOG - HEGO Ground (circuit) HEPS - Hydraulic Electric Power Steering HEUI - Hydraulic-actuated Electronically-controlled Unit Injector HFC - High Fan Control HFC - Hydraulic Fading Compensation HFM - Hot Film Meter HFP - High Fuel Pump Hg - Mercury Hi Alt - Hi Altitude HID - High Intensity Discharge HIS - Horizontal Impact Sensor hist - History HLDT - Heavy Light-Duty Truck HLOS - Hardware Limited Operating Strategy HO - High Output HO2S - Heated Oxygen Sensor hp - Horsepower HPDI - High Pressure Direct Injection HPL - High Pressure Liquid HPS - Head Protection System HPS - High Performance System HPV - High Pressure Vapour HRC - Headlamp Range Control HSA - Head Side Airbag HSC - High Swirl Combustion HSCDS - High-Sensitivity Collision Detection System HSDI - High-Speed Direct Injection HSE - High-Speed Enrichment HSEA - High Solar Energy Absorbing (glass) HTCM - Heating-ventilation-air-conditioning Thermal Control Module HUD - Heads Up Display HVAC - Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning HVACM - Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module HVI - High Viscosity Index HVM - Heater Vent Mondule HW - Heated Windshield HWFET - Highway Fuel Economy Test (driving schedule) HYPAS - Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering Hz - Hertz IA - Intake Air IABM - Integrated AirBag Module IAC - Idle Air Control IAFM - Integrated Air Fuel Module IAFS - Integrated Air Fuel System IAT - Intake Air Temperature iATN - International Automotive Technicians Network IBOB - Intelligent BreakOut Box IC - Ignition Control IC - Integrated Circuit ICA - Injector Cam Actuation ICC - Intelligent Cruise Control ICCS - Integrated Chassis Control System ICDX - Integrated Compact Disc Changer ICE - Internal Combustion Engine ICM - Ignition Control Module ICP - Injection Control Pressure ICS - Integrated Chassis System ICWS - Intersection Collision Warning System ID - Identification ID - Inside Diameter IDI - Integrated Direct Ignition IDIS - International Dismantling Information System IDM - Ignition Diagnostic Module IDM - Injector Driver Module IEDIS - Integrated Electronic Distributorless Ignition System IFES - Integrated Front End System IFI - Indirect Diesel Injection IFS - Inertia Fuel Shutoff IFSM - Integrated Fuel System Module IGN - Ignition ILC - Idle Load Compensator illum - Illumination I/M - Inspection Maintenance IMA - Integrated Motor Assist IMDX - Integrated Mini Disc Changer IMLUT - Inspection/Maintenance Look-Up Table immo - Immobilizer IMRC - Intake Manifold Runner Control IMS - Inductive Magnetic Saturation IMS - Instant Mobility System IMT - Intake Manifold Tuning IMTD - Intake Manifold Temperature Differential in - Inch(es) inadv - Inadvertant inc - Increment INCA - In-Car Aquisition incand - Incandescent infl - Inflatable init - Initial INJ - Injector INP - Input inst - Instant int - Interior INT - Integrator (replaced with ST FUEL TRIM) I/O - In/Out IOC - Instant Oil Change I/P - Instrument Panel IPC - Instrument Panel Cluster IPM - Instrument Panel Module IPM - Integrated Power Module IPR - Injector Pressure Regulator IRDS - Independant Rear Drive Suspension IRQ - Interrupt Request ISA - Integrated Starter-Alternator ISAD - Integrated Starter Alternator Damper ISB - Interact System B ISC - Idle Speed Control ISG - Integrated Starter-Generator ISI - Ion Sensing Ignition ISO - Interior Systems Optimization ISO - International Standards Organization iso - Isolation ISS - Input Shaft Speed ITARDA - Institute for Traffic Acccident Research and Data Analysis ITTB - Idle Time To Boil ITTR - Inflatable Tubular Torso Restraint ITS - Idle Tracking Switch IVC - Integral Vapour Canister IVCS - Integrated Vehicle Control System IVI - Intelligent Vehicle Initiative IVIS - In Vehicle Information System IVS - Idle Validation Switch IVSC - Integrated Vehicle Speed Control IWC - Inertia Weight Class JARI - Japan Automotive Research Institute JTEC - Jeep, Truck Engine Control JTEC - Joint Transmission-Engine Controller KAM - Keep Alive Memory KAPWR - Keep Alive power KDD - Keyboard Display Driver kg - Kilogram kg/h - Kilograms per Hour kHz - Kilohertz km - Kilometer km/h - Kilometers per Hour km/l - Kilometers per Litre KOEO - Key On Engine Off KOER - Key On Engine Running kPa - Kilopascal KS - Knock Sensor kV - Kilovolts L - Liter(s) L4 - Four Cylinder Inline Engine LATCH - Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren LB - Long Box, Long Bed LCD - Liquid Crystal Display LCM - Lighting Control Module LDCL - Left Door Close Locking LDCM - Left Door Control Module LDDT - Light Duty Diesel Truck LDGT - Light Duty Gasoline (fueled) Truck LDP - Leak Detection Pump lduty - Light Duty LEADER - Low Emissions Advanced Engine Range LED - Light Emitting Diode LEP - Light Emitting Polymer LF - Left Front LFC - Lamp Fault Code LFC - Low Fan Control LFWS - Left Front Wheel Speed LFCS - Low Flow Cooling System LFP - Low Fuel pump LGM - Lift Gate Module LH - Left Hand LIE - Laterally Inclined Engine LMD - Left Mid Door LNG - Liquid Natural Gas LO - Low LOMA - Lifter Oil Manifold Assembly LOS - Limited Operation Strategy LPG - Liquified Petroleum Gas LPM - Litres Per Minute LPS - Low Pressure Sensor LR - Left Rear LR - Loaded Radius LRA - Latching Rocker Arm LRD - Left Rear Door lrn - Learn LSD - Limited Slip Differential LSEGR - Linear Solenoid Exhaust Gas Recirculation LSP and BV - Load Sensing Proportioning and Bypass Valve LSUV - Luxury Sport Utility Vehicle LT - Left LT - Long Term (Fuel Trim) LTA - Low Temperature Aftercooling LTD - Long-Travel Dampened (clutch) LTPWS - Low Tire Pressure Warning System LUS Lock-Up Solenoid (see TCC) LV8 - Load Variable 8 Cylinder LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transducer LVL - Level LWB - Long WheelBase (see LB) MAF - Mass Air Flow malf - Malfunction MALL - Multifunction Alarm Lighting and Locking MAN - Manufacturer MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure MAT - Manifold Air Temperature MC - Measuring Core MC - Mixture Control MCM - Message Center Module MCU - Microprocessor Control Unit MD - Mini Disc MD - Modulated Displacement MDP - Manifold Differential Pressure MDS(2) - Mopar Diagnostic System MDX - Mini Disc Changer MECS - Mazda Electronic Control System med - Medium MEM - Memory MEMCAL - Memory Calibration MFI - Multiport Fuel Injection MGMT - Management MIC - Mechanical Instrument Cluster MID - Midrange MIL - Malfunction Indicator Lamp MIN - Minute(s) MIN - Mobile Identification Number MIP - Mixer Inlet Pressure ML - Manual Longitudinal MLP(s) - Manual Lever Position (sensor) mm - Millimetre mm3 - Cubic Millimetre(s) MMC - Manifold Mounted Converter MMT - Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl MPa - Megapascal MPFI - Multiport Fuel Injection ms - Millisecond MSFF - Miles Since First Fail MSLF - Miles Since Last Fail MSO - Mixed Signal Oscilloscope MST - Manifold Surface Temperature MTBE - Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether MTV - Manifold Tuning Valve MV - Megavolt mV - Millivolt MVLPS - Manual Valve Lever Position Sensor MVSA - Motor Vehicle Safety Act MVSS - Motor Vehicle Safety Standards NAAO - North American Automotive Operations NAICC - Navigation-Aided Intelligent Cruise Control NC - Normally Closed NCAP - New Car Assessment Program NEG - Negative NFF - No Fault Found NG - Natural Gas NGS - New Generation STAR (Self Test Automatic Readout) NGSC - Next Generation Speed Control NGV - Natural Gas Vehicle NGV - New Generation Vehicle NGVM - Natural Gas Vehicle Module NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NLGI - National Lubricating Grease Institute N-m - Newton Meters NO - Normally Open NOx - Nitrogen Oxides NPTC - National Pipe Thread Coarse NPTF - National Pipe Thread Fine NVH - Noise, Vibration and Harshness NVLD - Natural Vacuum Leak Detection NVRAM - Non Volatile Random Access Memory NYCC - New York City Cycle O2 - Oxygen O2S - Oxygen Sensor OBD - On Board Diagnostics OBD II - On Board Diagnostics, Generation 2 OC - Oxidation Catalyst Only OCC - Output Circuit Check OCR - Oil Control Ring OD - Outside Diameter OD - Overdrive OE - Original Equipment OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer OHC - Overhead Camshaft OL - Open Loop OLED - Organic Light Emitting Diode OPR - Over Pressure Relief ORC - Oxidation Reduction Converter OSC - Output State Check OSC - Output State Control OSGI - Open-Service Gateway Interface OSS - Output Shaft Speed (sensor) OTC - Overhead Trip Computer OTIS - Overhead Travel Information System PAB - Passenger Air Bag PADS - Passenger Airbag Disarm Switch PAG - Polyalkylene Glycol PAG - (Ford) Premier Automotive Group PAIR - Pulsed Secondary Air Injection PASE - PAssive Start and Entry system PASM - Porche Active Steering Management PASS - Personalized Automotive Security System PATS - Passive Anti-Theft System PCB - Printed Circuit Board PCM - Powertrain Control Module PCI - Programmable Communications Interface PCI - Programmable Controller Interface PCS - Pre-Crash Sensor PCS - Pressure Control Solenoid PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation PDC - Park Distance Control PDC - Parts Distribution Center PDC - Power Distribution Center PEM - Proton Electric Membrane PEMFC - Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell PEP - Peripheral Expansion Port PFE - Pressure Feedback EGR PFI - Port Fuel Injection PID - Parameter Identification PIP - Profile Ignition Pickup (replaced with CKP) PKE - Passive Keyless Entry PM - Permanent Magnet PMD - Pump Mounted Driver P/N - Part Number PNP - Park/Neutral Position POA - Pilot Operated Absolute POS - Positive POT - Potentiometer ppm - Parts Per Million PPS - Passenger Presence Sensor PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory PROX - PReferential OXidation PS - Power Steering PSA - Pressure Switch Assembly PSD - Power Sliding Door psi - Pounds Per Square Inch PSIR - Passenger Side Inflatable Restraint PSM - Passenger Seat Module PSOM - Programmable Speedometer/Odometer Module PSP - Power Steering Pressure PSV - Public Service Vehicle PTC - Pending Trouble Code PTC - Positive Temperature Coefficient PTO - Power Takeoff PTOX - Periodic Trap Oxidizer PTU - Part Throttle Unlock PWM - Pulse Width Modulation PWR - Power PZEV - Partial Zero Emision Vehicle QDM - Quad Driver Module QDR - Quality, Durability, Reliability QVM - Qualified Vehicle Modifier RABS - Rear Antilock Brake System RAM - Random Access Memory RAM - Ride Air Module RAP - Remote Anti-theft Module RAP - Retained Access Power RBC - Rotary Blade Coupling RCC - Remote Climate Control RDS - Radio (broadcast) Data System RECIS - Remote Entry Control and Immobilizer System REDOX - Reduction Oxidation Catalytic Converter REEGR - Rotary Electric EGR REF - Reference RESC - Remote Emergency Satellite Unit RF - Radio Frequency RFF - Roller Finger Followers RFI - Radio Frequency Interference RKE - Remote Keyless Entry RM - Relay Module ROM - Read Only Memory RPM - Remote Power Module RPM - Revolutions Per Minute RPO - Regular Production Option RTD - Real Time Dampening RTN - Return RTV - Room Temperature Vulcanizing RVP - Reid Vapour Pressure RWAL - Rear Wheel Anti-lock RWD - Rear Wheel Drive SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers SAS - Side Auxiliary Sensor SATC - Semi-Auto Temperature Control module SAVDAS - Stand-Alone Vehicle Data Aquisition System SAW - Spark Angle Word SB - Short Box, Short Bed SBDS - Service Bay Diagnostic System SBEC - Single Board Engine Controller (replaced with PCM) SBS - Supercharger Bypass Solenoid SBT - Serial Bus Traveller SC - Supercharger SCA - Supplemental Coolant Additive SCB - Supercharger Bypass SCCA - Sports Car Club of America SCI - Serial Communications Interface SCIL - Steering Column/Instrument panel Lighting SCS - Side Crash Sensor SCTM - Seatbelt Timer Control Module SDARS - Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service SDM - Sensing and Diagnostic Module SDM - Sensor Diagnostic Module SDS - Satellite Discriminating Sensor SDS - Shock Dampening System SDV - Spark Delay Valve SEFI - Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection (replaced with SFI) SEO - Special Equipment Option SES - Service Engine Soon (replaced with MIL) SFI - Sequential Multiport (Electronic) Fuel Injection SGCM - Starter/Generator Control Module SHO - Super High Output SIG RTN - Signal Return SIL - Shift Indicator Lamp SIR - Supplemental Inflatable Restraint SIS - Side Impact Sensor SKIM - Sentry Key Imobilizer Module SMEC - Single Module Engine Controller (replaced with PCM) SNSR - Sensor SO2 - Sulphur Dioxide SPD - Speed SPL - Smoke Puff Limiter SPOUT - Spark Output SPS - Service Programming System SRC - Selective Ride Control SRG - Solar-Reflective Glass SRS - Supplemental Restraint System SS - Shift Solenoid SSM - Suspension Steering Module ST - Scan Tool ST - Short Term (Fuel Trim) STAR - Self Test Automatic Readout (tester) STAR - Stolen Auto Recovery System STC - Step Timing Control STI - Self Test Input STO - Self Test Output STS - Service Technicians Society SWB - Short WheelBase (see SB) SWS - SideWall tension Sensor TAB - Thermactor Air Bypass (replaced with AIRB) TAC - Throttle Actuator Control TAD - Thermactor Air Divert (replaced with AIRD) TACH - Tachometer TAP - Transmission Adaptive Pressure TB - Throttle Body TBI - Throttle Body Fuel Injection TC - Turbocharger TCC - Torque Converter Clutch TCCS - Toyota Computer Controlled System TCIL - Transmission Control Indicator Lamp TCM - Transmission Control Module TCS - Traction Control System TCS - Transmission Control Switch TDC - Top Dead Center TDI - Toyota Direct Ignition TEMP - Temperature TFI - Thick Film Integrated (replaced with DI) TFT - Transmission Fluid Temperature TGS - Top Gear Switch THEMIS - Thermal Management Intelligent System THM - Turbo Hydra-Matic THS - Transmission Hydraulic Switch TIIS - Thermal Imaging Inspection Station TOT - Transmission Oil Temperature TP - Throttle Position TPI - Tuned Port Injection TPM - Tire Pressure Monitor TR(s) - Transmission Range (sensor) TSA - Thorax Side Airbag TSB - Technical Service Bulletin TSI - Two Speed Idle TSS - Transmission Speed Sensor TTS - Transmission Temperature Switch (replaced with TOT) TV - Throttle Valve TVR - Turbine Vane Regulator TVS - Thermal Vacuum Switch TVV - Thermal Vacuum Valve TWC - Three Way Catalyst TWC+OC - Three Way Catalyst + Oxidation Catalyst TXV - Thermal Expansion Valve UIDI - Up-Integrated Direct Ignition UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter UD - Underdrive UDDS - Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule ULEV - Ultra Low Emisions Vehicle UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System USCAR - United States Council for Automotive Research UTQG - Uniform Tire Quality Grading V - Volts VAC - Vacuum VAF - Vane Air Flow VAF - Volume Air Flow VAPS - Variable Assist Power Steering VAPS - Virtual Automotive Prototyping System VASCO - Vehicle Application-Specific Computer VAT - Vane Air Temperature (replaced with IAT) VAT - Visual Authoring Tool VATS - Vehicle AntiTheft System VB - Valve body VCC - Viscous Converter Clutch VCL - Vehicle Communication Link VCM - Variable Cylinder Management VCM - Vehicle Control Module VCRM - Variable Control Relay Module VDCS - Vehicle Dynamics Control System VDIS - Vehicle Diagnostic Information System VDOT - Variable Displacement Orifice Tube VDS - Valve Deactivation System VDM - Vehicle Dynamics Module VDV - Vacuum Delay Valve VECI - Vehicle Emission Control Information VEDR - Vehicle Event Data Recorder VF - Vacuum Flourescent VGT - Variable Geometry Turbocharger VIC - Virtual Image Cluster module VIN - Vehicle Identification Number VIP - Vehicle Intrusion Protection VLCM - Variable Load Control Module VMV - Vacuum Modulator Valve VMV - Vapour Management Valve VNT - Variable Nozzle Turbine VNT - Variable Nozzle Turbocharger VOTM - Vacuum Operated Throttle Modulator VPWR - Vehicle Power VR - Vacuum Regulator VREF - Voltage Reference VRV - Vacuum Reducer Valve VRIS - Variable Resonance Induction System VS - Variable Speed VSC - Vehicle Stability Control VSS - Vehicle Speed Sensor VTA - Vehicle Theft Alarm VTEC - Variable (valve) Timing (and lift)Electronic Control VTSS - Vehicle Theft Security System VVT-i - Variable Valve Timing with Intelligence VVTL-i - Variable Valve Timing and Lift with Intelligence WAC - Wide Open Throttle A/C Cutoff W/B - Wheelbase WCF - Wireless Communication Framework WDS - Worldwide Diagnostic System WIF - Water In Fuel (sensor) WOT - Wide Open Throttle WSS - Wheel Speed Sensor WU-OC - Warmup Catalyst with Oxidation Catalyst WU-TWC - Warmup Catalyst with Three Way Catalyst WVVWS - Wireless Vehicle to Vehicle Warning System xVDS - Extended Vehicle Diagnostic System ZEV - Zero Emission Vehicle منبع : Dave Haughey's Automotive Webspace - Automotive Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms