رفتن به مطلب

500 مسئله فیزیک همراه با راه حل_In English


ارسال های توصیه شده

Andrew R. King, Oded Regev, O. Regev,_Physics with Answers: 500 Problems and Solutions

Cambridge University Press | 1997 | 332 pages | PDF | 11,1 MB


This book contains 500 physics problems and solutions in common college and university undergraduate topics. These topics are presented in three chapters: Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, and Matter and Waves....A brief summary of the relevant theory is given at the beginning of each chapter and contains definitions and some typical functions....This book can be of great help to teachers and students who are looking for more examples of classic problem solving in physics, especially in the basic fields of mechanics and electromagnetism



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