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- atm&vac distillation
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سلام دانلود کتاب ابزار دقیق مهندسی شیمی این کتابچه دویست صفحه ای درپالایشگاه ابادان وبرای راهنمایی علاقه مندان ومهندسین شیمی ومتخصصین ابزار دقیق درزمینه مسایل عمومی ابزاردقیقی وتجهیزات وابسته تهیه شده است از سرفصلهای کتاب میتوان به موضوعات زیر اشاره کرد - واحددریافت اب از دریا وتوزیع ان درپالایشگاه - واحد اب اشامیدنی - واحد اب خنک کن ماشین الات - واحد اب اتش نشانی - واحد تولید ازت مایع - واحد ارسال امونیاک - واحدهای سوخت گاز ومایع - واحد تهیه وارسال کاستیک - واحد تولید اب بویلر - اب دمین یا DM - واحدهای تولید بخار وبرق - احیا به کمک اسید سولفوریک - احیا به کمک کاستیک سودا - کندانس های داغ برگشتی واحدها - واحد تولید بخار - واحد تولید بخار اب فشار متوسط - چگونگی تغذیه مصرف کنندگان ولتاژ متوسط وپایین - روشهای رایج درتصفیه ابهای صنعتی - بخش خارج سازی لجن وفیلـتر های شنی وموضوعات زیادی از این دست که درکلیه فرایندهای پالایشگاهی کاربرد دارد امیدوارم مطالعه این کتاب برای شما دوستان مفید باشد کتاب فرایندهای پالایشگاهی وابزار دقیق مهندسی شیمی را ازلینک زیردانلود نمایید دانلود پسورد : spow -
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دانلود هندبوک فرایند نفت خام این هندبوک عالی برای مهندسین شیمی ونفت ومتخصصین پالایش نفت ومحصولات نفتی را در18 فصل از لینک زیر دریافت نمایید This Handbook describes and discusses the features that make up the petroleum refining industry. It begins with a description of the crude oils and their nature. It continues with the saleable products from the refining processes, with a review of the modern day environmental impact. ToC: Contents Chapter 1. An introduction to crude oil and its processing The composition and characteristics of crude oil The crude oil assay Other basic definitions and correlations Predicting product qualities Basic processes The processes common to most energy refineries Processes not so common to energy refineries The non-energy refineries References Chapter 2. Petroleum products and a refinery configuration 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Petroleum products 2.3 A discussion on the motive fuels of gasoline and diesel 2.4 A refinery process configuration development Conclusion Chapter 3. The atmospheric and vacuum crude distillation units 3.1 The atmospheric crude distillation unit Process description The development of the material balance for the atmospheric crude distillation unit The design characteristics of an atmospheric crude distillation fractionating tower The fractionator overhead system The side streams and intermediate reflux sections Calculating the main tower dimensions The crude feed preheat exchanger system design An example in the design of an atmospheric crude oil distillation tower 3.2 The vacuum crude distillation unit Process description The vacuum crude distillation unit’s flash zone The tower overhead ejector system Calculating flash zone conditions in a vacuum unit Draw-off temperatures Determine pumparound and internal flows for vacuum towers Calculate tower loading in the packed section of vacuum towers Appendix Chapter 4. The distillation of the ‘Light Ends’ from crude oil A process description of a ‘light ends’ unit Developing the material balance for light end units Calculating the operating conditions in light end towers Calculating the number of trays in light end towers Condenser and reboiler duties Tower loading and sizing Checks for light end tower operation and performance Chapter 5. Catalytic reforming Feedstocks Catalysts Process flow schemes Advantages of CCR Platforming Catalysts and suppliers References Chapter 6. Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) Fluidization Process control Reaction chemistry and mechanisms Gas oil cracking technology features Cracking for light olefins and aromatics Nomenclature References Appendix 6.1. Commercially available FCC catalysts and additives Chapter 7. Distillate hydrocracking Brief history Flow schemes Chemistry Catalysts Catalyst manufacturing Catalyst loading and activation Catalyst deactivation and regeneration Design and operation of hydrocracking reactors Hydrocracking process variables Hydrocracker licensors and catalyst manufacturers Chapter 8. Hydrotreating Brief history Flow schemes Chemistry Catalysts Catalyst manufacturing Catalyst loading and activation Catalyst deactivation and regeneration Design and operation of hydrotreating reactors Hydrotreating process variables Hydrotreaters licensors and catalyst manufacturers Chapter 9. Gasoline components 9.1 Motor fuel alkylation Introduction History Process chemistry HF alkylation process flow description Sulfuric acid alkylation Stratco effluent refrigerated alkylation process Alkylate properties Recent developments Conclusions References 9.2 Catalytic olefin condensation Introduction History Catalytic condensation process Catalytic condensation process for gasoline production Hydrogenated versus nonhydrogenated polymer gasolines from the catalytic condensation process Selective and nonselective gasoline production with the catalytic condensation process Catalytic condensation process as a source of diesel fuels Petrochemical operations Dimersol process Other dimerization or oligomerization processes Recent developments Catalytic olefin condensation with the InAlk process Catalyst suppliers Conclusions References 9.3 Isomerization technologies for the upgrading of light naphtha and refinery light ends Introduction Process chemistry of paraffin isomerization Primary reaction pathways Isomerization catalysts I-80 catalyst development and applications LPI-100 catalyst development and applications New isomerization process technologies Isomerization process economics Other applications Conclusions References Bibliography Chapter 10. Refinery gas treating processes Introduction The process development and description Common processes Other gas treating processes Calculating the amine circulation rate Calculating the number of theoretical trays in an amine contactor Calculating absorber tray size and design Calculating the heat transfer area for the lean/rich amine exchanger The stripper design and performance Removing degradation impurities from MEA Appendix 10.1 The process design of an amine gas treating unit Chapter 11. Upgrading the ‘Bottom of the Barrel’ The thermal cracking processes ‘Deep oil’ fluid catalytic cracking Residuum hydrocracking Conclusion Appendix 11.1 Sizing a thermal cracker heater/reactor Chapter 12. The non-energy refineries Introduction 12.1 The lube oil refinery Lube oil properties A description of major processes in lube oil refining 12.2 Asphalt production 12.3 The petrochemical refinery The production of aromatics Process discussion Appendix 12.1 Sizing a bitumen oxidizer Chapter 13. Support systems common to most refineries 13.1 Control systems Definitions Reflux drums The control valve 13.2 Offsite systems Storage facilities Atmospheric storage Pressure storage Heated storage tanks Calculating heat loss and heater size for a tank Product blending facilities Road and rail loading facilities Jetty and dock facilities Jetty size, access, and location Waste disposal facilities The flare Effluent water treating facilities Other treating processes Utility Systems Brief descriptions of typical utility systems Steam and condensate systems Fuel systems Water systems The “hot lime” process The ion exchange processes Compressed air system 13.3 Safety systems Determination of risk Definitions Types of pressure relief valves Capacity Sizing of required orifice areas Sizing for flashing liquids Sizing for gas or vapor on low-pressure subsonic flow Appendix 13.1 Example calculation for sizing a tank heater Appendix 13.2 Example calculation for sizing a relief value Appendix 13.3 Control valve sizing Chapter 14. Environmental control and engineering in petroleum refining Introduction 14.1 Aqueous wastes Pollutants in aqueous waste streams Treating refinery aqueous wastes Oxidation of sulfides to thiosulfates Oxidation of mercaptans Oxidation of sulfide to sulfate Oil–water separation The API oil–water separator Storm surge ponds Other refinery water effluent treatment processes Reference 14.2 Emission to the atmosphere Features of the Clean Air Act The major effects of air pollution and the most common pollutants Monitoring atmospheric emission Reducing and controlling the atmospheric pollution in refinery products Controlling emission pollution from the refining processes 14.3 Noise pollution Noise problems and typical in-plant/community noise standards Fundamentals of acoustics and noise control Coping with noise in the design phase A typical community/in-plant noise program Appendix 14.1 Partial pressures of H2S and NH3 over aqueous solutions of H2S and NH3 Appendix 14.2 Example of the design of a sour water stripper with no reflux Appendix 14.3 Example design of an API separator Chapter 15. Refinery safety measures and handling of hazardous materials Introduction 15.1 Handling of hazardous materials Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid The amines used in gas treating Caustic soda Furfural Hydrogen sulfide, H2S Methyl ethyl ketone, MEK 15.2 Fire prevention and fire fighting The design specification Fire prevention with respect to equipment design and operation The fire main Fire foam and foam systems Class B fire foams Class A fire foams Chapter 16. Quality control of products in petroleum refining Introduction 16.1 Specifications for some common finished products The LPG products The gasolines The kerosenes Aviation turbine gasoline (ATG) and jet fuels The gas oils The fuel oil products The lube oils The asphalts Petroleum coke Sulfur 16.2 The description of some of the more common tests Specific gravity (D1298) ASTM distillations (D86, D156) Flash point test method (D93) Pour point and cloud point (D97) Kinematic viscosity (D446) Reid vapor pressure (D323) Weathering test for the volatility of LPG (D1837) Smoke point of kerosenes and aviation turbine fuels (D1322) Conradson carbon residue of petroleum products (D189) Bromine number of petroleum distillates (D1159) Sulfur content by lamp method (D1266) Octane number research and motor Conclusion Chapter 17.1. Economics—Refinery planning, economics, and handing new projects 17.1.1 Refinery operation planning Running plans Developing the running plan Background Basis for assessing requirements The results The refinery operating program 17.1.2 Process evaluation and economic analysis Study approach Building process configurations and the screening study Example calculation Investment costs for the new facilities Preparing more accurate cost data Summary data sheets Capital cost estimates Discounted cash flow and economic analysis Results Using linear programs to optimize process configurations Executing an approved project Developing the duty specification The project team Primary activities of the project team Developing the operating manual and plant commissioning Process guarantees and the guarantee test run Appendices 17.1.1 Refinery plan inadequacies report 17.1.2 Crude oil inventory schedule 17.1.3 Product inventory and schedule 17.1.4 Outline operating schedule 17.1.5 Detailed operating program and schedule 17.1.6 Typical weekly program 17.1.7 Typical factors used in capacity factored estimates 17.1.8 Example of a process specification 17.1.9 Example of a process guarantee Chapter 17.2. Economic analysis Introduction Analysis at one point in time Cost of production Reporting parameters Appendices 17.2.1 Background for economic calculations 17.2.2 Progressions 17.2.3 Loan repayments (mortgage formula) 17.2.4 Average rate of interest Chapter 18. Process equipment in petroleum refining Introduction 18.1 Vessels Fractionators, trays, and packings Drums and drum design Specifying pressure vessels 18.2 Pumps Pump selection Selection characteristics Capacity range Evaluating pump performance Specifying a centrifugal pump The mechanical specification The process specification Compiling the pump calculation sheet Centrifugal pump seals Pump drivers and utilities Reacceleration requirement The principle of the turbine driver The performance of the steam turbine 18.3 Compressors Calculating horsepower of centrifugal compressors Centrifugal compressor surge control, performance curves and seals Specifying a centrifugal compressor Calculating reciprocating compressor horsepower Reciprocating compressor controls and inter-cooling Specifying a reciprocating compressor Compressor drivers, utilities, and ancillary equipment 18.4 Heat exchangers General design considerations Choice of tube side versus shell side Estimating shell and tube surface area and pressure drop Air coolers and condensers Condensers Reboilers 18.5 Fired heaters Codes and standards Thermal rating Heater efficiency Burners Refractories, stacks, and stack emissions Specifying a fired heater Appendices 18.1 LMTD correction factors 18.2 Heat of combustion of fuel oils 18.3 Heat of combustion of fuel gasses 18.4 Values for coefficient C 18.5 Some common heat transfer coefficients 18.6 Standard exchanger tube sheet data Chapter 19. A dictionary of terms and expressions Appendices A Examples of working flow sheets B General data B1 Friction loss for viscous liquids B2 Resistance of valves and fittings B3 Viscosity versus temperature B4 Specific gravity versus temperature B5 Relationship between specific gravity and API degrees B6 Flow pressure drop for gas streams B7 Relationship of chords, diameters, and areas C A selection of crude oil assays D Conversion factors E An example of an exercise using linear programming Linear programming aids decisions on refinery configurations Alphabetic index دانلود ifile.it
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برچسب زده شده با :
الکل اصطلاح «الکل» به گروه وسیعی از مولکولهای آلی اطلاق میشود که یک گروه هیدروکسیل (-OH) پیوسته به اتم کربن اشباع شده است اتیل الکل که گاهی الکل نوشیدنی هم نامیده میشود برای خوردن مورد استفاده قرار میگیرد. طعم و مزه مشخص مشروبات الکلی مختلف، حاصل روشهای تولید آنها است، که در محصول نهایی به پیدایش متجانسهای مختلف میانجامد، هرچند متجانسها ممکن است اثرات روان گردان متفاوت بر مشروبات الکلی مختلف ببخشد، این تفاوتها عملا در مقایسه با اثر خود اتانول جزئی است. معهذا بر حسب اندازههای متوسط مشروبها، پزشک میتواند تخمین بزند که یک پیمانه مشروب، سطح الکل خون یک شخص 150 پوندی را 15 تا 20 میلیگرم در دسی لیتر بالا میبرد، تقریبا غلظت الکلی است که یک فرد معمولی میتواند در هر ساعت متابولیزه کند (مراجعه به جدول - آیا مست هستید؟) جذب الکل: حدود 10 درصد الکل مصرفی از معده و باقی آن از روده کوچک جذب میشود مصرف سریع رسیدن به اوج غلظت خونی را تسریع و مصرف تدریجی زمان آن را طولانی میکند. بدن در مقابل مغلوب شدن به وسیلهی الکل به برخی مکانیسمهای محافظتی مجهز است، اگر غلظت الکل معده بالا رود، موکوز ترشح شده و دریچه پیلوریک بسته میشود،به این ترتبیب ممکن است مقادیر زیادی الکل ساعتها در معده غیر قابل جذب بماند، به علاوه اسپاسم پیلور موجب تهوع و استفراغ میگردد. الکل پس از جذب شدن به گردش خون، در تمام نسوج بدن پخش میشود. آثار مسمومیت زمانی بارزتر است که سطح الکل در خون به سرعت بالا میرود تا وقتی که به تدریج جذب و اکسیده شده و سطح آن نزول می یابد. (پدیده ملانبی Melanby-effect) به این دلیل، سرعت جذب رابطه مستقیم با واکنشهای مسموم کننده (مستیبخش)دارد
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- مهندسی شیمی
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