بارناکل …barnacles

بازدید: 6018 بازدید

Victorian zoologist Louis Agassiz, “nothing more than a little shrimp-like animal, standing on its head in a limestone house and kicking food into its mouth. Barnacles have the longest penis in the animal kingdom, in proportion to their body length. They are abundant on the seashore, docks, and pilings.

How Barnacles Eat
Barnacles have appendages called cirri. They reach out into the water and grab food particles like a scoop net. When the cirri is drawn back, the food is scraped off into the mouth.

نام فایل: بارناکل …barnacles

مشاهده کامل مطلب: لینک به تالار گفتگو

منبع: نواندیشان
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